Dettol helps us combat HFMD

[sponsored review]

Mummy and Daddy likes to tell us, that our floor used to be so shiny…

However, once the kids came out, we always see milk, noodle, rice, fries, and sweets after meal times! No wonder our pets are all so fat.

Maybe Dettol noticed our family is bigger and somehow our hall is often not tidy (embarrassing), they offer us some Dettol products to trial hehe.

One thing we cannot compromise is sanitization. Kids must wash hand before and after food consumption. Germs spread through touch, and our hands are always the first point of contact.

If your child attends preschool at childcare centres, you will NOT want to hear about HFMD (Hand Foot Mouth Disease) ! During HFMD outbreaks, parents must cooperate with teachers to contain the outbreak, the sanitzation enforcement become even more critical.

There were 20,687 cases in 2011, till date 2012Sep, Singapore already has 31,590 cases! (reference from “Reckitt Benckiser”‘s report)

In the video, Boon Yee and Boon Xin shows you how Dettol protects our family with 8 steps of washing hand πŸ™‚

Dettol believes that “A healthy body = A healthy Mind“. Recently, Dettol conducted a study on children’s health. Daddy would like to share a few points :

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a) In a recent Child Health Intelligence & Performance (CHIP) Study1 commissioned by Dettol India, it was noted that those who fall sick less frequently and go to school regularly are likely to do much better in exams.

They may not only be at an advantage in terms of learning and knowledge but also in terms of cognitive development.

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b) Although the spread of germs is inevitable, the rate of the risk of infection can be dramatically reduced through the simple act of hand washing. Hand washing with antibacterial soap and water has also been proven to reduce chances of falling sick.

For example, results have shown that hand washing after using the toilet, as well as before and after handling food, can reduce incidences of diarrhoea among children under by almost 50%.

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c) Dettol would like to share the 8 steps of washing hand.

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For additional perspectives on HFMD, please visit :
HFMD resources (MOH, HPB)
– ** Inconsiderate parents are not helping to contain disease (in childcare centres)
Dettol’s auto sanitizer
Boon Wee caught on TV8 inspecting toilets

Looking at the hardworking kids photos above, we hope fellow parents would be inspired to make their kids sweat :p

We are giving away two bags of Dettol products worth $40.

Contest Instructions :
1) “Like” fanpage SengkangBabies and Dettol
2. Click to go to our Fanpage, and tell us what difficulties did you encounter, when you try to teach kids good hygiene practices.

3) Two winners will be randomly picked on 04th Oct 11pm.

We wish our contestants luck, and we would like to thanks Dettol and Vibes for keeping our home safe.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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