When are we ever ready to let go?

When are we ever ready to let go?

As my eldest boy will be encroaching into teenage territory soon, this question keeps popping up.

The kids are growing up to be more independent and confident, but it also means they will soon have their own social circle. They might not join us in all our family outings, sometimes, they find venues (and events) childish too.

Boon Kang (No2) is P3, and he suddenly requests to cycle to school today.
Alarm rings off. Is he ready?

Actually, are we Parents ready?

Parents always give kids less credit than they deserve.
Will he know how to cross the road safely?
Will he pay attention even when Green light in his favour?
Can we trust his judgement?

Video : Paranoid Daddy need to spy on Boon Kang to make sure he is careful on the road.

Look Right Look Left, No car, Go.
Daddy always nag before we cross the road.

They will soon outgrow their kiddie bikes, and carefree childhood behind.

Video : You only have one childhood, make it memorable!

Dilemma of parenting, we want them to grow up safely and mature, yet we miss their cute growing-up faces and actions.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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