SGSecure, keep Singapore Safe

SGSecure (Singapore Secure) should not be new to Singapore. We see the logos on media, apps and campaigns. Outreach effort to reach school, communities and society. Our ministers are reminding us “Not If but When”.

SGSecure app

We cannot only rely on security forces to protect us, everyone must be vigilant. SGSecure App allows us to report suspicious incidences and it can warn us to avoid incident areas too.

On one of our breakfast trips, we witnessed some SGSecure activities at Teck Ghee during Emergency Preparedness Day (EP), communities would get to witness how security forces handle disasters and incidences (especially terrorists related).

Community must trust and support each other, otherwise the perpetrators would have achieve their objectives. You might be surprised but some actually believe that Singapore’s racial-harmony happens by chance. With new immigrants in our melting pot, it will only get more challenging to gel everyone towards a common objective, that is

Keeping Singapore Safe.

Emergency Preparedness Day

The breakfast crowd witnessed how terrorists “kill” indiscriminately and took some hostages. Police and Protection forces were subsequently activated to subdue the bad guys.

Some of the take home message from our EP episode.

It might look a bit drama (staged), but we hope Singapore would be able to react to a real situation and stand strong in the aftermath.

Kids understand more about SGsecure’s take home message. One of it is “Run, Hide, Tell“. When it is not safe to call 999, we can sms 71999 to alert Police.

Everyone can apply “Press, Tie and Tell” to help another person.
In an emergency, ambulance might not reach us in time, and we need to alleviate a casualty’s condition and prolong his life. You need not be a first aider to apply some basic first aid skills.

Image credit SGSecure

Once situation under control, SCDF can evacuate the casualties and MP shake hands 🙂

Teaser 1. How many of you know about the nearest bomb shelter? I know Sengkang and Punggol MRT are not shelters, nearest one is at Buangkok MRT (refer SCDF website) .

I hesitate to mention HDB’s shelter storeroom, my family got six members, how to squeeze in?

Teaser 2.
In an earlier posts about 15th Feb, fall of Singapore during World War 2, I was not surprised that kids might not have any impression. Schools might let them prepare some sweet potatoes and social studies refresh the importance of history.

What was surprising was parents were not aware of significance of 15th Feb!

(but we all know 14th Feb Valentine’s)


Are Singaporeans really too complacent and naive when it comes to security matters?

Teaser 3.
How many kids were born when United States WTC (World Trade Centres) went down during event 911 (in 2001)? Till today, we still cannot fathom why terrorists would ram jets into buildings! Or do the kids even remember the riots in Little India?


Image credit SGSecure

War need not longer be conventional, other countries and ideologies might just need to engage in cyber attacks (fake news) to sow mistrust and break our social fabric and turn communities against one another.

Marawi is not exactly far from Singapore. We hear about radicals and extremists in Malaysia and Indonesia. Even Singaporeans are being radicalised!

Even if the terrorists are not on our shore yet, Singaporeans love to travel. We better know how to respond and evacuate during an emergency.

Video (YouTube link): Drilling the kids on fire evacuation


Do pop by other security related posts on our blog ->  (Some topics include First aid kits and extinguishers at home, HDB evacuation)

Look out for the next Emergency Preparedness Day scheduled from MHA link (Ministry of Home Affairs). We would recommend these three venues for the next family outing.

Harmony in Diversity gallery)
– Fire stations open house

Fire station open house

More about SGSecure and Police Repsonses on YouTube:
Run Hide Tell


(I am not talking about all the fake news online yet, it will be challenging for us to identify what is true and false in an emergency) 

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

9 thoughts on “SGSecure, keep Singapore Safe”

  1. I downloaded the app earlier this year and I have a few policemen friends so am familiar with Run Hide Tell. Think they have done a very good job in schools cos even my Pri 3 kid can tell me ‘Not if, but when’.

  2. This is an eye-opener. I was not knowing some of the things at all like nearest bomb shelter etc. It’s always best to be vigilant and keep Singapore one of the safest and secured most countries.

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