Exercise Torrent 2016, before the fighter jets can take off

[ Media Invite ]

I was at Lim Chu Kang road (next to Tengah Air Base TAB) to witness RSAF prepare for Exercise Torrent 2016. Airplane enthusiasts would not miss Exercise Torrent, it is way better than any RSAF (Republic Singapore Air Force) open house.

(The actual launching for F15s and F16s are documented here)
Exercise Torrent 2016

You will never get any nearer to the LOUD jets taking off a few lanes away from you!
Check out the Hawkeye E2C unfolding its wings like Transformers in this video clip and road preparation here. I hesitated to bring my kids along as I thought they might find the repetitive landings and take-offs boring after a while :p

Before the birds F16 and F15 can take off from Lim Chu Kang Road (LCK), there are a lot of activities to accomplish 48 hours beforehand.

How many contractors are needed to clear the road signs?

How many people do we need to dismantle a Bus Stop?

Can you guess the amount of Railings along Lim Chu Kang road?

Many lamp posts were taken down.

Now multiply the amount of efforts above along 2.5km. Personnel had to dismantle 153 LAMP POSTS, 14 TRAFFIC JUNCTIONS, 12 BUS STOPS, 58 ROAD SIGNS AND 1.2KM OF GUARD RAILS! (This is crazy!)
(Image credit RSAF)

Our contractors must be amused at the level of attention which they are drawing. We took so many photos and videos of them hard at work 🙂

Food for thought, are we going to rely on our foreign contractors during period of tension?
All these dismantling involved a lot of manual labour, which is time consuming and not productive at all.
Perhaps DSTA (Defence Science) can improvised some effective ways to quickly dismantle the infrastructure along Lim Chu Kang road (example, you press one button and all surface infrastructure will automatically fold down)

We heard one speed camera was removed too, otherwise the camera will keep on flashing at the Speeding Birds :p

Torrent 2008 was the 6th exercise, we had waited 8 years for you 🙂

Video (link) : It took RSAF and partners 48 hours to transform Lim Chu Kang road for Exercise Torrent 2016

Multiple agencies are also involved in Exercise Torrent. Just to name a few, Nparks (Pruning of plants), AVA (the farms around Lim Chu Kang), LTA (Road infrastructures dismantling), Singapore Police (Road diversion), National Environment Agency (pest and perhaps mosquito control).

Other equipment and assets deployed during Exercise Torrent.

Mobile Air Traffic Control (MATC) tower, this cabin might be the best spot to view all the activities! (got aircon too)
Did you know that Singapore also deployed MATCs in Banda Aceh after Boxing Day Tsunami?

Mobile Arrestor Gear (MAG) will stop all planes! The steel hookwire is deployed across the road attached to two MAG (each weighing 8 tonnes). Unlike Aircraft carriers, which must stop all planes on the short platform, MAG is only used during emergencies.

Be prepared to watch MAG in action again a F16, a first for Exercise Torrent!

Picture below, clockwise from top left:
FOD Killer in action (FOD stands for Foreign Object damage). This road sweeper can suck up magnetic (screws nuts etc) which might damage the fighter jets
– Second and third pic – Solar powered Airfield lights to demarcate the runway (These are not your usual camping lights from Decathlon)
PAPI ( Precision Approach Path Indicator) – Pilots use them to guide landing angle (4 White too high, 4 Red too low), must aim for 2 White and 2 Red.

We must not forget the Force Protection team, who will ensure that exercise will run smoothly and mitigate any security incidence which might occur. I understand some of them are reservists and will be sacrificing their weekends with the Air Force family.

2.8km of concertina wires were laid to fence off the temporary runway, I hate these “metal barbs”!

This weekend, Lim Chu Kang will be closed to the public until Sunday 2pm (Map and details link)

Some other interesting sights.

No chickens are running away today, we also heard the fowls were stressed from the jets afterburners (previous Torrents) and eggs production were affected :p


Since the last Torrent, Skyhawks and Hawkeyes had been retired (and F5 with their parachutes semi-retired?), I am wondering whether Gulfstream will make a guest appearance?

The stage is set. I hoped media group can stand next to the drain for maximum adrenaline 🙂

During Torrent 2016 (7th edition), 12 fighter jets will be roaring across Lim Chu Kang (F15 and F16).

I cannot wait for the weekend to come. Exercise Torrent 2016 is going to Rock Lim Chu Kang!
More photos have been uploaded on our Facebook.

For the latest updates, do follow RSAF on their Facebook, and Twitter and Instagram on @TheRSAF handler.

Go and ask the kids why Singapore need extra Lim Chu Kang runway?
(If you Google, you will know the number of runways at TAB)

*update* 2016 13 Nov – Post 2 on actual F15 and F16 landing along Lim Chu Kang, read here

Pasteurized eggs in Singapore

[ Media Invite ]

If you are shopping for eggs, you might notice a certain brand Egg Story with a “P”.

P stands for Pasteurized, and we were invited to visit the one and only farm in Singapore with the capability to produce Pasteurized fresh eggs, N&N Agriculture.
Pasteurized eggs Singapore

Daddy admits he is not the chap shopping for eggs at supermarkets. And if you ask him to buy a dozen, he will just tikum (random) pick any brand, price and packaging.
After all, eggs are eggs right?

A farm visit would be perfect to help Daddy understand more about eggs, pasteurized ones. The term “Pasteurized eggs” is new to Daddy too, what is the difference from a normal egg?

During our orientation, N & N shared their Egg Story, and AVA (Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority)’s stringent safety regulations. Food contamination can happen when personnel do not practice good hygiene habits (washing hand, separating raw and cooked food etc).

We are impressed by the technology used to pasteurize the eggs, and the different brands of eggs a single farm produces.
N & N Agriculture produces about 400,000 eggs per day. Daddy did some digging and realised Singaporeans love Eggs. We consume over 300 million eggs every year!

Some benefits of Pasteurized Eggs are listed in Egg Story’s brochures. The quality is especially beneficial for more vulnerable individuals, like children, pregnant ladies,
seniors and individuals with lower immunity.

Before we were allowed inside the hi-tech farm, we need to wear our spacesuits (protective gears for bio-security reasons). It is crucial to ensure we do not contaminate the production area.
farm visits protection clothings

We are not allowed to photo the (patented) Pasteurization process, but you can try to imagine the eggs going inside a jacuzzi. The water temperature is precisely controlled over a period of time to ensure accurate pasteurization. The timings and temperature controls are delicate, too hot and the eggs would be cooked, too cold and the Salmonella bacteria and Bird Flu virus will not be effectively killed

We were told that bacteria and virus can be inside or outside an egg shell.
Each egg shell has almost 20 000 pores on the surface (for embryo to breath), and sometimes bacteria can sneak in, if the natural protective layer of an egg is breached.

Bacteria like Salmonella and Bird flu virus are harmful for human consumption. If a mother hen is already infected, her eggs may be contaminated during egg formation in the hen.

After each batch of eggs is pasteurized, they are coated with a layer of food-grade wax. This protects the pasteurized eggs and keeps them fresh too.

So, what is the pasteurization process, and why is it beneficial?
More details available on Egg Story’s FAQ page.
Eggs Pasteurization process

This is the factory floorspace after the pasteurization process, where the eggs are waxed, sorted and packaged.

Factory bloggers workers inspecting N & N’s pasteurized eggs.

N & N’s Pasteurized eggs in the news.

Difference between Pasteurized and normal eggs?
Appearance wise, a Pastuerized egg white would be slightly more cloudy (due to protein structure change during the Pasteurization process), but the eggs are not cooked and their nutritional value and flavour are retained.

Now that we know Pasteurized eggs offer more protection against infection from Salmonella bacteria and Bird Flu virus, how is the taste compared to a normal egg?

Our half-boiled pasteurized Eggs taste exactly the same and the texture similar.
We are happy to note that the price difference is minimal for Pasteurized eggs too.

When Daddy goes eggs shopping next time, he will be looking out for Egg Story pastuerized eggs marked with “P”.

Hint: Pasteurized eggs are available at these supermarket stores, and they are in the chiller section (for freshness).

Our Nutritious and Healthy Pasteurized eggs.

(Image credit N & N Agriculture)

We would like to thanks N & N Agriculture for hosting us, do pop by their website and fanpage to learn more about Pasteurized Eggs, recipes too. Their company motto is “以人为本”.

Fairprice, Cold Storage, Giant and Sheng Siong, are you hiring egg promoters?

Are you ready for more good news? From now till 31st Aug, N & N Agriculture is running a contest. Just watch a video, and 5 winners stand to walk away with $300 supermarket voucher each.

Click the “Sweepstakes” tab at N & N Agriculture Fanpage (do take note link might not work from a mobile phone).

Disclaimer. This is a sponsored post.