Justice League Run superheroes!

[ Media Invite ]

I was supposed to run as Batman at Justice League Run 2015, but I was out of town.
Mummy stood up and took my place, as Flash!

Heroes and villains, cheerleaders encouraged runners along the 5km route.

Earlier on, I had some reservations, what if kids fall or worse got lost etc?
I kept emphasizing to them to stay together, leave no one behind.

My boys proved that they are mature enough to handle 5km run, and look after each other at the same time. They need no Superman, Batman or Wonderwoman to provide inspirations.
The boys can count on each other for moral support and motivation.

Mummy told me they ran non-stop to the end, completing 5km race in under 45 minutes. Bravo!

Boon Xin on the other hand, needs more running workshops. Our girl has put on some weight, and she struggled to keep up with Mummy hee hee. Everyone managed to link up at the finishing point πŸ™‚
Justice DC league run

All are champions in my eyes. Proud of the kids. Proud of Mummy. They are all Superheroes in my eyes!

Sometimes, the only way to let the kids grow, is to let go (放手). Justice League Run just reinforced how much my kids have matured and are now independent.

I am one proud Daddy!

(Visit our 5km runs, Safra , Energizer, Sundown, HelloKitty, ZooRun, Justice League)