Top 5 Kidzania Singapore jobs

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What are the top 5 Kidzania Singapore jobs?
The choices are very subjective, as some might prefer sports, doctors, rides or even sports-themed careers. Most jobs were interesting (and adorable), and it is quite impossible to list the Top 5.

I would not hesitate to recommend Food-related careers (imagine junior masterchefs diy their own meals), kids look adorable in aprons and the food taste nice too πŸ™‚

We had been to Kidzania Kuala Lumpur (KL) and also Taipei Baby Boss. Each experience is difference, and always memorable. Kidzania Singapore was another Fun experience for us (yes parents too).
kidzania Singapore

Kidzania experience in short, for first timers.
– Kids go to work, get paid and they can choose to pay for food or souvenirs. Parents just accompany and take tons of photos and videos πŸ™‚

More tips to improve your Kidzania Singapore experience

1) Identify the must-do and nice-to-do jobs (Browse “Kids Activities” under Kidzania website)
2) You might complete between 8 to 10 jobs per day (estimate around 30 minutes per job, not including queuing time)

3) Read the “Insurance Office” Job description below
Capacity – maximum number of kids (kids queue up before the next session)
Duration – 25 minutes to complete job (if you are sending kids to multiple jobs, remember the end timing to pickup kids)
Age Suggested
Economy – Positive means you earn (ie Income), example 4 KidZos. Negative means you are paying for service (food, education, insurance etc), our example indicates -3 KidZos


4) Adults homework, master the common Kidzania lingo to impress the little ones (Kool!).
Kai – Hello
KidZos – Money
Zanks – Thanks
Z-U – See You

You know kids love their Kidzania experience when they use “Kai” at home.

5) Related to point 1, orientate the maps (First and second floor below). Plan your job itinerary route.
If lost, ask the friendly Kidzania staffs :p
Kidzania Singapore map

You will not have time to “navigate or plan” the jobs once you reach Kidzania.
Kids will be pulling you in all directions!

Second floor house Qatar pilots and air crew. Queues of up to 45 minutes or 1 hour is very common.
Second floor

The smaller siblings will usually follow the older ones.
Nothing is more satisfying for me, than to hear my kids tell me they wish to chart their own “career paths”.

6) Take note some jobs have pre-requisites. Example climbing needs Insurance coverage, driving needs Optical check, Soccer player needs to register as Trainees first (25 mintes). This additional steps are reflective of real-life scenarios, but a bit inconvenient to “detour”.
(I would prefer Kidzania to keep it simple, remove the pre-requisites)

7) Finally, choose Maybank debit card for the kids. All cash transactions will be electronic and easy.
Kids need not stuff their money all over their pockets.

Let us get started, HAVE FUN!

At the “airport terminal counter”, are you ready to checkin and depart for your destination of Fun.
kidzania Singapore age limit

The first thing to do at Kidzania is to open an account and get your Debit card πŸ™‚
After registration, we get 20 Kidzos, open a Maybank account and top another 30 Kidzos in your Debit card.

Every child will start with 50 kidzos.
kidzania maybank

Financial industry might have the best paying job, shortest working hours, highest pay cheque.

F&B career, always Fun and satisfying. Pick from KFC, Candy, Ice Cream, Pizza or Soup.
kidzania F&B career

Bak Kwa from ζž—εΏ—ζΊ too! (pity it is not real deal hee hee)
kidzania Singapore bak kwa

Some of the other corners which we did not have time to explore. Kidzania is spacious and you will see kids dashing excitedly from one corner to another. Moms and Dads will be chasing behind with cameras πŸ™‚
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Doctors and nurses anyone? Mount Elizabeth brings a few medical professions to Kidzania (Paramedic, Surgeon, Baby Expert, Radiologist) .Kids always look cute in gowns (our Mount E experience).

I hinted to Boon Xin CT scan is less fun than babies.
kidzania Singapore doctor

Kids undergoing Paramedic crash course at A&E, the highlight would be the ride in their ambulance.
Kidzania ambulance

..or treating an injured pedestrian. I hope Kidzania compensate Uncle David for his realistic portrayal πŸ™‚
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DJ you rock! Kiss92 Radio Station was the surprise package for us. DJs can groove and dance in the studio, looks cool in their jacket. They can do some broadcasting into the mic too πŸ™‚
Kidzania DJ Kiss92

Police matters, your friendly neighbourhood police post.
kidzania police

Nope, no one was caught and impounded. Rather, kids quickly “volunteer” to break into the jail :p
Top 5 jobs at Kidzania Singapore

Firefighters (SCDF) and Police work hand in hand to put out the fire. Kids can spray real water! I am not sure which real-life job pays you to take fun ride, wear costumes, spray water and put out fire.

Fireman rocks, thank you SCDF!
Kidzania Singapore fire engine

Sporty kids will find the Stadium (soccer pitch) irresistible.
Wear your “jersey”, pretend you are Liverpool or Barcelona, and playoff another team.
Pitch size is about the same for futsal, but kids can really dribble and take penalty shots (poor Goalie, who is Kidzania staff :p )
kidzania Singapore stadium

Do take note you need to signup as rookie (trainee for 5 Kidzos), before you are able to play in the professional league. Total time is around 50 minutes. Besides soccer, we saw job openings for cheerleaders too πŸ™‚
kidzania Singapore soccer

Delivery (KZ Express), this lady courier does not know how to topo (navigate) yet haha. During internship she kept nodding her head, come out blur :p

But Boon Xin did noticed postmaster has issued her two identical parcels to same customer.
Choose either delivery jobs (Vault or Courier) for some Fun trolley experience.

Courier gal is so adorable, I will not scold her even if she is late.
Cute kidzania jobs

Delivering gold bars? (Vault)
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Cosplay at Perenakan or Cowabunga(Ninja turtles) at Acting academy πŸ™‚
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Besides the popular Ambulance and Fire Engine, car lovers can go around in WTS’ truck too. Be a Kidzania Tourist.
The other driving activity is “Driving School”, take up a driving license and ride around a small circuit (With petrol station). Driving in Singapore (just like COE) is not cheap :p
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Nanyang optical, Xin seems keen to wear specs Oh No!
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Anyone need to scrub your windows? Fortunately, kids need not take jack lift to clean higher floor window panels. No excuse for them not to help out at home anymore.
Kidzania Singapore jobs
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Overcome your fear of height and go rock (building) climbing. Harness on, helmet on, remember to buy your travel insurance first haha. Aim for the roof.
kidzania Singapore rock climbing

Shopping time, retail therapy after working so hard. Time to reward kids for their hard work.
how to use kidzos

Ticket pricing. To get your money’s worth, stay the maximum 5 or 8 hours. It is going to be a tiring day, well no one say working is easy :p
Kidzania Singapore Tickets

Checkout at immigration counter, we are all foreigners (and visitors) in the city of Kidzania haha. As part of Kidzania’s safety assurance, kids can only check-out when their “bracelet” matches that of their parent or guardian.
kidzania safety

Kids will not be able to finish all the jobs in one or two days, there is a lot of return opportunities for Kidzania.

Daddy can I do this, Mommy can I cook that?
You will see a lot of happy kids and their questions.
Parents are all smiling silly at the cute kiddos πŸ™‚

Yes kids. Yes yes yes, as long as you like it, you can take up any career.

Preparing for your visit :

* Although most jobs are suitable for kids 4 and above, take note parents cannot accompany them inside the “office/factory/kitchen” etc. Some kids might be uncomfortable (separation anxiety) once the door is closed. Reassure them that Mummy/Daddy can see them through the window.

Opening hours and Ticket prices : (we are curious why Kidzania need to charge $35 for adults entry?)
kidzania singapore ticket prices
(Screenshot above credit Kidzania)

– Buy your tickets online, as there are limited slots per day (Maybank customers enjoy 10% discount)
– 8 hours not enough , parents will be very tired at the end of day, kids are fueled by adrenaline
– I have counted 53 jobs from the maps, more excuses for you to return another day
– Please bring extra battery, memory card and powerbank

– My own personal view. Between a popular job which requires 60 minutes queue, kids might be able to squeeze in another two careers ( with shorter queues)

– Parents cannot go into kids’ office, you can only take photos from outside window panes.
– Do not queue up on kids behalf, you will get death stares!
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– We can keep the kidzos for another visit (overseas Kidzania too)
– Check balance

– Those with multiple kids, might allow kids to hunt for their own jobs, pick them up when they knockoff. I was the only parent running around after the kids, not easy and super tiring πŸ™‚

– In case kids are lost, meetup at a pre-defined venue. Example meet at Maybank, and Daddy will come and pick you up.

– Nearest carpark is at Beach carpark
– GPS 1.251452, 103.820412

Wishlist :
– Why no Annual pass?
– Perhaps, indicate timing of next job (so parents can plan their itinerary better )

Follow Kidzania on their website and Fanpage for the latest updates.

We would recommend you to pop by our friends’ review to shortlist your kids’ ideal jobs πŸ™‚
Life Tiny Miracles
KL Kidzania
– Taipei Baby Boss

Video (link) – Kidzania Singapore Fun video

More photos uploaded on our fanpage album
Kidania Singapore photos

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Tickets Giveaway :

1. Contest is on our Fanpage
2. Fans must first LIKE Kidzania and SengkangBabies Fanpage.
3. Leave your name and email on our Fanpage (or you can message email address), share with us your child’s dream job!

kidzani tickets giveaway

4. Share this page (refer step 3) on your Facebook Wall and tag @SengkangBabiesBlog
(so that we know you are participating)

5. To earn extra chances (maximum up to three chances):
5a) Leave your message and regram our Instagram photo and/or
5b) Leave your comments in blog post below

6. Contest ends 03 June 10pm, and one winner will be randomly picked

*This contest is only for those with a valid Singapore address.
**Selected winner must respond within 48 hours

KidZania Malaysia review

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Our Ice cream is GOOD ! Especially when the kids know they were involved in the “manufacturing” process.
Kidzania Malaysia

SengkangBabies were invited to KidZania Kuala Lumpur (KL) earlier this month. At the Curve, AirAsia greeted us when we arrive. When Daddy told us that we can be pilots, kids’ eyes brighten up.

Kidzania Kuala Lumpur

We all know how HR (Human resource) disdain Job Hopping. At KidZania, everyone is encouraged to try as many jobs as possible :p

With over 60 establishments and more than 90 activities spread over two floors, kids will be spoil for choice (no need JobsDB or LinkedIn!).

A) How can parents maximise the FUN ?
1 – Identify those must-do and nice-to-do jobs beforehand. (Click for interactive map). Once at KidZania, no time for planning, as kids will be pulling you in all directions !

Read the contract before signing The Job recruitment rules are pretty straightforward :

2 – Shortlist the suitable jobs (age, fun factor, estimated waiting time)
3 – Queue in the yellow boxes
4 – Each Job duration might last 15 to 20 mins
5 – Collect salary (KidZos)

Do take note adults can only catch the kids’ activities from behind a glass panel. Older kids will have an opportunity to take care of the younger siblings. Kid/s learn to be independent, and follow instructions.

.. even when they all go to jail together.

No worry if the kids do not understand KidZania’s National Language at first, they will pick it up along the way. But if parents wish to impress the kids, do your homework recital.

Kai, Z-U :p

The first step for kids would be to cash in their cheques at CIMB bank. With the KidZos (KidZania currency), kids can start to work immediately.

** after a while, kids will run out of pockets to keep their stash of Kidzos, adults can volunteer to be the bankers.

Earlier, we saw the exposed AirAsia cockpit outside the building. Kids can actually serve Coffee, Tea or Orange inside the jumbo. Who wants to be a flight attendant or pilot with AirAsia?

Expect long queues, it is a pity the adults cannot see what is going on in the cockpit. We can buy the photos thereafter.

Postman anyone? The highlight is not the delivery, but the opportunity to man-handle the trolley at TOP speed. Kids need to deliver parcel to three spots and get the owners to sign on the delivery receipt.

Daddy had to keep shouting “Slow down!”, “Watch out for strollers !” from behind oops.

Daddy the GPS.

At another corner, kids can clean the window panes, lay the bricks as contractor or painter. Daddy figure we need a junior contractor at home to fix-it next time.

Energy Technician. This was not one of our must-do job, but helmets always look good on kids. The tall ladder definitely looks inviting ! Everyone loves to Climb right?

The smaller kids always get to wave the stick and control the human traffic. Boon Xin has an easy job, she just need to act cute.

Working Full-day with the kids from 10am to 5pm, no wonder the adults are tired out. Mummy could do with a massage, and Daddy needs caffeine to keep going.

Fortunately, KidZania has a lounge to cater to the parents. No kids allowed heh heh πŸ™‚

With Police so cute, the crooks will be caught easily, as they will be giggling at the oversized uniforms and forget to run away !

Be it Artist or Painter, one gets to express his creativity.

James Bond anyone? You can play Secret Agent and bungee jump from the third storey, or scale the wall like Spiderman! Thrill-seekers Hi-5 !

Sushi or Marry Brown (burger) never mind.

Kids will love to “cook” and prepare their own dishes ! Do take note we need to pay for F&B (Food and Beverage) careers, as kids will get to keep the we-hope-it-is-yummy meal.

Mummy thought the sushi (not Sashimi) is quite delicious !

Vitagen too wow! Our little scientist is concocting the perfect flavour.

With the hard earned money, Daddy say we can save for the PS/3 at KidZania Departmental store.

.. we were so happy until we saw the price!
We will need to slog countless OT (overtime).

Hand tattoo and face mask will be more affordable πŸ™‚

More landmarks at KidZania.

Two vehicles will roam KidZania with their Sirens.

Ambulance – Kids can opt to be Paramedic or Patient. Most will choose paramedic, as patient earns less money. Imagine being tied to the stretcher haha, and the child still need to act sick.

The ambulance ride is definitely the highlight ! Yee-or Yee-or hear the siren blare down the street !

The other popular ride is the red Fire Engine. Everyone is queuing to be a Fireman. Kids get to ride a fire-engine, put out a Hotel fire, and get paid.

It is worth the 20 to 30 min queue !

Fire prevention tips. KidZania is all about education through Fun.

With their paramedic experience, the kids got promoted to ER. The emergency room even allow the Surgeons and Nurses to rip open the mannequin’s ribcage and reveal the nicotine tarred lungs and pumping heart. They even got to rub the plates and apply a Shock to the poor mannequin.

…. CLEAR ! Shock! The heartbeat came online again….

Daddy told Mummy kids had seen too much TV dramas on Mediacorp CH 8.
How did they know about CPR?

In case we decide to run a Nursery next time, Boon Kang and Boon Xin will be certified. They were powdering the babies’ butts.

Their smiles are priceless, adorable and CutE !

Tesco, NTUC or Cold Storage anyone? We did not have time to try this, but it seems fun to have a shopping list, checkout.

Just like real life, we earn income, we will get taxed, no one likes the Tax man πŸ™
No wonder the Tax office could not attract any interns.

Maybe these two careers will prompt kids to take care of their Eyesight and Dental hygiene.

You can be a Car Salesman, Mechanic or even Test driver.
But the cars are too s.l.o.w.

Boon Wee is old enough to watch the news bulletin sometimes. What if he can be the TV broadcaster? It was interesting to immerse ourselves in the studio environment, and read from the script.

Those who cannot articulate well enough, can be the camera man, producer, sound man. Behind the scene setup looks professional, we can even buy the News-bulletin’s replay Dvd.

Video : Check out their TV7 recording on this clip

Boon Wee was happy to select his own career. He decided to loan a Mobile phone and went sight-seeing in the town. His task is to identify and take photos of a few landmarks, maybe like journalist. We were glad that he was helping the younger siblings with the instructions too.

Happy workers, especially when you can drink your “own” Vitagen.

The last job of the day was to craft our own Mint Melt Ice Cream. This is Ice cream manufactured from sub-zero compress Nitrogen, so kids really get to enjoy concentrated ice cream.

Before heading back, we pose with our favourite KidZania characters. Did you notice all of them are still smiling after 6 hours of work πŸ™‚

Like most theme parks, we spend some time at the souvenir shop for last minute shopping.

We would like to thanks KidZania Malaysia for the invite. Besides having Fun, our kids also learn about the importance of Money Kidzos. It was reassuring for us parents to witness the siblings helping each other out.

Tips for working smart in KidZania
– Go on a weekday, less queue, you can then opt to play some Fun career twice
– Do not miss the F&B (Food and Beverage) jobs ! It is so much Fun to make your own breakfast, lunch, snack, beverage and dinner !
– Take the opportunity to let kids know that money do not drop from the sky, and efforts matter
– Be Brave and watch our kids explore and venture out there on his own. He or she will surprise you with his independence
– Although most jobs indicate age 4+, instructions are easy and 3+ child should enjoy most activities too

* Do pop by Jobs@SengkangBabies for more cute photos !!
For latest updates, do pop by KidZania website and Fanpage.

Entrance Fees :
Adult RM 50, Kids (4-17) RM 75 (International Fees)

Opening hours :
Fri – 10am to 5pm
Sat/Sun – 10am to 3pm, 4pm to 9pm (2 sessions)

Location :
Curve NX
18 Jalan PJU 7/5
Mutiara Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

GPS : 3.157743, 101.611202

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We hope you have enjoyed our KidZania Malaysia review, and we strongly recommend to let your kids job-hop at Kidzania Kuala Lumpur too. We cannot cover all the jobs in one day. Do pop by our friends’ reviews too :

– More exclusive photos (Hospital and Cockpit) from VenusBuzz
– MamaShoppe’s Bangkok KidZania
– Singapore’s upcoming KidZania in 2014
– Our Taipei BabyBoss experience

Z-U (See You !)

ps.. Do pop by our Safety driving tips in Malaysia too