NDP 2017 Preview – New attractions

We attended NDP 2017 Preview last Saturday, and we really miss NDP at the floating platform!


NDP17 will be Singapore’s 52nd Birthday πŸ™‚

NDP 2017
NDP 2017

The amazing city skyline, the wide landscape which allows Air, Land and even Sea platforms to make an impact. The setting Sun will bring another atmosphere to the bay.

NDP 2017 preview

Those Dynamic Defence Display shows really looked and sound more impactful when all SAF and Hometeam hardware turn out in full force!

You will see and hear the usual fighter jets and helicopters πŸ™‚


There are several new features for NDP 17 too. Like Yum Seng, an AI host, singing Military Police.Β  Β 

In addition, there are two Dynamic Defence Shows! Showcasing how SG deals with Terrorism #SGSECURE

2017 is also NS50, there is a Soldier in evey home, we salute the NSF, NSman for keeping Singapore Safe.

Not forgetting Hometeam personal for protecting Singapore day in day out too!

The theme for NDP 2017 is #OneNationTogether In this uncertain times, all Singaporeans must stand together and brave any dangers together.


Do you know that the hashtag (# ) is unique to Singapore’ address system too?

Video (YouTube link) : Climb the summit to reach a higher peak!

A pity the 300 drones were missing in NDP 2017 Preview, but the Fireworks were astounding πŸ™‚

With friends and family (Cheekiemonkies), it makes our NDP Preview all the more memorable πŸ™‚

Those heading to NDP Preview 2 tomorrow, enjoy the show! Do pop by NDP website www.ndp.org.sg for the show schedues.

-We would like to recommend taking MRT to the site. We were stuck in Marina Square carpark and surrounding roads for up to 90 minutes after the event, massive jam!

-More photos will be added to the blog over the weekend, meanwhile you can see our Facebook album here.

-Catch all our NDP events here. We were fortunate to attend the NDPs through our blog, had never been successful with the tickets balloting

-Tips for photographing Firework here

-Video (YouTube link): Leaving you with a Fun RHIB ride from NDP 49, super FUN!

2014 NDP Preview of F15SG at Paya Lebar Airbase

Since 2010, F15SG has been a regular feature at National Day Parade (NDP flypast).

The Eagles are always a crowd favourite. Imagine our exhilaration when we were invited to Paya Lebar airbase, home of 149 Squadron (insignia Shikra). We will get to witness the team prepare their F15SGs for NDP2014 Flypast.

Major Wong sharing 149 Squadron’s Shikras formation for NDP flypast. The NDP crowd will wow at the overhead F15SG flypast for a few seconds, but the preparation behind leaves nothing to chance.

Manouvring their F15SG at a height of 1500ft, in close proximity and holding the flight formation, the pilots make it sounds so easy. We heard from the aircrew that the biggest challenge is the unpredictable weather.

Up there in the sky, the only constant is Change, which the experienced pilots take in their stride πŸ™‚

Officer Mess, 149 Squadron has a lot to be proud of.

We were given a tour of the “changing room”, and you can try to role-play as Iceman Maverick pilot too.

Paging for #SengkangBabies, our little pilots’ callsign πŸ™‚
Daddy told the boys they must first be super-fit and maybe go for lasik before they can join the “Above All” team.

Thank you Squadron 149 (and RSAF) for keeping Singapore Safe! We bid goodbye to the pilots as they proceed to prep their F15 Eagles.

You might notice there are 12 pilots. Each F15 Eagle is manned by a crew of two, and one extra F15SG will be available for any contingency.
F15 Singapore

Captain Shrek (his callsign and his build) briefing us on how pilots go through their pre-flight checklists. A competent ground crew is critical to maintaining RSAF’s readiness.

F15 fly past National Day Parade

In the cockpit, Daddy reminded the kids not to thug the Eject handle!

Daddy is intrigued with the multiple red ribbons.

Vents, air-intake, pods, we guys are always curious with the afterburners πŸ™‚

Before the F15SG turn on it’s twin powerplant, we quickly inserted our ear plugs!
Ear plug for fighter jet fly past

F15SG selfie πŸ™‚

Video (link) : RSAF’s F15SG preparing to scramble

Video : Catch Captain Max and Major Edwin on Cyberpioneer (part 1 and part 2), and also how RSAF protects Singapore’s air space.

The enthusiastic media group seizing every opportunity to snap the Shikras πŸ™‚

(image credit RSAF)

Six F15 Eagles preparing to scramble down the runway.

(image credit RSAF)

Thank you Mindef and SQ149 for hosting us !

Checkout our friends’ experience at Paya Lebar Airbase:

We had earlier gather at Air Force Museum. Do pop by our previous cycling and 2008 RSAF Open House experience in Paya Lebar.

Air Force Museum

More photos of our Paya Lebar airbase excursion has been uploaded to our Fanpage album. Sengkangbabies will bring you more NDP updates from the floating platform next week πŸ™‚

**updated 08Jul – We went for NDP 2014’s 1st rehearsal on 05th Jul