OCBC Cycle 2020 is pedaling from now till 15th Nov.
YouTube Video : Cycling FUN!
The Sportive (42km) , Straits Times (23km) and Mighty Savers (kids) categories are still the same. There is not fixed routes this year. You should have enough time to clock above your target mileage.
The biggest difference for OCBC Cycle 2020 is no Race queens. Sorry, I meant 2020 Edition is Virtual!
The #DaddyMatters Uncles are still there, we still clocked our warmups and end our sessions with pratas (read previous OCBC editions here). We did skip the dancing this year.
Like all sports events, Covid19 has changed most events to Virtual.

Flagoff at Bishan Park
So we had two groups flagged off at Bishan Park last Sunday. We had a VIP sponsor our breakfast too, thank you J!

Once a year, we gather for the Dads bonding. I really love this group of folks, we are all busy but we make time for each other.
Me and Randy cycled from Sengkang to meetup with the rest at Bishan Park. This fellow went on to clock his own milestone of 100km!
The 23km Journey
Then we followed Kallang River all the way to Sportshub and Marina Barrage. Most of us have signed up for 23 km ST category.
Nick loves this long3 kao1 (manicured drain).
There are so many cyclists on PCN on Sunday! We had to queue up to cross junction, maintaining social distance.

Below fun shot by David got the feel. LOVE!
Glad to have Dana joined us too.

The destination is important, but we make the Journey Fun and memorable.
Remember this famous bridge? When can we roll down ECP again!
Youturn at Helix Bridge, heading back to Kallang\Bishan. Kakis photo time.

F1 pit stop no tourists, only cyclists.
Prata tradition
Prata to refill our energy. We got Lawrence’s nephew (Ryan) to join us for the first time. Fortunately, he was not turn off by Uncles’ weird antics.
We are friendly folks, most of the time.

Remember to upload your mileage and photos after completing your journey. You will get a certificate and medal (later).
Thank you OCBC Cycle for the fun invite, we enjoy the opportunities for Dads and families to hang out together.
With Covid19 and CB, we also noticed more folks turning to jogging and cycling. Was glad my new foldie could join me this round 🙂
My warmup cycling sessions.
Perfect weather, with a constant breeze.
The Best kakis in Singapore.
Prata and catchup.
You really cannot ask for a better cycling setting than OCBC Cycle 🙂
Although I signed up for 23km, I ended up with 42km. Checkout Relive video below.
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We hope 2021 OCBC Cycling will be a “real”event (not Virtual), with cyclists going down Nicoll Highway and maybe more venues 🙂
Do pop by our previous OCBC Cycling episodes here.
You may follow our family’s cycling events here (local and overseas)
Cheers to more cycling and exploration!