We attended NDP 2017 Preview last Saturday, and we really miss NDP at the floating platform!
NDP17 will be Singapore’s 52nd Birthday π
NDP 2017
The amazing city skyline, the wide landscape which allows Air, Land and even Sea platforms to make an impact. The setting Sun will bring another atmosphere to the bay.
Those Dynamic Defence Display shows really looked and sound more impactful when all SAF and Hometeam hardware turn out in full force!
You will see and hear the usual fighter jets and helicopters π
There are several new features for NDP 17 too. Like Yum Seng, an AI host, singing Military Police.Β Β
In addition, there are two Dynamic Defence Shows! Showcasing how SG deals with Terrorism #SGSECURE
2017 is also NS50, there is a Soldier in evey home, we salute the NSF, NSman for keeping Singapore Safe.
Not forgetting Hometeam personal for protecting Singapore day in day out too!
The theme for NDP 2017 is #OneNationTogether In this uncertain times, all Singaporeans must stand together and brave any dangers together.
Do you know that the hashtag (# ) is unique to Singapore’ address system too?
Video (YouTube link) : Climb the summit to reach a higher peak!
A pity the 300 drones were missing in NDP 2017 Preview, but the Fireworks were astounding π
With friends and family (Cheekiemonkies), it makes our NDP Preview all the more memorable π
Those heading to NDP Preview 2 tomorrow, enjoy the show! Do pop by NDP website www.ndp.org.sg for the show schedues.
-We would like to recommend taking MRT to the site. We were stuck in Marina Square carpark and surrounding roads for up to 90 minutes after the event, massive jam!
-More photos will be added to the blog over the weekend, meanwhile you can see our Facebook album here.
-Catch all our NDP events here. We were fortunate to attend the NDPs through our blog, had never been successful with the tickets balloting
Finally, Army Open House (AOH2017) is back again, after 5 long years.
Singapore Army even extended the event by one day, due to popular demand. After AOH2017 at F1 venue, part of the exhibition moved to the heartlands in Punggol and Jurong East.
Army Open House 2017
Super HOT weekend, everyone in social media complained about the heat, yet more families continue to throng the space!
“Army Ready, Soldier Strong”
This is a timely reminder in today’s uncertain times.
Look at terrorists news around the world, and recent “siege” of Qatar. What does it really mean to the kids?
At the Army Open House, they see fun rides, cool soldiers, photo opportunities and more FUN.
#Point 01
.. but in times of tension, do they understand that Singapore need to defend itself? Many Dads would need to go back and standby for incidents and deployments.
Do the kids understand that Singaporeans are responsible for our own land? No one own us a living.
Do the boys understand the significance of serving National Service (NS)?
Army Ready, Soldier Strong
The Dynamic Show kicked off with Military Tattoos, followed by Red Lions (paratroopers).
Remember the Green Flashing Soldier on our TV and Radio broadcasts? It used to mean “Bye Bye my Weekend” to Daddy :p
#Point 02
Kids understand Dads need to report to camp, this might be a routine recall, and Soldiers (and resources) might be activated due to some emergencies.
The audience knew what was going to happen to the poor Nissan Cefiro. First time we saw the Destructive power of the 60 tons Leopard Tank, instant scrap metal, no need 1206 too :p
Post-show, many were curious about the crushed Cefiro, kaput!
For Army Open House (AOH2017) , simulated terrorists infiltrated our island. Some hostages have been taken, Home team (Police,SCDF)Β and SAF Protection force swung into action.
Help from sniffer dogs and robots to mitigate bomb threats.
Every vehicle in the SAF orbat rolled in to control the situation. Even Apache and Himars (MLRS aka rockets) were deployed to ensure the audience get the maximum impact.
Ambulances evacuated the causalities.
#Point 03
I asked the kids whether our Doctors, Nurses and Hospitals are equipped and mentally ready to handle trauma victims? Is our infrastructure able to cope with mass casualties? Do we have enough blood for transfusion?
Kids go through Social studies and they understand a bit about Total Defence.
Without Googling, can you tell me the 5 pillars of Total Defence?
Although Military Defence is the main pillar, Singapore depends on
Civil, Economic, Social and Psychological Defence too.
SGSecure is the Singapore approach to counter new non-conventional threats from extremists. Residents and Government agencies need to collaborate to keep Singapore safe.
Times have changed, we have to get used to the “new normal”, where extremists will try to disrupt our way of life and tear communities apart. Citizens must be vigilant and strong, and stand together to stop the terrorists.
When we need specialised skills, Singapore can rely on the “black-clad SOF (Special Operation Forces, comprising members from Commandos and Naval Diver) .
This is the first time they appeared “officially” in public, they swiftly took out the kidnappers, and left in their zeng(3) Ford (modified).
SOF’s mysterious background forms the sharp edge of Singapore’s deterrence. Do not mess with these guys.
Singapore SOF
Hello doggie. I told the kids the “retired” dogs can now follow their handlers home π
The highlight for most families must be the fun rides.
Boon Yee and Boon Xin opted for Light Strike (Guards) and Larc V (resupply). I would love to ride the massive 20 ton Protector vehicle and own the expressway!
Good initiative from organisers, families just need to register a time slot and return later, no need to queue and wait for their turn.
#Point 04
Larc V (same as the Broncos and 5 tonners) is actually designed to resupply our troops. We tend to see the Bionix and Terrex’s shiny armour or the Leopards’ armament. But how many of us appreciate the Logistics machinery running in the background?
Can you imagine the efforts to truck all the vehicles to F1 area?
Food, Ammo, Fuel, Troops. No matter how advanced or professional is your Armed forces, a military will fail without an efficient logistics.
Joyride on the Guards’ Light Strike. This ride can go over streams and climb slopes, it would be cool if Chinook can sling us away!
The static displays with the usual vehicles. Slender machine (looks like it can slice through waters) belongs to the commandos.
Apache looked menacing, in the air or on the ground.
Peacekeeper Protected Response Vehicle (the longer ride) and Belrex (commercial Marauder) makes all of us look tiny.
More Army platforms…
My kids did not find Army ration appetising, I missed my Oh-bee-bur and other desserts.
Around one corner, I saw a translucent water bottle. Soldiers can no longer pretend to bottoms-up during water parade :p
Combat rations anyone?
Kids still prefer canteen gourmet food over rations :p
Home grown SAR21, no striping or IA drill needed, just bang and go. Kids are not used to the recoil, and Boon Xin bruised her chin.
Other activities at Army Open House 2017. We missed the mini-SOC Β (obstacles) due to the hot afternoon Sun. Long queues for “Night Walk” and “Drones”, UAV vocation anyone?
Would be cool to let kids explore Cyber Security in future AOH editions.
Video (YouTube Link) : Army Open House 2017 highlights
#Point 05 Kudos to the soldiers who had to burn their weekends, spending precious time away from families. They went out of the way to ensure visitors enjoyed the exhibition and interactions. I noticed the security screenings were tighter too.
Families are assured of SAF’s protection and hopefully appreciate Singapore’s peace and harmony.
Thank you Singapore Army and security agencies for keeping Singapore safe.
Our Open House adventures (Airforce, Navy and Army) are documented here. Is 2009 our first Army Open House?