6 reasons to love RSAF Open House 2016

[ Media Invite ]

F16, F15, Apache, Chinook and Spyder, these are 5 reasons why your family might enjoy RSAF Open House 2016. Joking πŸ™‚ the hardware “toys” in RSAF’s arsenal (Republic of Singapore Air Force) is only one of the reasons to visit #ROH16.

Front row seat, ear plugs equipped, unless you wish to feel F16 and F15 (double trust) vibes! Boon Yee and Boon Xin enjoyed their day out at Paya Lebar Air Base (PLAB). They did not mind when Daddy apply for ponten (class excuse) heh heh.

21 and 22 May, RSAF Open House is back after 5 years (our 2008 experience here). Themed ‘Defending our Skies’, it showcase RSAF’s capabilities both hardware and heartware. We will share our favourite segments of the open house below.

#01- Engage the kids with questions

Some sample questions to rise their curiosity, and hopefully appreciate Singapore’s constrain and resourcefulness:
– Why does SG need mid-air refueling? We have three air bases.
– How fast does it takes to fly an F15 from Pasir Ris to Tuas?
– Why does SG need to train overseas in USA, India, France, Australia?
– What will happen to the planes in Paya Lebar after it’s closure in 2030?
– What is the most powerplane in RSAF? Next one F35?
– Are fighter jets armed with missiles every time they take to the sky?
– With so many missiles, does pilots still need to engage in dog fight?
– How do pilots fight at night?

RSAF Open House

#02 – Air and ground capabilities demonstrations

Siren blares, unknown object flying towards Singapore airspace, scramble to intercept!
Meanwhile, air defences are standing by to bring down any hostile planes.
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During an emergency, reaction time is mere seconds, there is no window for mistake. Any hostile plane can reach Singapore within minutes at supersonic speed, the threat from ballistic missiles will be even more dire!

If you have the opportunity to fly one of the joy rides, you will realised that Singapore is very small!
This makes me marvel at our air defence, always ready to spot and trace suspicious objects. RSAF’s vigilance allows us to sleep soundly at night.

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Those who balloted successfully for DA40 flight should feel freedom (refer RSAF video link) in the all glass cockpit! But try any additional stunts, and a pair of fighter jet escorts might just threaten to sidewinder you :p
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We got helicopters flying over the tree line. While Apaches take out the imaginary armoured columns, Chinooks sling in the calvary.
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Fighter jets keeping our skies safe, some might complain that they are creating too much sound pollution over Sengkang and Punggol, but that is a small price to pay for our sovereignty and peace (pardon the pun).
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Video (link) : Action station at RSAF Open House 2016

Visitors will also get to witness K9 and Red Lions in actions.

#03- Static display offers more photo opportunities


Two types of ATC (Air traffic controller) in photo. The mobile one was setup in Bandang Aceh to help control air traffic after the deadly 2004 tsunami (Operation Flying Eagle).

Share with the kids how Singapore sailed to help Indonesians after they were stricken by the Tsunami.
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We are in awe with the missiles, cannons, and impressive array of weapons.
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Even more impressive is the high work-rate of the ground crew in arming and turning-over the plane. In war time, it is crucial to quickly turn over plane (think F1 pit stop) so that planes can quickly airlift and carry out their missions.
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I told the kids that RSAF ground crew and pilots are up there with the best air forces from the world. This is all the more admirable, considering our Air Force is only 47 years old, never seen combat, and consist of conscripts.

Helicopters old and new, Apache and Super Puma.
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Another old bird, lifting since 1977!
RSAF hercules

More props on display.
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#04- Meet the Heartware, RSAF crew who keep our air force in tip top condition

Kudos to the friendly Air Force ambassadors and volunteers, they really know how to engage the kids πŸ™‚
They answered our questions to the best of their knowledge.


After I show Captain Nah’s poster to Boon Yee, he was keen to pose with RSAF’s first female F15 pilot πŸ™‚
F15 woman pilot Captain Nah

Salute to the ground crew, it is super hot under their No4 but they press on to complete their mission.
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Final sprucing, everyone wants RSAF Open House to shine! Dedication and teamwork, it is the heartware which makes RSAF “Above All”.
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#05- Go Indoors for more activities and food. Air con is always welcome πŸ™‚

Learn about RSAF’s History, and transformation into 3G fighting force.
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Kids are always curious to try out airplane simulation. This VR (Virtual Reality) kit also allows mechanics to hone their servicing skills.
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Singapore’s constrain airspace and proximity to neighbours’ boundary. Told kids this is why our pilots need to train in USA, France, India and Australia.
Air space constrain Singapore

Some other indoor activities include Rock climbing, airforce smart uniforms for kids and even Drone flying (no, we did not get to fly the Heron or Hermes)

#06 – Joyrides are the highlight of the day!

I suspect RSAF’s ballot joyride tickets (ended already) are the second most popular in town, after NDP. You can ballot to fly in a DA40, Chinook, Fokker and also Hercules! Too bad Gulfstream 550 is not on the list πŸ™‚
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Last call for Flight F50. I did remind kids beforehand that Flight F50 did not have any air crew to serve us orange juice and warm tower haha.

Just imagine, you are a crew of 4, flying surveillance or anti-piracy drills over South China Sea, Straits of Malacca or even Gulf of Aden. Just vast open sea and endless horizon. Not very exciting, but still a crucial task.

For the “media group”, we got to circle Sengkang and Punggol (I can spot LRT and Coney Island!)
At 2000 feet cruising speed, we were soon over Central Nature Reserve (Macritchie), heading towards CBD.

Seldom do we see Singapore’s famous greens from the top, as commercial flights normally approach from the sea.
Sentosa, MBS, Nationtal Stadium and we are back at PLAB again.
It makes us realised that Singapore is really small.

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Our Fun joyride with Fokker 50, Jubilant!

When our flight approached CBD, I can imagine the excitement when aircrews perform their signature “50” in formation over MBS towards floating platform! (SG50 airshow Youtube link)

We hope your family will enjoy RSAF Open House as much as we did πŸ™‚
RSAF media invite

Follow @TheRSAF #ROH16 to get latest updates and tag your photos to win exclusive gifts.
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paya lebar air base map
(image credit RSAF)

More details and interesting facts :
* Crowds are expected, be patient, and show your appreciation to the volunteers and RSAF staff
** RSAF Open House is free and open to everyone
*** Road closures, shuttle buses, programme highlights and schedules for RSAF Open House (Shuttle buses from Eunos and Kovan)

– You can cycle to PLAB (but might be limited parking lots)
– Daily performance timing (Sat 1030 and 1430) and (Sun 1130 and 1630)
– Apply sun tan, bring a brolly, drink more water
– Paya Lebar air base will close shop in year 2030
– Try to spot the F5s when you are airborne, these awesome interceptors were once our protectors

– Do pop by our friends’ reviews, David from Life’s Tiny Miracles, Chuan Ren from Coffee And Bullets and BumbleBee Mum.
– Our Paya Lebar experience, Pre-NDP F15 flight check, 2008 Open House and Cycling on the runway!
– More photos uploaded on our Fanpage album

Air force open house with family

In my humble opinion, to see a F15 and F16 scrambling and takeoff in full sight and sound, should be a better experience than classroom environment. Say YES.

A sneak peep behind RSS Endurance

[ Media Invite ]

RSS Endurance will be berthed at Vivocity from Thu to Sun, as part of SAF50 celebrations. While most families will enjoy the photography opportunities with handsome divers (doing boat PT Wow!) or Fun ride on the Fast Craft Utility(FCU), not many are aware of the amount of work behind the scenes.

A pity there are no RHIB rides this round ( drifting on the high sea).

RSS Endurance (LST) is the RSN (Republic Singapore Navy)’s largest surface vessel, measuring 141m. But it is a technological feat that this vessel is manned by a crew of 80.

(Image credit RSN fanpage)

To move RSS Endurance to Vivocity, it has to set sail from Changi Naval base, then pickup a chopper near the southern islands. As we cruise along the breakwater, try to spot RSN’s assets missile boats, frigates and submarine. Those sharp eyes one will notice a hovercraft too.

Colonel Chew asks us, why do we need a Navy? My kids might assume that Navy “toys” are used for Open House and Vivocity only :p

We all know about Singapore’s busy sea lanes, everyday our ports remain shut, we lose $2 Bil. Trans-shipment goods, crude oil, Ipads and even our basic necessties everything will be stuck.

Singapore is an island, you can imagine the daily challenges faced by MPA (Maritime Port Authority), Police Coast Guards and Navy to regulate and protect our sea lanes against undesirable elements.

The signages bear witness to RSS Endurance’s international operations.
– OBH (Operation Blue Heron, East Timor)
– OBO (Operation Blue Orchid, Iraq)
– OFE (Operation Flying Eagle, Bandang Aceh, Meulaboh)
– OBS (Operation Blue Sapphire, Gulf of Aden)

We had a few opportunities to pose with the 76mm OTO.

At Vivocity, try to identify the lines and gadgets used to secure the choppers. The Endurance’s deck can accommodate two medium lift helicopters(Super Pumas), or one Chinook.

Roll call, we are each assigned to a raft. Just in case the SOS siren sounds out, make sure you know the difference between Starboard (right) and Port (Left)!

Other photos, crew preparing the lines and anchors.

At some corners of the deck, we can smell fried chicken wings! Must be lunch time.

First impression, the galley (kitchen) has lower headroom, aspiring cooks above 1.75m will need to hunch a lot.

Cooks really work around the clock to ensure the crew is well fed. On long voyages when everyone miss home, the cooks will prepare your favourite chicken rice and prawn noodles! Lastly, every sailor might have two roles, some cooks are paramedic or man the machine guns! Follow Seetoh as he went food tasting on RSS Formidable

Nasi Lemak is delicious! Enough to make some poster boy go Emo. I am curious to find out how the cooks prepare the meals in rough seas, when the vessel is tiling left and right.

Those 1.8m and above will have some concerns with headroom, everyone need to get use to narrow and steep stairways. I am wondering whether RSN will add height-restriction in their recruitment ads for Archer and Challenger :p

The highlight for our trip must be the Helo-Ops with the Super Puma.

After RSS Endurance has anchored near Raffles Lighthouse, the Super Puma practiced disembarking (landing) on the LST’s deck.

The professionals made it look easy, landing the Super Puma (Air Force) on the RSS Endurance (Navy). It takes years of integration between Navy and Air Force to reach this level of competency.

Imagine the challenge when you are trying to land two Super Pumas in rough seas! Pilots and Sailors must really understand each other and speak in a common language.
Singapore Navy and Air Force integration

Video : Super Puma landing on RSS Endurance

One of RSS Endurance’s fellow tourist is a talented artist!

(image credit XinLi Instagram and Facebook)

A few levels under the deck, the dry dock has already launched the FCUs. Did you notice that the “fence” is down during Helo-Ops? It is hard work to place the fence up again.

Balloting for Fast Craft Utility (FCU) rides is still available onsite at Vivocity.
– Thu Fri 3-6pm
– Sat 9-11am, 12.30 to 2.30pm, 4 to 6pm
– Sun 9am to 12pm, 3pm to 6 pm

Your kids will love the joy ride, just make sure you do not playback Private Ryan’s beaching scene the night before.

The dry dock will be flooded again, when the vessels are ready to bring the families on a cruise.

The bigger FCUs will be inside the dock, while the smaller ones need to be winched to the side. Winching is tough work and demands a lot of coordination, even when the water is calm!

The air crew shares their stories and memories. A few of them were also involved in the recent Air Asia QZ8501 recovery. I am surprised that workhorse Super Pumas have already been in service for 30 years!

Thank you RSS Endurance for allowing us to sail along, you are flying our flags high!

Group photo. I want to take this opportunity to thanks the crew of RSS Endurance. Everyone was busy but they always have time to answer our queries. Thank you Navy and Air Force for the cool invitation πŸ™‚

(Image credit Jerome)

This Thu to Sun, SAF and RSN members will be busy manning their stations. Instead of enjoying their Valentine’s date, they want to ensure more families get to enjoy their SAF50 outing.

It will be crowded, there will be queues.
Show your support, show your appreciation!
Kudos team NAVY!

You can find out more about SAF50@Vivo events at SAF50 website and Navy Fanpage. Name the new Littoral Mission Vessels (replacement for 11 Fearless-class Patrol Vessels) and stand to win attractive prizes.

More tips :
– RSS Endurance is the first to reach Melabouh after the 2004 Tsunami
– impress the sailors by saying “I need to use the HEADS”
– ladies leave your mini skirts at home, it can be windy and stairs are steep

– this send-off album always make me emo (husbands and wife separated for 3 months, little girl crying “Daddy don’t go”). The sacrifices undertaken, so that Singapore continues to enjoy peace
** Need to know more about Singapore Navy’s transformation? Read Navy’s ebook (page 77 is interesting)
– Read our SAF Open houses (when will we get to dive with the subs?)
– More RSS Endurance photos loaded on our Fanpage album