We walk 3.5km at POSB PAssion Run for Kids

[ Media Invite ]

POSB PAssion Run for Kids 2016 happened last weekend, families were out in force to join the walk or run, for a good cause.

To quote from POSB “The POSB PAssion Kids Fund aims to support children in the community through different programmes in Singapore.”

This is the 8th edition of Passion Kids Run, we were enrolled for 3.5km Family walk, some were there early to run 10km.

Start point is at Marina Bay Promontory.
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Point our shoes forward, let’s go. Some ran, some walk, we all had an enjoyable morning.
Kudos! We heard a million dollars was raised for this community event.
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So many happy families were out to enjoy the morning, no Haze! It does make us appreciate clear blue skies and fresh air, I hope kids will not take our environment for granted.
POSB kids run

U-turn at mid-year point near Gardens by the Bay.
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As 3.5km participants started late, it was quite hot when we reach the finishing line.

At the carnival site, food, sports, exercise await participants. The most popular stalls should be ice cream, followed by rock climbing 🙂
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20160904 POSB run with kids

POSB collectibles from yesterday, my passbook is different from kids’.
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We are glad to participate in POSB PAssion Run for Kids 2016 and contribute back in a small way 🙂

POSB National School Savings Campaign is back

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Boon Yee’s piggy bank.

Times have changed, our school going kids know what they want and they sometimes negotiate with parents about rewards for behaving well or obtaining good exam results (just like MBO or KPI)!

Children might not treasure toys or gifts which come free. Sometimes, they forget parents have to work hard to bring in the money.

POSB’s National Savings survey results indicate that Singaporean still believe savings is still important and virtuous.

(source POSB Survey)

We sometimes remind kids to buy less sweets and ice cream (and pencils from bookshop), and that their savings will grow faster. Every savings start from a coin, a dollar note.

We encourage our own kids to save for their wishlist (be it toys, balls or books). If they really want something, they must save for it. As a form of motivation, we sometimes match their savings dollar for dollar.

Besides sharing positive values of savings, we also hope to impress on kids the importance of thrift.
Teaching kids to save money

I am happy to find out that POSB will be bringing the National School Savings Campaign back at a national level. Remember this squirrel? POSB’s mascot Smiley is trying to encourage more school-going kids to save.

(image credit POSB)

To quote from POSB :
POSB National School Savings Campaign will be a 10-month long initiative by POSB, supported by MOE. Together with Smiley the Squirrel, parents can pledge their support for this campaign here.

A main element of the campaign is the savings stamp card as a tool to save. Each primary school student can get their POSB National School Savings stamp card from any POSB/DBS branch, SingPost outlet and at Pacific or Popular bookstores in schools from 02 February 2015 onwards. Stamps will be sold at Pacific or Popular school bookstores and at SingPost outlets.

The student will then deposit the stamp card into any POSB/DBS Quick Cheque Deposit location upon completion (20 x $0.50 stamps). The bank will then credit the full value of the stamp card ($10) and a $1 bonus (the bonus interest is limited to one stamp card per child, per month and only valid for POSBkids account holders).

(image credit POSB)

Digress a bit, our POSB runs over the year. The next time our children see Smiley, they will remember POSB’s National Savings Campaign.

Get on board this campaign today!
Sign up here for an ePOSBkids account if your child doesn’t have one.