Daddy bloggers Singapore

Father’s day is coming, and Business Times did a coverage on “Daddy
bloggers Singapore”.

Titled “The Daddy Connection”, the paper tries to understand the psych behind Daddies blogging. How do we differ from Mummy bloggers. Daddy highlighted that SengkangBabies standout because we got four kids, all seem to enjoy the Fun outdoor, and being cute does helps πŸ™‚

We are proud to be featured together with other Daddy bloggers Singapore, Edmund (EdUnloaded) and Winston (Dear Xander).
Hopefully, more blog coverage will allow us to help promote campaign awareness,
example graciousness and charity.

Young kids, Old Dragon

A few Sundays ago, we pop by Toa Payoh’s Dragon playground with our friends from CheekieMonkies. Someone from NTU is doing their thesis project and they have decided to document the old playgrounds of Singapore πŸ™‚

Not many families bring their young kids to the old playgrounds anymore, that could explain why Daddy Kelvin and Andy were involved (Read our Old Playgrounds exploration from 2011).

While the old men yak about their childhood memories and heritage, the kids are more interested on the slides πŸ™‚

Daddy wonder what were the questions posed to the kids?
How would they relate to 30-years old playgrounds?
Would the kids prefer old or new playgrounds?
How would today’s kids define their own childhood memories?

It is not all serious business, kids are free to roam around the Dragon’s lair πŸ™‚
Remember how Xin use to hate the sand, she has grown more adventurous.

Video : With six kids around (+1 dozing Diva), Toa Payoh Playground is never QUIET !

Surprisingly, recording was very smooth, and we did not have any NGs :p

Look at the video above, kids even stockpile their own ammunition on the top of the Dragon! They will then ambush those walking below !

Thank you team NTU, for approaching our families. Besides sharing our passions about old playgrounds, the kids had fun in each other’s company.

During our two hours recording, we spotted at least 5 different groups (including families) dropping by the Dragon. Seems like our Old-School playgrounds are still getting a lot of attention πŸ™‚

More Photos can Stories can be found at the links below :
– Lorong 6 Block 28 Toa Payoh Playground
Project Playground (when young kids meet old playgrounds)
– photos – Toa Payoh Dragon with CheekieMonkies
– photos – 8 playgrounds around Singapore

** updated 2013Apr10 – Team NTU’s Final video is up πŸ™‚