NDP 2018 is one of the best NDPs! The best NDP could still be SG50, when LKY Singapore’s founding Father passed on. (Visit our NDP blogs here)
We have star powers like Joanna Dong, the usual fighter jets, but it was the poignant story-telling which touched our hearts.
The whole NDP has a Cinematic effect, human to human connections, stories of how we overcome hardships and strive for our Goals. As the Singapore story slowly unfolds infront of us, there is a segment for everyone.
NDP 2018 Moments for us (YouTube link)
Let us share our favourite moments from NDP 2018.
We had not been successful with balloting (for 6 pax) for the last 8 NDPS. But we were very lucky to be gifted the NDP tickets, thanks to Daddy’s previous Accord engagement.
Watching National Day Parade together as a family at the venue is an awesome feeling. It is different from watching behind a television screen. You need to be at the venue to feel the raw emotions.

For NDP 2018, We noticed songs were more youthful, and we did not know most of the bands. But our teenagers liked the renditions.
As the bands led us through the favourite NDP songs through the years, we heard beatboxing too.
Before we proceed, NDP 2018’s theme is “We Are Singapore”.

Let our story unfold on the big screen (50m wide!), we noticed the LCD “panels” can swing and reveal “Arts Museum” in the background too, interesting (feels like a transparent mirror).
18 tote bag designs, crafted by special needs students. This can be a collecter item 🙂
..with the usual goodies and NDP props.
Families all deck in Red and White. Although this is only a “rehearsal”, it is as real as it can get 🙂
Introducing the mascots from yesterday, how many do you remember?
Funny host Gurmit was seriously late for Singapore’s biggest party. For some reason, he met Mr Brown and hitchhike in his pickup, help Macik with groceries until IMM (Jurong), and was eventually lifted by some muscled seniors to reach NDP at the Floating Platform (also known as NS Square).
If not for the Red Lions and Navy Divers, Gurmit’s zodiac boat entry should be the most stylish.
We love this placard gimmick, just listen to command Up/Down and the audience will form “We ♥ SG”!

NDP 2018 is the Naval divers’ first free fall event in National Day Parade. How did they jump and land with 50kg of load and flippers! The way they land in the water looks graceful and slow motion too.
The Red Lions has been jumping since 1989! And their wing-suit antics raised the bar, imagine soaring 200kmh+ through the air!
Above All, RSAF’s Heron is providing a sustain oversight for us.
As audience HooHah and Oh Oh Oh, our elite soldiers gathered to salute the spectators.
Military tattoo is a usual crowd favourite. Not easy for band members to march and perform at the same time, and the MP’s rifle-swinging drills are SPOT ON!
Commands for the contingents.
Many families were clearly enjoying the atmosphere.
The traditional National Flag flypast and us singing Majulah Singapura 🙂
Some other interesting sights at NDP 2018.
“Simulation” MP, DPM and even “Mr Goh” paying their roles. Audience like to cat call and disturb the part-time ministers haha. A gentle reminder to pack our rubbish before leaving the parade venue.
We did noticed there are some spectators along Benjamin Sheares bridge, hope they get a bird’s eye view of the NDP performance, and fireworks too.
As Defence Minister inspect the contingents, our RSAF assets flew overhead and 25 Pounder rock the skyline.
In case you are wondering why every air assets are displayed, it is RSAF50 #RSAF50. Singapore Air Force celebrates its 50th anniversary 🙂
Come 11, 12Aug, catch more planes over Marina Barrage!
As the jets soared pass, the last beam of Sun set behind CBD. We got ready our special light bulbs and heavy Techno blasted “Majulah Singapura”, quite COOL! especially with the special effects lightings.
There are no Army military convoys at NDP 2018, we only have a few trucks to pickup the Samsui women 🙂
Our pioneers build our towns and industries. These are the folks who left their countries and sink their roots in Singapore.
Watching the scenes unfold before us, we sometimes wonder is the theatre set Under the Sea, or in the Galaxy above us?
It does not Matter, just use our imagination and enjoy the scene.
Wow, got Joanna Dong too, NDP 2018 got the concert FEEL 🙂
Our Hopes Our Aspirations floated from Singapore River.
Tears well up in my eyes when I heard 93 years old Uncle Tan playing the violin. It felt so good and I was super proud to be a Singaporean, kids did not see my tears under the blue hour.
Secretly, I am wondering whether our kids understand how much Singapore has gone through to reach this stage? So much sacrifices from our pioneers.
Sharing the same stage was Jazz musician Jeremy Monteiro, and a beautiful backdrop.
Themes like Home and Family kept coming across, from the patriotic songs too. Kit Chan’s 家 (Home) always raised our spirits during sing-along sessions.
We all know about NDP 2018 theme song (link), watch the MTV played out on the Floating Platform stage. (Composer Charlie Lim and Creative Director is Boo Junfeng)
Honour the everyday heroes! Really touching when we see how everyday Singaporeans overcome their own challenges, and reach out to help each other. Quoting the Samsui Ah-Ma ” 有饭吃饭有粥吃粥”.
The volunteers did a good job, kudos! They were waving Good Nights and shouting “Thank you” to all the spectators 🙂
We hope your family will enjoy the story telling behind NDP 2018 too 🙂
Singapore is only 53 years old, we can be proud of our achievements, and we must strive for higher peaks. Do not leave anyone behind.
Additional tips:
-No1 tip, do not drive to Marina Square and Flyer area. We got stuck in a jam (in carpark) and along Raffles Boulevard for 1 hour, and this was after we had our dinner! You may wish to park at Kallang Stadium and take the train to NDP venue.
-Do visit our previous NDP experiences here https://sengkangbabies.com/tag/ndp
-How to take Fireworks photos tips
–Visit NDP Website and Fanpage for the latest updates
-Baby and toddler will need individual tickets too, you will not be able to bring your stroller into the venue
-For those with young kids, do not rush to exit after after the event. Stay for 20 minutes before you make your way out. The stairways around Floating Platform can be quite narrow and congested.