Monsters of the Sea exhibition and tickets giveaway

[ Media Invite and Tickets giveaway ]

When we pop by Singapore Science Centre’s Monsters of the Sea exhibition last week, an upsized Giant Squid greeted us. We were not thinking of calamari, but our anticipation of seeing monsters immediately escalated one notch!

Through the periscope, we will peep into the prehistoric underwater world millions of years ago.
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We know some of the sea monsters and myths today. Loch Ness’s monster Deep Blue (Great White), Lolong (Crocodile).

Modern day’s monster crocodiles and sharks can reach 20 feet (about 6 metres) and not many people dare to swim next to them. The gentle whale shark (12m) is even larger but allows humans to snorkel next to it (she is on our bucket list)
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Yet, these giants are easily dwarfed by their ancestors, which measure 50 to 60 feet (15m+)!
Megaloden science
super croc

Prehistoric whales were carnivorous, equipped with razor sharp teeth, and definitely not as gentle as whale sharks.
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Ocean covers more than 70% of Earth’s surface, and we know so little about the deep.
– Why do whales beach themselves?
– Why do people associate oarfish in shallow water as a sign that earthquake is imminent?
– Extinct species “Coelacanth” were found off the coast of Africa.
– Hollywood always reveals monsters hidden underneath Earth’s crust, released with Tectonic movements
Oar fish prehistoric

Monsters could still be lurking out of sight, or perhaps some species can grow to monster sizes again?
Theoretically, sharks and crocodiles keep growing after maturity, and I wonder what would happen if they are allowed to grow up to 100 years old (in the wild).

Humans will only be snacks for these prehistoric giants. Documentaries indicate super crocodiles hunt dinosaurs! Paleontologists estimate megalodon to be between 15 to 18m, our SBS bus is only 12m long!

More prehistoric creatures, all huge and menacing. We saw a video clip of how Mosasaurus decimated all other predators in the sea and became the apex predator in less than 5 million years.

Fortunately Pilosaur and Megalodon do not live in the same era, they are unlikely to be best friends.

Special bone crushing jaws or huge eyes! Each monster has a special feature.
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More robotic exhibits.
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Kids activities include fossil excavation and creative arts.
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Different type of shark’s teeth.

Thank you Science Centre for the Fun and educational invite, I had fun sharing and relieving the prehistoric journey with my kids. I shared some Youtube clips with the boys after our exhibition.

My intrigue in dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures started with BBC “Walking with Dinosaurs”, and the interesting commentaries from Nigel Marven‘s prehistoric series. When we thought dinosaurs were cool and mean, those living under the water are in another league all together!

More details about Monsters of the Sea exhibition :
– Tickets – $20 and $16 for adult and child respectively
– Exhibition ends 28th Feb 2016

* do pop by and read Life’s Tiny Miracles’ review too

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ x4 Tickets Giveaway ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Thanks to Singapore Science Centre, we are giving away four tickets to one lucky ready.

1. Contest is on our Fanpage
2. Fans must first LIKE Singapore Science Centre and SengkangBabies Fanpage
3. Leave your name and email on our Fanpage (or you can message email address)
monster of the sea contest

4. Indicate one prehistoric creature (underwater), and why it fascinates you or family (perhaps Jurassic World’s Mosasaurus)

5. Share this page (refer step 3) on your Facebook Wall and tag @SengkangBabiesBlog
(so that we know you are participating)

6. Contest ends 06 Feb 10pm, and one winner will be randomly picked

*This contest is only for those with a valid Singapore address.

MegaBugs are crawling in Science Centre

[Media Invite]

We have tried Escargot before, but something so slimy and hugh as this snail must make Fear Factor contestants squeamish !

Thanks to Winston’s (Dear Xander) invite, we got to rub shoulder with the hairy and eerie stars from the insect domain.

Some came dressed in their insect finest, whereas Daddy and Wei were happy to spot some tattoos. The artist is Good, she can draw everything from six to eight legs !

Imagine 2m long centipedes with their fangs, 1m ants or scorpions with pincers longer than average human limbs ! Our hair is standing already.

No one is singing Incy Wincy spider…

We have heard how Praying Mantis will first decapitate their prey (which includes husband), and then proceed to chew the other body parts into bite size ! With a 3m model behind us, it is easy to understand why Mantis got a fearsome reputation.

Somehow, Daddy is reminded of some science-gone-wrong horror movies, like The Fly.

We understand insects’ life cycle better.

We found an awful lot of Dungs rolled into Giant balls. Boon Wee’s first response is “disgusting” when Daddy told him Dung beetles feast on fresh manure !

Wei pretends to spray baygon at the pest (小强), while Daddy tries to understand why Dung beetle’s job-scope sucks big time 🙁

We heard insects were served as tidbits during the MegaBugs event, but no thanks.

We would like to thanks Science Center for the invite. More event photos are available on our fanpage. If your little ones are curious about prehistoric (GIANT) bugs, drop by BBC’s Prehistoric series here and here.

Video : Listen to the crickets

More about Science Centre and the MegaBugs :
– MegaBugs run from 20th Apr to 18th Aug
– Fees – Adult $20 and Child $15 (inclusive entrance fees)