Boon Yee’s development at ThinkersBox

We are always a little bit concerned about Boon Yee’s development pace, as he is a year-end baby. We are worried that his development (both mental and physical) will be slower in his class, and he will have problems catching up.

Boon Yee does not feel stressed, it is us parents who are worried πŸ™‚
Although we say our kids need not be top 10 in class, we certainly hope they will not be last.

When it comes to education and development, how many parents can honestly leave everything to fate?

If we parents have a choice to improve our kids’ capability, would we give it a try?

In his one year course with ThinkersBox, we have seen Boon Yee improved in the way he interacts, expressing confidence in his reading skills, and displaying more curiosity.

When Daddy read stories to him before, Boon Yee will just go through the motion.
He enjoys the story, the animation, but he will not pause to ask the meaning of a word or phrase. Daddy actually has to test him on his actual understanding of “this word or that phrase”.

After his stint at ThinkersBox, we are glad that he is expressing more interest and asking more questions nowadays.

Quoting from ThinkersBox :
At ThinkersBox, we develop children for success in life. We are not talking about school subjects or grades. We are looking at providing every child with the right skills to succeed beyond the classroom! As our world continues to evolve, our kids will face new challenges. Textbook knowledge and grades will not be sufficient in a fast-changing and unpredictable environment.

Beyond grades, parents need to provide our children with the capabilities to process, analyse, reason, judge and apply knowledge.

We need to teach our kids to think.”

With the right skills, kids can grasp concepts faster, understand new tools quicker, and absorb more information. If this skill-sets sound familiar, it is because we are now in the 21st century.

This is the Internet century, where Google knows everything.
Personally, Daddy feels that it is no longer about who-knows-the-most, but who can apply the knowledge and implement the skill-set to solve our everyday-life’s tasks.

We have also noticed that Boon Yee’s memory capacity has improved, he remembers things longer, and is less easily distracted. Boon Yee can now focus his attention on the task at hand, he understands why we need to finish our homework before we can play. Subconsciously, his efficiency is improving.

Boon Yee is still enjoying his nine-month Primary 1 experience.
Making new friends, adapting to new environment, but still trying to adjust to the concept of homework :p

Boon Yee had a profile assessment after 1 year with ThinkersBox, and we could see marked improvement in his scores. Refer to image below for ThinkersBox’s research based on a group of P1 to P3 students.

Do pop by ThinkersBox Website and Fanpage to find out how your child might benefit from their courses.

(image credit ThinkersBox)

ThinkersBox (IntelliBox) will be at Rise & Shine expo from 22-24Aug 11am to 8pm (booth Booth A13, A15). Parents who sign up for 12-months subscription at the booth will receive a $10 Popular Voucher.

* Our previous ThinkersBox experience with Boon Kang, Boon Xin’s Intellibox and Boon Yee.

Thinkers IntelliBox

[ Review ]

Boon Xin (4) is holding a set of Thinkers’ IntelliBox. This is ThinkersBox‘s subscription-based Intellectual Development Kit, which will be delivered right to your doorsteps every month!

To quote from ThinkersBox :
To succeed in today’s competitive and global environment, we need to give our children the lifelong capabilities to think fast, solve problems, be creative, make good judgements, stay focused and achieve the true potential of their intellectual capabilities.

IntelliBox is a monthly kit filled with mini brain-based games, puzzles, worksheets and reading notes for parents.

We like the quote “Fun toys trigger an inquisitive mind“. The materials are designed and reviewed by a panel of Early Childhood Educators, Psychologists and Professors to ensure the materials are developmentally appropriate for children aged 4 to 7 years old.

Boon Xin just need to follow the pictorial instructions. On page 1, she need to perform three simple tasks, finally splitting the cubes by their colours.

These cubes are excellent for young kids to improve their fingers’ dexterity. Their fine motor skills will be enhanced through constant eye and fingers coordination.

As we progress further, we noticed the cubes now form a multi-dimensional shape.
Boon Xin needs to build the cubes up by referencing the picture (just like jigsaw).

She needs to orientate the cubes in the right direction, and ensure the colours are correct too. This requires a fair bit of concentration.

If in doubt, Boon Xin can always seek her brother’s help. Infact, Boon Yee has problem keeping his hands off the addictive kit :p

It is immensely satisfying for parents to see little minds at work, attempting to solve their tasks by themselves.

With each task completed, Boon Xin’s confidence grows and she attempts the next level. From giraffe to camera to aeroplane, Boon Xin’s imagination is being stretched.

Cube by cube, page by page, Boon Xin could not wait to unravel more quiz.
Thinkers IntelliBox just demonstrated to us that Learning should be FUN !

Recommended for ages 4-7, Thinkers’ monthly IntelliBox will provide materials for 20 days, encouraging parents to engage their child in brain stimulating activities.

Thinkers’ IntelliBox will soft launch at Rise And Shine Expo from 27-29Sep at Suntec Convention Hall 401. Do pop by booth F16 to discover more.

*Thinkers’ IntelliBox is brought to you by ThinkersBox.
Our boy Boon Yee (6) is currently attending ThinkersBox curriculum.