Tokio Marine : What does protection mean to a parent?

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From birth, we parents worry about our children’s development.

We wish to give our children the best care and protection.

Are they eating enough, absorbing nutrition and meeting growth milestones?
Once our children are old enough to attend childcare, we worry whether they can adapt to new environments.

Two of our kids started in infant care (Yes, from two months onwards!), and we were worried about infectious diseases like HFMD (Hand Foot Mouth Disease), diarrhoea and stomach flu.

Fortunately, most of these incidents are small bouts of infection which do not require hospitalisation.

I would say 75% of the time, parents’ worries are unnecessary.
Kids are always more resilient then we parents believe.

Nevertheless, as kids grow into the next phases in life, our set of ‘worries” also upgrade accordingly.
School and curriculum, friends and influence, homework and enrichment, boy girl relationships, mental well-being and so on. You get the idea.

Kids will become more independent, nurture their own thinking and they might just switch off from parents’ good intentions. These scenarios happen frequently in my family as my older kids are already in their teens  :p

A couple must work together and fall back on each other for support.

Husband and Wife are the pillars of a family, and only with a strong foundation can we better ensure a strong and loving home.

Sometimes we wonder..

Are we passing the right values to our kids? Will he or she grow up to be a confident and independent adult? Some say parents will keep a tab on their child’s well being even after the child himself becomes a parent.
I have not reached that stage yet, but I can understand why parental concerns will be never ending.


We all love and treasure our family. Yet, some things will be beyond our control.

Insurance is something we parents can provide for our child. Let me share two new products from Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore Ltd. (TMLS).

1) KidAssure GIO Rider

What caught our eye was the affordable no hassle package.

Health declaration required


KidAssure GIO Rider
covers our child up to 24 medical and hospitalisation conditions. This rider can be attached to most TMLS’ life insurance basic plans.

Medical underwriting is not needed, and subscription is almost guaranteed.

There are more value added benefits. Parents only need to pay for 5 years premium and child gets to enjoy coverage till 19 years old. We can receive up to 80% of total annual premiums when our child reaches 19 years old.

(For every purchase of a TM KidStart education plan together with a KidAssure GIO Rider between now and 31 December 2017, TMLS will donate S$50 to Club Rainbow,  benefiting chronically ill children and their families.)

KidAssure GIO Rider will certainly enhance and extend our child’s current healthcare benefits. Do pop by this website for more details, scope and T&C of KidAssure GIO Rider.

2) TM Term Assure

It is harder to save for a rainy day when we have a family and children. Household expenses, enrichment classes, medical treatments or the occasional leisure activities require us to be prudent with our savings.

Inflation, rising aspirations and higher medical costs will only add more pressure to a family’s expenses.

At a low cost of less than $1 per day, young adults between 25 to 35 years old can get a coverage of up to $500,000 on a 5 years plan –  should something bad happen (death, terminal illness or total permanent disability). Choose a term plan that suits your budget and needs.

We want to be assured that our family is well taken care of should something happen. Read more about TM Term Assure here.

Both KidAssure GIO Rider and TM Term Assure are designed with families in mind. Tokio Marine has launched the new products under a new Protection campaign “#MyLoveForYou”.

Quoting from TMLS website: ” #MyLoveForYou campaign is designed in line with Tokio Marine’s Good Company philosophy, which emphasizes giving back to the community in meaningful ways.  “

Don’t just prepare them, protect them for the future.

#MyLoveForYou campaign will run through June 2017 through social media channels. During this period, parents will be encouraged to share their love, protection, and gratitude of their family.


Interested to find out more about how KidAssure GIO Rider and TM Term Assure can help your family. Do pop by .

Parents are also invited to visit Baby World 2017 and visit the Tokio Marine booth (K15) for exciting fun and games.

Date: 30 June to 2 July 2017
Time: 11 am to 8pm
Venue: Suntec City Exhibition, Level 4