Which milestone can you remember?

Kids grow up overnight, face features changed too fast. This might not be too good when we need to show their passports at immigration.

Lee Boon Wee
(Boon Wee is 10 years old already !)

Officer : Are you sure that toddler photo belongs to the 5 years old? (we have to ask kids to DECLARE their name proudly, least we are suspected of child trafficking)

Singapore’s high-tech passport change is too expensive at $80, it used to be a nominal fee for photo-swap.

Anyway, Daddy has gather some of our memories in this post, some of our kids look so identical when they are younger, so cute, so chubby. Friends even mention No2 and No3 looks like twins.

Make a guess, who is who ? Mummy and Daddy are laughing LouD when kids cannot even identify themselves haha 🙂

Calling me Daddy?

Hello Mickey (not!)

Drunk.. Walking


Kids never get tired

..or do they?

Bros, hug

Feeding. Bonding

Car play



Soft drink is Cold !

Getting Emo

If there is one thing our kids (boys and girl) like, it is cars !
boys love toy cars

Car convoy !

Do not stop taking photos of the kids, memories gone cannot be captured again 🙂

More videos on SengkangBabies Youtube channel. Or you can read up about our little Stars (Boon Wee, Boon Kang, Boon Yee and Boon Xin)

Omy Singapore Blog Awards is here again

OMY’s Singapore Blog Awards is HOT in the blogosphere,
and SengkangBabies (盛港宝宝)’s marketing department is self-advertising again :p

Who are Sengkang Babies, and Why do we blog ?

1- We wish to capture our kids’ memories
2- Show everyone that Singapore is not boring

What did we gain along our blogging journey ?

3- Fun, and more Fun (we love words of appreciation too, Thank You!)
4- Blogging opens so many doors for us, media-invites and product reviews

5- Blogging has become a habit, and pique our interest in posing photography
(our kids look cute right?)

6- Blogging offers more opportunities to have Fun together as a Family, eg hunting Stingrays Mandai and RWS.

7- We are a Parenting blog, but our Holiday posts are more popular. Read our itineraries (Hong Kong, Taiwan and more)

– Do pop by Best-Family category to see which families are participating 🙂

8- We “Bring You Fun” through our experience, sharing the FUN playgrounds in Singapore (even old Dragon playgrounds)

OMY got Ten categories, we have delegated our four kids to the other categories :p

9- Win or Lose does not matter, the best part about blogging is getting to know new friends and sharing.

10 – Blogging offers a platform for us to give back to society, be it charity or campaigns.

We have given you Ten reasons on why we love blogging. From Now till 10 May, support your favourite blogs, nominate yourself, and have fun discovering new blogs 🙂

For more updates about SengkangBabies and Omy Blog Award:

Omy Blog Awards and Twitter hashtag #omySBA2013
– We were Top Ten in 2012 ,thanks to your loving support 🙂
– SengkangBabies 盛港宝宝 Blog, Fanpage, Twitter

ps.. to the PR companies out there, Parenting bloggers need not talk about diapers and milk power only, we are very versatile.
Parenting = Lifestyle+Photography+Food+Lifestyle+Travel ++