Mid Autumn Festival at the Gardens

[ Media Invite ]

Mid Autumn Festival at the Gardens promise to be one Fun and Spectacular event. We get to see lanterns from multi-religion and ethnics, and you can travel around the world too!

From now till 14th Sep only, the lanterns at Gardens are set to dazzle. Bring your family down to Gardens by the Bay to celebrate Mid autumn festival (中秋节).

八仙 (8 immortals) against 7 kiddos from SengkangBabies and Cheekiemonkies.
Children at Mid Autumn Festival

Hungry? Maybe some famous Taiwan tofu will suit your palete. Otherwise cover your nose and quicken your pace when you reach “tofu” stall haha :p

We love how the stalls are brightly decorated too.

Chinese, Indian and Malay, the multiracial context for Singapore.

We got Lanterns depicting European icon and landmarks too. Boon Xin finds Spain’s bull too fierce, she prefers Netherlands’ cows.

Japanese Sumo or African Tribe?

Big Ben and Leaning Tower.

Opera house and Koala.

Tons of opportunities for families to revel under the “moonlight”. Go ahead, take a selfie or two.

Hunt for your own Zodiac animals.

Daddy still prefers the traditional Chinese big-head or Dragon/Lion dance lanterns (got more “feel”).

Love the lively cartoon animations.

Spot the green Giant Peacock soaring to the sky near the entrance. Many families were trying to pose under the vase.

It will easily take you one hour to cover the exhibits. If you are going to pose with every lantern, minimum 2 hours! (every lantern is life like 栩栩如生)

Sports Hub is nice too, as kids try to identify their favourite sports.

We had a lot of fun posing with the different lanterns.
Mid autumn Festival Gardens

花好月圆, give the “Moon” a kiss 🙂

Video : Not sure which Lantern is the kids’ favourite, but we know they love their own little Lanterns

Do pop by the Supertree Grove during the evenings (around 8.45pm) for Garden Rhapsody. The SuperTrees and special effects will bedazzle you (do check with Gardens staff for actual timing during Mid Autumn period)

For those who wish to learn more about Chinese culture, a range of activities will be available.

Mid Autumn Festival Gardens will illuminate until 14 Sep.
( Timing Mon-Fri 6PM to 11PM, Sat-Sun 3PM to 11PM)

Avoid weekends as carpark will definitely be packed. More details about Gardens by the Bay’s Mid Autumn Festival can be found on their website and Fanpage.

Try to catch Zheng4 He2 (郑和)’s boat and walk under the blinking purple bridge too, it feels like walking under the stars.

(image credit Gardens by the Bay)

Do pop by our friends Mid Autumn post too.
Temporary Local
– Our 2013 MidAutumn exploration at Gardens

The best thing about Mid Autumn Festival Gardens (滨海湾花园庆中秋), this event is Free. Do pop by our Fanpage album for more lantern photos.

Emicakes Strawberry mooncake

Emicakes Strawberry mooncakes are out to titillate your tastebud this Mid-Autumn Festival. Underneath the alluring pink snowskin, generous chunks of Strawberry and chocolate chips fill the mooncake!
Emicakes Strawberry

Emicakes Strawberry Choc Chic mooncake does not taste like mooncake in the “traditional” sense. After all, so many bakers have come out with all variants of mooncakes nowadays 🙂

Initially, Boon Xin thought it was Strawberry ice cream, with delicious chocolate chips haha! Once the kids tasted the familiar Strawberry sweetness, they could not stop.

If you are a strawberry lover, Emicakes’ latest creation will bring you immense satisfaction.

Mooncake Grandeur, from Singapore’s No1 Durian Cake maker.
We have fallen in love with Emicakes Strawberry mooncake 🙂

Each box of Strawberry Choc Chip (4 pieces) costs $48.90, and you get to enjoy 15% discount for orders before 04Sep. (Strawberry Choc Chip is also available in single packs for only $10.90 and 2 pieces for only $16.80. While stocks last. Visit any of our outlets now. T&Cs apply.)

Thank you Emicakes for the lovely Mid Autumn surprise !
Do pop by Emicakes Website and Fanpage for the latest promotions.