5 reasons why we love Cirque du Soleil

[ Media Invite ]

We have listed 5 reasons why you will enjoy Cirque du Soleil Totem. Nevermind if you cannot pronounce Cirque du Soleil or understand the “Italian”, everyone will enjoy an exceptionally good Circus πŸ™‚

We left the circus at around 10.20pm, but the adrenaline kept us cheerful. Hashtag #CirqueDuSoleil reveals more awesome, spectacular and memorable images.

1) Circus Act. Acrobatic and gravity defying stunts. Mid-air leaps, awesome swings and somersaults which increase your heartbeat pace. Yet, each action looked so effortless, so graceful.

For a while, I thought these performers do not have the “Fear” attribute.
When the audience is holding our breath in anticipation, how can the performers still look so mesmerising!

Circus Act is not only about stunts, we love the comedies too. Be it the cheeky Italian who kept sashaying his crotch (haha), or the bloke who can juggle (and hatched) eggs on all his joints. Kids had a few laughs at the naked butts too (They have not seen loin clothes but they understand Tarzan underwear.)

We normal folks can only imagine how precarious it is to balance on unicycles. The all-female crew not only synchronised their feats, they were busy scooping and throwing bowls towards one another! Looking at how the unicycles wobble front and back, how did they kept their head still, it is a miracle no one crashes πŸ™‚

Cirque du Soleil is family friendly.
20151028 Totem3
(image credit top ThePerfectFather, bottom Hpility)

2) Beautiful bodies. Toned torsos, ripped muscles, gals with six packs.
The human form beautifully contorted, we were kept on our toes wondering how the performers ace another death-defying leap (Russian Bars!) These athletes are supremely fit and agile, and the whole performance exuded elegance.

Out there on the stage, the performers defined finesses, precision and gracefulness. Intimate and titillating, we marveled as couple depicted lovers’ tiff and seduction on trapeze 10 meters up! (Wow, talk about climax)

Red Indian chief embarking on a whirlwind romance on rollers, lots of passionate embrace and groggy spins. Cirque du Soleil is Sensuous!

Cirque du Soleil Singapore

3) Elaborate stage and costumes. We love the frogs from the opening act, yes the tongues too.
Some costumes are beautifully illuminated, especially those from Russian Bars.

The multipurpose stage provided different backdrops. Trapdoors release apes, stage can even transform into a motorboat. 3D projection casts realistic lava, waves and beach onto the stage.

The sounds and lights created the mood and ambiance.
Cirque du Soleil is Splendid!

Cirque du Soleil Big top

4) The Big Top. To run a circus in a theatre or auditorium backdrop would be too classical.
Under a huge yellow and blue tent (next to MBS), the whole circus tribe enchants the audience and bring life to the Marina Bay waterfront! We loved how the shadows from performers are imprinted onto the tents.

Cirque du Soleil Big Top is magnificent!
Cirque du Soleil Russian Bar
(image credit David from Lifestinymiracles)

5) Russian Bars are the highlight of the show.
The bars are slim, elastic, and I kept figuring how it managed to bounced the performers up and down! Gravity defying stunts as the performers leap from one bar to another, astounding! As a normal human being, I already have problem running and balancing across a stationary beam (at ground level), these agile athletes perform somersaults, twists and slow-motion leaps up and down the bars. One slip and you can imagine the worse. You need to see these unbelievable leaps yourself.

Video : Cirque du Soleil is Spectacular!

This school holiday, treat the family to an extravaganza show at Cirque du Soleil Totem. Guaranteed to provide non-stop entertainment for the whole family.

Tips to enjoy the circus :
– it can be quite cold inside the tent, kids should wear jacket
– clear your bladders before the show start
– do not be late, otherwise you need to queue and wait at the aisle
– whole performance is 2.5 hours, including a 20min interval (free pop corns and ice creams for kids)
– clap along, cheer the troupe, express yourself
– camera is allowed, no flash and video
– remind the kids that these performers are trained athlete, no swinging at home

TOTEM Acts listed on Cirque Du Soleil homepage.
Totem Act

Tickets start from $98, book yours at Sistic. Get the latest update about Cirque Du Soleil from their website and Instagram or BaseEntertainment fanpage.

Read our friends’ raving reviews too:
Life’s Tiny Miracles
The Perfect Father
Ai Sakura

* do pop by out previous Big Top experience with Cavalia (horses!) too

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

21 thoughts on “5 reasons why we love Cirque du Soleil”

    1. Enjoy, Susan πŸ™‚
      The circus antics kept my kids focused on the stage, one moment someone drop from the ceiling, another moment someone appear from the basement πŸ™‚

  1. Having seen so many beautiful photos from Cirque Du Soleil (omg yes I really cannot pronounce nor spell this without constantly referring!), it makes me want to go for my first ever circus/acrobatic event! I can so imagine how you guys hold your breaths as they do all those gravity-defying stunts!

  2. what? All female circus? I didn’t know! I wished I had been invited for it. Bummer. The tickets are so expensive! Can you recommend which category to sit at? I really want to bring the family and my husband’s been saying we should bring ewan for the circus. However, a $300 ticket is just way too expensive!

  3. I agree with you that it is splendid, stupendous and haha yes a little sexy at times. It’s a visual treat, which children can enjoy too. It’s my 1st Cirque du Soleil and I hope it will not be the last! πŸ˜€

  4. I saw quite a few post about Cirque du soleil show and it looks very interesting to me but was not sure whether my little one will enjoy it or not.

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