Daddy always nag to kids “To be Happy, is to be Contented, ç„è¶łćžžäč”.
Family is healthy, kids are doing well in their studies, Mummy is relishing her dreams to be a home maker. Everyone is Happy đ
By now, everyone is saying Mayan’s End-of-world predictions are wrong. But to those who lose their relatives and friends through tragic circumstances, the grief is no less heart-wrenching đ
If the world should end tomorrow, Daddy just hope our family will stay together (instead of running everywhere looking for shelters) . In good and bad times, a Family must stay together.
2012 was good to our family, everyone is healthy and growing well.
Health is everything.
– Mummy is finally a SAHM (Stay at Home Mum). It has always been Mummy’s dream to be a home-maker, but it is not easy to rely on a single income in Singapore. Mummy has to sacrifice her dreams for the family.
– Boon Kang is progressing well in Primary One. Although we got a few meet-the-teacher session (oops), we have seen Kang mature into a responsible boy.
– Boon Yi and Xin, they are still cute, and constantly bickering. Always fun to watch them “Argue” with each other.
– Big brother Wen Wei is coping well in school, and Mummy and Daddy continues to rely on Wei to be our role model. Oh, did you know Wei is almost as tall as Mummy already ?
In 2012, our blog are Ambassadors of Fun, in line with our Blog Vision. Our Blog motto is “We Bring You Fun“. We hope more families have benefited from our experience, be it parenting, or kids engagement. No one ever mention parenting is easy, but we can certainly make it Fun.
We got a bit more famous too in 2012 đ
– as one of Omy Singapore Top Ten family bloggers, our blog has seen more airtime in the social media circles. Well, people are not asking Daddy “where does SengkangBabies live?” so frequently.
– Daddy appeared on “æ©ćźæšć„œ” and “Razor-Tv” to talk about parenting from a Dad’s point of view.
– Our blog was honoured as one of Marina Bay’s amBaysaddors. We pop by Gardens By the Bay‘s opening too đ
We even got lucky and won a HP Notebook and $1000 HL Milk money.
– Last but not least, we were invited to review Cameron Highland’s Strawberry Park resorts
Our blog opens up so many opportunities and fun-events for our kids. More importantly, we make new friends đ
Daddy hopes he can continue to be a role model for the kids. Daddy shared his Bone Marrow donation and Hair For Hope experience. With our Blog and Fanpage, we hope to spread more goodness campaigns, sort of giving back to society.
To our friends and fans, thank you for supporting us all along, it was very fulfilling for us to maintain and watch our Blog grows.
If you ask us what we are grateful for, Daddy will tell you “Everything” !
We wish you and your family a Good 2013. Happy New Year !
boooo hello! Happy new year đ
hi hi Yuh Jiun, Happy New year to you too đ
Happy New Year Andy, and to your lovely family too! Power to the Daddy Bloggers! đ
See you and kiddos in more events soon đ