Scrapbooking for Dad

[ Media Invite ]

Scrapbooking for Dad?

Before I attended Canon’s scrapbooking workshop, I always thought scrapbooking was for Mums only. Frankly speaking, give me some manly stuff like GoKart, abseiling, or even 10km run anytime :p

What is this pin, what is that roller or cutter? So many new equipments which I have not seen before. No wonder my face was blank when Claudia was giving the scrapbooking 1-2-3 tips.

… but I will gladly do scrapbooking again.
scrapbooking for Dads

Scrapbooking is a wonderful experience to bond with the kids.
Kids chose their photos, they designed their own covers, and they approved their own “art-pieces”.

This is our proud family scrapbook, with all our good memories.
scrapbook memories

At the Canon scrapbooking workshop, we were introduced to the sleek looking Pixma MG7570 printers.
Pixma printers

Once we installed Canon Pixma Maxify app, we were ready to print our photos wirelessly. Colour resolution is rich and printout fast. I had to stop the kids from sending 50 more photos over!
Canon wireless printer

Besides the printers, the audience is pretty amazed with Canon Rayo R4 mini projector too. Portable, light, ideal for that “smaller” function room to project your birthday kid’s photos.
Canon Rayo projector

Scrapbooking tips and accessories from “Pixma Town”, so much decoration ideas!
20150517 paper craft scrapbook Claudia5

Kids were really hardworking for 10 or 15 minutes. That is their attention span πŸ™‚
20150517 paper craft scrapbook Claudia2
scrapbook with Dad

There was always boxing and paper-cutter to fight for the kids’ attention.
20150517 paper craft scrapbook Claudia6

Or the famous burgers and wings at BWB! I had to remind them for the tenth time.
“Make sure your hands are not oily!”
BWB Burger Wings Bar

Dads out there, if your girl (or maybe boy) ask you to scrapbook, Go for it!
I am sure you will enjoy the scrapbooking experience too.

Scrapbooking for Dad? Yes, YeS, YEs!

Thank you Canon and BWB for hosting us, kudos to Claudia for the invite. Do pop by fellow parents’ masterpieces:

Lemon-Film (fellow Dad)
– More ….

heART Studio review

[ Workshop giveaways ]

School Holidays is approaching again, and we are looking forward to another round of expressions at heART Studio. Click for our previous heART Studio reviews.

heART studio 2015 holiday programme

Do pop by heART Studios website for the full schedule. and we have two workshop passes to giveaway!

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Each arts class is worth $75.

(Left) – Guardians of the Galaxy β€” x1 giveaway
04 June 2015, 4.30pm to 7pm (aged 5 and 6)

(Right ) – Clay Bird – x1 giveaway
04 June 2015, 4.30pm (aged 7+)

heART Studio Holiday programmes

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Terms and Conditions for the Giveaway:

– Entries that do not fulfill the requirements stated will be disqualified without notice.
– The child has to be at least 5 years and above, based on the month and year of birth.
– No repeat winners are allowed.
– Winners will be notified by email, through the email address provided.
– Winners must confirm by reply email or phone call, within three days. Otherwise, a new winner will be picked.

– No changing of date or time is allowed.
– No Existing Customers allowed.
– This giveaway is open to Singapore residents only.

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If you are keen on heART Studio’s giveaway, this is what you need to do πŸ™‚

1. Contest is on our Fanpage
2. Fans must first LIKE heaRT Studio and SengkangBabies Fanpage
3. Leave your name and email on our Fanpage (or you can message email address)
heART Studio Holiday programmes

4. Share this page (refer step 3) on your Facebook Wall and tag @SengkangBabiesBlog
(so that we know you are participating)

5. Contest ends 20May 10pm, and two winners will be randomly picked

heART Studio – Teaching Art from the Heart
Do pop by their website and fanpage for the latest activities.