Racism is everywhere

In an ideal world, do we need to celebrate Racial Harmony day ?
We are fortunate in Singapore, we celebrate our multi-cultural traits and ethnicity, we love the food from different cultures. Our kids play with friends from all over the world πŸ™‚

However, we are not saints and we sometimes stereotype (skinny, fat, pretty, ugly, homos etc), we each have our own racist streak. Daddy is not saying it is healthy to have these negative traits, but to deny otherwise would sound like a Hypocrite.

Why tolerate each other, when we should embrace? Tolerate seems to imply there is a threshold, and what happens when we breach the OB marker?

Are we mature enough to handle racial slurs? Can we give and take? We can definitely be magnanimous enough to forgive, if someone is truly sorry.

Of course, if someone is harbouring ill intention, and sowing inter-racial discord, most Singaporeans will have no qualms sending him to Guantanamo Bay camp.

Unfortunately, Social Media cuts both way, good news spread fast, bad news become frontpage material ! Is it more practical to teach Social Media users to be careful? or to teach the next generation to recognise and embrace racial differences?

Daddy would gladly pick option 2 any day.
Why should one race be superior over another?

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DPM Teo mentioned 40% of marriages involve one spouse who is non-citizen (Further breakdowns indicate 70% Singaporean males have a foreign wife). It does mean our grandchildren could very well form a UN (United Nation) at Sengkang :p
(blonde hair, darker pigments, green eyes etc etc )
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Meanwhile, we can jolly well expect more “racial incidences” to surface, online or offline.
The youngsters today subscribe to a different philosophy, often more vocal and brash, sometimes lacking empathy.
If and when racial slurs happen again, Daddy believe we can settle most issues at the community level, without invoking draconian laws or the police.


Food for thought ?

Philips ‘+’ Project hopes to Improve our lives

Have you ever feel strongly about something close to your heart.
It can be thinking about how we can improve our lives, make things better, or simply put a smile on someone else.

Daddy is talking about Philip’s “+” Project, an initiative to ask Singaporeans to touch our hearts and ask “What Matters”, and do something about it.

To quote from Philips “+” Project :
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The β€˜+’ Project by Philips underlines our commitment to improve the quality of people’s lives in Asia Pacific. Through the β€˜+’ project, we aim to work together with you, your community and other stakeholders, combining insights with expertise, technology with funding to face these challenges and make a real difference to the quality of lives of you and your loved ones. We call this meaningful innovation.
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Look around us, can we make something better? Philips have shortlisted a few ideas to pick our brain. What matters to us? Is it our family, friends, community and loved ones?

–> You might be interested in some of the research spinning off the themes, or maybe the survey results.

How does the survey works? . ..(Daddy forgot to mention the $10,000 carrot)

1) Click for Philips “+” survey
2) Fill up the survey form, then vote for one of the Five ideas. Philips will pick winning idea in December
3) Philips will work with various stakeholders, + Philips technology know-how to realise your idea

Singapore is the third country in Asia, after Indonesia and Thailand. Drop by to view how communities have benefited.

One of the “Parenting and Family” questions, was about breastfeeding support in Singapore. Daddy was motivated to talk about breastfeeding and husband’s role.

The husbands can definitely do more than washing milk bottles, and EPL can wait:p

No more What IFs, make your voice counts.
Click to start your survey.

More updates on Philips “+” can be found :
— Tweeter hashtag #SGPlus