Ramadan Trials at Sultan Mosque

Daddy attended an orientation for non-Muslims to understand more about our Muslim friends, their beliefs, culture and the significance of Ramadan.

Living in Singapore, we sometimes take Racial-harmony for granted. We fail to understand that in other countries, some religion can be treated as demonic in the media, or worse, you can be humiliated or harm for simply belonging to another religion.

Under Brother Jason, we went through an orientation about Islam, Muslim and why do Muslim Fast.

Islam is a peace loving religion. Personally, Daddy beleves all Religions teach us to be good, we all need an open heart.

We have a German in our group and he relates how media has brandish Islam as a evil cult in the western world. He first came across a Muslim in Australia. When the Muslim starts chanting his prayers, our German friend and spouse got a shock ! They did not know that Muslims can be peaceful.

In Singapore, he quickly sign up for the Ramanda trials to understand more about Islam faith. He really appreciates Singapore’s multi ethnicity, where everyone is free to practice our own faith and beliefs.

Through the class, we also learn :
– when we bow and let our forehead touch the ground, we are letting go of our ego. Be humble.
– with our palms up, we surrender ourselves to a higher being. Open our heart and our mind.

– when we pray to God, we pray for forgiveness. We pray to be a better person.
– “Intention” is always more important than “Action”. As long as our Intention is sincere, we can help those around us.

– Sometimes, we can hear the morning prayer calls originating from the Mosques.
In the old days, Arabic was the common language, and when we hear the verses being broadcast, the prophet is actually calling for All to come and pray together. Praying is not exclusive for Muslims only.

What is Ramadan, and why is it so important for Muslims?

Why do Muslims fast? We get to know a little bit more about certain practices.

Life is good in Singapore, and we take a lot of things for granted. Do we know how it feels to go hungry? During Ramadan, whether you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, Muslims fast to identify with the less fortunate. During Fasting, Muslims experience hunger pangs, sore throat, experience what it is like, to be hungry.

Muslims breaks their fast with a date. Fasting allows one to appreciate our food more.

Non-Muslims have fasted too (although for shorter period). Remember how we have to abstain from food and water for six hours before our medical procedure? We feel hungry and thirsty when we recover right? Our Muslim friends keep to their faith, and fast for one month.

Remember, when we complain about food choices, “where and what to eat”, someone might not even know whether there is a “next” meal 🙁

For the second part of Ramdan trials, we tour the Mosque compound.

We did not know that Sultan Mosque can house 5000 people !

Love the stately domes surrounding the Mosque. The domes will be illuminated with blue and green light at intervals.

Break Fast together with our Muslim brothers and sisters. We all huddle around a hugh plate of rice. If you wish, you can eat direct from the plate with your right hand 🙂

Thank you Sultan Mosque, and our friends for the orientation. Daddy really got to know more about Islam and Muslims. For more photos, do pop by SengkangBabies’ fanpage album. Daddy will recommend that you pop by our friends ( PY and Rose ) blog account of Ramadan trails too 🙂

If Daddy should have mis-interpreted anything, please let him know so that he can amend.
Otherwise, Daddy would like to encourage more to participate in inter-faiths exchange.

To our Muslim friends, we wish you Selamat Hari Raya in advance.

Mandarin lessons can be Fun

Elephant (大象) and Whale (藍鲸) in a Mandarin class? Actually, these are props used by teachers to attract kids’ attention. We understand that each lesson will showcase different animal characters.

In another segment, kids have to use Mandarin instructions “左右停走” to navigate their  blind partner to pick up the correct flash card.

We got an invitation from Chengzhu Mandarin Centre (成竹华语中心) to attend their Chinese curriculum course. Chengzhu is part of “Julia Gabriel education” group.

It was interesting to see how Chengzhu’s passionate teachers go about enhancing the kids’ interest in Mandarin curriculum. The school firmly believes in instilling a love for Mandarin in the kids first.

Kang’s teacher is Teacher Yu, who nurtures the kids to appreciate “Mandarin” classes, through story telling, followed by quizzing the kids on their understanding (comprehension).

Kids are encouraged to form sentences with the new words they learn today.

ChengZhu’s Mandarin curriculum follows MOE (Ministry of Education)’s curriculum. Teachers will keep emphasizing our kids to reply in full sentences, instead of words. (parents with Primary school going kids will always be puzzled why the correct answer will only get 1/2 mark, and only a full sentence gets you full mark)

What impress Daddy is the 故事屋 (StoryHouse). It is actually a library, but designed with heavy dose of oriental flavour 🙂

Look at the elaborate motifs and loft, kids can actually borrow a book and snuggle up comfortably. Daddy love the wooden stool. So nostalgia!

With such an environment, it is definitely easier for kids to immerse themselves into a positive learning experience.

ChengZhu’s playground offers ample space for kids to roam up and down. While the older siblings are at class, younger kids can have their own playtime and exploration.

More than the oriental environment, passionate teachers will determine whether our kids enjoy their classes. ChengZhu’s teachers has a high profiency of Mandarin, and Teacher Yu engages all the kids and kept them curious during the class. Kang really enjoys his show and tell session.

ChengZhu’s Mandarin name is 成竹, which hopes students will be confident and 胸有成竹.
When kids are confident, they can take on any challenges.

We would like to take this opportunity to thanks ChengZhu and Janice for the invite.

ChengZhu offers Mandarin curriculum all the way from Nursery (6 months) onwards to Primary six (twelve years old), interested parents may contact ChengZhu at :

– 35 Rocheser Drive #03-01 Rochester Mall (Bouna Vista MRT)
– 6737 5348