Science Ahoy!

[ Media Invite ]

As part of Science Festival, there are a series of Science related activities to keep kids’ curiosity intrigued. We happen to pop by Science Ahoy! at Science Centre last Saturday.

Science Ahoy! is a 90 minutes session filled with multiple activities. As the name implies, Science Ahoy! is all about sailors, pirates and boats (water theme).

There is a part time pirate waiting to introduce the activities too.

In one of the stations, kids improvised a boat (paper cutting) and watch in amazement as the boat floats down a “water channel”. All it takes is a drop of soap.

Daddy learn something new about “Water Tension” and “buoyancy”.

Next, kids challenge each other to build a plasticine boat, which needs to float. They learn that a big surface area is needed otherwise their boats will become submarines.

At the end of each task, kids get to fill in the quiz in their booklet, and collect a piece of map (total six pieces).

How does Marmalade sounds to kids? They know Marmalade is normally tasty but how about concocting one themselves?

Add a drop of coluring syrup, Science Festival Crew will help to boil the “gooey” ingredient. Kids then stir their own mixture and wait for it to solidify.

Build a Earth from the Core to the Crust. Besides learning about Earthquakes (how earth moves), kids also learn about the hot temperature at the center of our Earth.
Science Ahoy activities

They even get to diy their own Earth model, with a marble as the core πŸ™‚
Diy Earth crust

How can we measure odd-shape dimensions? With a string and some “squares”, kids could measure the perimeter and size of a leaf.

Once they got the dimensions, kids can break a Secret Code to go into the next stage.

Map is finally complete, our little sailors have accomplished their mission.

We would like to thanks the crew at Science Centre for hosting us. The kids were really focused on completing their tasks. Parents are glad that they pick up some useful knowledge (and tips) along the way.

Video : Kids’ boats and Earth model

More details about Singapore Science Festival can be found on their website and Fanpage.

1. Science Centre
Science Ahoy! (this article) requires $5 fee per participant and event ends 18th July (Normal Admission charges to Science Centre applies). We recommend Science Ahoy! for kids 6+ as they need to grasp some of the concepts. More photos on our Fanpage.

Human Body Experience HBX (where you get swallowed into a Human digestive track)

2. Sea Aquarium Feeding Frenzy (watch how the Manta Ray feeds)

3. ArtScience Museum

Oreo cheese cake factory

Mention Oreo, and our kids gleam non stop.
Oreo on it’s own, Oreo peeled and licked, Oreo dunked in milk, and of course Mummy’s Oreo Cheese cake!

Even Daddy could not resist posing with the delicious cheese cake.

The night before, our Oreo Cheese cake factory (in Sengkang) was packed with activities. Some crack the eggs, some whipped the cream.

Others help themselves to the cookies packed the cookies neatly together. Mummy always expect Oreo to go missing, and she never fail to stock extra Oreo cookies.
We love Oreo

Video : Kids helping Mummy with Oreo Cheese cake

Needless to say, Oreo Cheese cake always have a short lifespan in our home πŸ™

For SengkangBabies, Oreo = Happiness πŸ™‚