That “Wooh oh oh” song π
Our NDP 2013 theme song, One Singapore.
Not many adults people are impressed, but kids LOVE the song!
Daddy hear this song every morning when he walk Boon Wee to school.
A teacher will be drumming up National Day’s mood during assembly session.
** Alert ** Do lower your speaker volume before you play the video below. SengkangBabies are not trained vocalists, expect us to have pitching issues, and Daddy to crock :p
Video : Look at them chrous away
Even if the Red Lions could not jump, kids just need some Happy songs to rev up their enthusiasm and patriotism.
Now, Daddy understand “Happy song” can be subjective, maybe our NE3 experience will bring more cheers to all keke π
If Boon Yee becomes a life-guard one day, Daddy suspects Pasir Ris pool will experience full-house everyday. The boy does look suave and cute in his shades, maybe like GI Joe idol Lee Hun Byung?
Boon Yee is enjoying the attention too π
Together with Heng family (BPDG), we were invited to Pasir Ris SRC‘s June holidays programme, where kids can become baywatch Life-Guard or Pool Operator. Actually, it is a “Kids Awareness and Education” Programme.
Derrick is our life-guard and instructor. He told us that Yellow is the international colour for life-guard, and his equipment includes whistle and walkie talkie etc.
We see life-guards whenever we go swimming, but we have never got so near to one before. (except that one time when kids climb up the slide in the wrong direction)
Behind this door, a life-guard can try to revive someone who might be injured or fainted.
The poster show us how to perform CPR, and Uncle Derrick show us how to use the oxygen mask.
Earlier, everyone is issued a pair of sunglass and cap.
Specially for Today, and today only, kids can whistle to their heart’s content,
we even climb up a life-guard’s tower π
Daddy is confident that while the other people enjoy the pool, our mini lifeguards will be on the look out for potential danger and risks.
Uncle Derrick share with us that life-guards need to walk around every interval, as they need to look for danger signs, or maybe someone has fallen unconscious near one “blindspot” corner.
Daddy told kids to be mindful of the float and rope locations next time they go to a swimming pool. Someone might need our help one day.
Kids write their own feelings and expectations after the class on little piece of stars.
So many Stars ! A lot of kids must have enjoyed their classes π
Smile π
Module 2 is about the job of a “Pool operator“. Daddy told us someone needs to maintain the pool, keep the water clean, and maybe pump debris off the pool.
Our Pool Operator today is John Lee, and he taught us how to test the water quality. Chlorine kills the germs and bacteria, but too much chlorine will cause irritation to our skin or eyes. We measure the water quality by comparing the “colour” code. (just like chemistry class’s test tubes)
We did some live sample collection over at the pool.
No worries, the water is safe to swim today π
Ever wonder what happen to the debris at the bottom of the pool? The cleaner can pick up the bigger leafs or maybe plastic bags, but we need to rely on pumps to suck away smaller particles (just like vacumn cleaner).
We end the class with quiz time π
Video : Did the kids enjoy themselves?
Thank you Pasir Ris SRC for the invite, the kids had a lot of fun during the classes, and Daddy hope they pick up some useful tips too.