Emicakes Strawberry mooncake

Emicakes Strawberry mooncakes are out to titillate your tastebud this Mid-Autumn Festival. Underneath the alluring pink snowskin, generous chunks of Strawberry and chocolate chips fill the mooncake!
Emicakes Strawberry

Emicakes Strawberry Choc Chic mooncake does not taste like mooncake in the “traditional” sense. After all, so many bakers have come out with all variants of mooncakes nowadays 🙂

Initially, Boon Xin thought it was Strawberry ice cream, with delicious chocolate chips haha! Once the kids tasted the familiar Strawberry sweetness, they could not stop.

If you are a strawberry lover, Emicakes’ latest creation will bring you immense satisfaction.

Mooncake Grandeur, from Singapore’s No1 Durian Cake maker.
We have fallen in love with Emicakes Strawberry mooncake 🙂

Each box of Strawberry Choc Chip (4 pieces) costs $48.90, and you get to enjoy 15% discount for orders before 04Sep. (Strawberry Choc Chip is also available in single packs for only $10.90 and 2 pieces for only $16.80. While stocks last. Visit any of our outlets now. T&Cs apply.)

Thank you Emicakes for the lovely Mid Autumn surprise !
Do pop by Emicakes Website and Fanpage for the latest promotions.

Peony Jade invites you to a moonlight feast

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This Mid Autumn festival, Peony Jade is treating you to a moonlight feast.
All Peony Jade mooncakes are handcrafted and freshly baked.

Their traditional oh-so-flaky Teochew Orh-ni (芋泥) mooncake is delightful for everyone. Kids (and adults too) simply love to peel the flaky skin and the sweet yam just melts in your mouth.
recommend Orh Ni Mooncakes

You know Orh-Ni is our favourite because it was the first one to vanish! Daddy suspects Orh-ni (芋泥月饼) will be grandparents’ favourite too.

Then we were presented with Peony Jade’s “4 Heavenly Flavours 天皇四果宝” too.
If the snowskin(冰皮月餅) is colourful, wait till you taste the “exotic” fruit fillings !
Peony Jade famous mooncakes

As the name implies, “Fruitty” Snowskin mooncakes consist of 4 flavours from Mao Shan Wang, Soursop, Jackfruit and Snowskin Kochi Yuzu with Apple cream cheese.

In our home, everyone loves Mao Shan Wang (猫山王), but soursop and jackfruit is an acquired taste (for the kids). The apple cream cheese comes with a slight tinge of sour. Daddy will use “refreshing” (figuratively and literally) to describe the four fruitty flavours.

Our kids are rooting for Orh-Ni and Traditional mooncakes, which means their parents get to savour the snowskins 🙂

Baked Mooncake with Premium Mother of Pearl White Lotus Paste, Macadamia Nuts & Double Yolk.

Peony Jade offers a wide selection of mooncakes to cater for everyone’s palate.

Do pop by Peony Jade website and Fanpage for your mooncakes selection.

Thank you Peony Jade for the Mooncakes feast !