The day when Robinson Road became a warzone

24 hours earlier, something bad has happened to Singapore.

We heard something unprecedented has occurred along Robinson road, taxi’s exploding sounds were echoed down the street.

Something is very wrong, we saw soldiers and Terrex Infantry Fighting vehicles (IFV)securing Robinson road !

Dead people and debris everywhere. Seems like certain building has been blown up and we see office items littered along the streets. God knows where else Singapore has been bombed !

Singapore is under attack ! Singapore is at War !

Then we saw Jack Neo’s smiling face, there is a Big Relief. This is his latest movie, and our hotshot director has converted Robinson Road into a warzone !!

We are on the movie set of Jack Neo’s latest movie “From Ah Boys to Men” (新兵正传). The story is about how boys become men in the army.

Dedicated crew and team, makes all the difference, and we witness first hand how everybody pull together to make filming ticks. Actors, carafare, filming and logistics crew, everyone put in their professional contribution.

Daddy is amazed at the minute details, nothing is left to chance. Coincidentally, the bus-shelter poster was advertising another war movie, Sylvester Stallone’s “Expendables 2”.

Our familiar Robinson road was turn upside down, littered with burning Taxis and casualties. Did you know jTeam took three months to secure Robinson Road’s lockdown, negotiating with different statboards and building owners !

We hope reel-life will never become real-life for Robinson road.
Some of us are parents and we have dependents, how will Singapore respond when faced with imminent threats? Will we run or stay?

All the bloggers agree that this was a once in a lifetime experience. Most of us have not been on a film set before, not to mention a fighting warzone !

In case you are interested, 24hours of preparation will only be 3 minutes of reel time !

This video clip offers a sneakpeak of what went on along Robinson Road on 19Aug.

More warzone photos can be found at SengkangBabies Warpage and Daddy is recommending you to read our fellow war correspondents’ field reports :p
Senang Diri

From AhBoys to Men consist of two installments. Part 1 will be released on 08Nov, and part 2 during Chinese New Year 2013. We wish to thanks Mindef PR team for inviting us bloggers to a fun fill afternoon.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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