Srisun Express Tissue Prata

Our kids love Roti Prata but Tissue Prata is new to them. I have seen epic taller-than-humans Tissue Prata before in KL, and had been trying to find something similar in Johor (without success).

srisun express tissue prata
Srisun express

That is, until I went “Walau!” (exaggerated but authentic expression) at Mummy Delphine’s IG photo (@LifeIntheWeeHours)

These huge pratas are so near to our neighbouhood! You should ask Delphine how they cut down the Tall Tissue Prata, read their RK Eating House experience here.

Alas, our prata is size “S” from Hougang. We realised the Taller-than-human Tissue Prata is only available at Serangoon Garden’s branch.

But the smaller prata turn up to be a blessing in disguise. Kids found the Tissue Prata bland and only snack on a few slabs. If we had ordered the Epic Tissue Prata, I would not be able to finish it.
srisun hougang

The chocolate banana prata ($4) is delicious and slightly mushy, we love the combination of chocolate and chewable banana.
srisun exress banana chocolate prata

To my surprise, something crop up when we researched Tissue Prata.
Giant Ice Milo tower, all 3 litres of goodness!

srisun iced milo tower
Milo tower

Intrigued with the Tower, kids were waiting for condensation, then splash each other with water droplets!
Crazy, but I guess this is one way to relieve post-exam stress (my excuse).

Bandung Tower

Srisun Express got Bandung Tower too! The whole Tower can fill about 10 to 12 mugs!

Hooray! Exam is over, time to celebrate and party πŸ™‚
If you want to surprise the kids, Epic Prata and Iced Milo should do the trick.

For more IG “supper” photos, do hop to Instagram hashtag #SrisunExpress or their Fanpage.

Additional details :
– Srisun Express has two branches in Hougang and Serangoon Gardens
– Srisun address – Hougang (530212), Serangoon Gardens (555952)
– Halal eatery
– Srisun Express is open 7×24
– Contact number : 6288 5747
– The TALL Tissue Prata, and Honeymoon prata (looks delicious) is only available at Serangoon Gardens
– Price is reasonable

Staff were friendly and even brought kids to see the “chef” flip prata haha πŸ™‚

Food 3.5/5
Value for money 4/5
Experience (Novelty) 5/5

We should be visiting the Serangoon Garden branch soon πŸ™‚

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

15 thoughts on “Srisun Express Tissue Prata”

    1. You never know Lup Wai, perhaps one day we can have a parenting group day trip to enjoy cheesecake and farms aha.
      Meanwhile, let me know if you need any directions/tips for Johor/Malaysia πŸ™‚

  1. I read about the milo tower before, but it is the first time I see a larger than life Tissue Prata! I love love love Tissue Prata because they are prepared with a whole lot of sugar, LOL!

    Can you imagine someone ordering Nescafe tower? Wa lao sure no need to sleep that night. Haha!
    Jacqualine recently posted…RSAF Open House 2016My Profile

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