About blogging, SengkangBabies’ style

What started as an experiment has mature into a hobby. Our blog,
SengkangBabies, is growing up, together with our four kiddos.

We blog, because we love to capture and document our memories.
Sometimes, we do get to enjoy the perks, like media previews and giveaways πŸ™‚
..but there is something more Gratifying for us.

When you, our Readers and Friends drop us a note, comment or best-wishes. We really appreciate all your interest and feedback, because it motivates us to do better !
[This is Daddy’s heartfelt thoughts]

Today, we will share our e-Interview and video about our finalist status under Singapore Blog Awards (ζ–°εŠ ε‘ιƒ¨θ½ζ Όε€§ε₯–) “Family category”. Watch the video to see how our cute Kids rally for votes.

For better playback quality, click for our original Video at Youtube

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Q1. How do you feel about being one of finalists in Singapore Blog Awards 2012?

With four kids, and reaching 40, Daddy is still excited about SengkangBabiestop ten nomination into Singapore Blog Award’s Family category !

To be nominated as a finalist is a recognition. Hello to our fans and friends, we are so glad someone appreciate and believe our blog is cool enough for Top Ten under Best-Family category.

Daddy is convinced the journey itself will be very much part of the fun. Whether we win or not, we will get to meet new friends, and hopefully, share our adventures with more families.

Q2. When did you start blogging and what drew you to it? Where do you get inspiration for your blog content?

Daddy picked up blogging a few months before our girl, Boon Xin (2009) was due. We love how some parents capture and document their kids’ childhood memories, through their blog. We really believe blogging would be an interesting way to share our adventures and “gossips” with more families.

Since then, blogging has become our passion, and through sharing, our readers and fans will get to appreciate more about parenting tips, playgrounds, and even photography !
Do pop by SengkangBabies’ Vision and Mission at our “About SengkangBabies” page.

With our four adorable kids around us, Daddy is never short of blogging inspirations.
Fellow parent bloggers always give us a motivation to keep our blog updated and interesting.

Q3. How do you feel about the other Finalists in your category this year? How do you think you will fare compared to them?

Daddy know most of the “Family” finalists, either in person or Online. Most of the time, we know each other Online first, and we feel like “Friends” when we do meet up !
[“I know you, you are so and so”, “Are you Punggol-Babies” etc]
Parenting bloggers are mostly jovial and friendly! 2012’s finalists are listed here.

We each got our own blogging style. The Mummy bloggers are always strong, how many Daddy bloggers do you know of?
Having say that, 2012’s “Family category” will be interesting, we got four Daddy bloggers nominated! We hope this will spur more husbands to become bloggers too.

If a Daddy blogger should win, it will definitely show Daddy bloggers can be COOL too.
–> do consider SengkangBabies for Macau ok, Thank you πŸ™‚

Q4. Give a reason why readers should visit your blog and vote for you?

Our kids bring you Fun ! That is our blog motto.

We started this blog with one mission, to share our playgrounds, and archive the kids’ memories. If you feel that blogging is a noteworthy way to document our kids’ childhood. Follow our adventures.

We will give you another reason to visit our blog. ζˆ‘ε€‘ηš„ε­©ε­ζ―”θΎƒε€š !
(literally we have more kids).
Have you ever wonder how a Big noisy family with four kids thrive in Sunny Singapore?
How do we cope with school, our daily challenges, and maybe how we travel together !
(It is not easy for young parents to fathom traveling with a toddler)

Family life is not only about Fun and smiles, there are definitely challenges too.
But our kids gave us more Smiles then Panadols :p

SengkangBabies is about Kids, memories, and Happy Family.
We want you to exit our blog, with a smile.

Get closer to SengkangBabies :

Vote for us πŸ™‚

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Updated 2012Jul, the actual event was funfill, and we got to meet up with friends.

Singapore Blog Awards 2012

This is the third time Sengkang Babies are participating in Omy’s Singapore Blog Awards. The kids have grown along the way, we get to know more friends online and offline, and some have become kakis !

Friends (big and small ones) will always meet and catchup at events, to share fun places, even blogging and photography tips.

Sengkang Babies got some new features in 2012 :
– we started a Fanpage to share more photos.
– we got a little more chatty on Twitter and even dabble with pInterest.
SengkangBabies.com got our own domain now

Some things have not changed. The number of Daddy bloggers are still so few. Let Daddy highlight a few old/new Dads who are regulars online. Daddy bloggers motivate SengkangBabies to blog better and share more πŸ™‚

CheekieMonkie.net – If we need ideas for places of interest, we visit Daddy Kelvin’s blog
EdUnloaded.com – Edmund is among the pioneer Daddy bloggers in Singapore
daddy.nivlek.per.sg – Kelvin is the techie Daddy
jbabiesDad.blogspot.com – Daddy Isaiah is passionate about lifestyle and photography
dear.xander.sg – Daddy Winston writes letters to his little boy

More updates on our favourite blogs are listed at our blogroll page.

Ok, Daddy has talked so much, if are you still not convinced about joining Omy Blog Award already, they are dangling $30,000 worth of carrot to tempt you, and a Macau trip. Drop by sgBlogawards.omy.sg for more details.

Do not be surprised if you see Sengkang Babies appearing in non-Family categories :p

Parenting bloggers normally bring up the fun and happy moments, but believe us, looking after the kids is never easy. We may make it look easy, maybe because we are so use and numb to handling our kiddos by now haha :p

Visit our previous year experiences in 2010 and 2011.
We would like to thanks our friends (Xin Yun and Rui Ting) for nominating us, much appreciated πŸ™‚

Kids are still teaching us adults to learn and appreciate simple things everyday !
If not for the kids, Daddy would not have discover photography and blogging.
Remember SengkangBabies, remember our motto “We bring you fun !
