Kidzania with parents too!

[ Media Invite ]

Kidzania with parents, this was a first for us and we had so much Fun with the kids!

Parents know Kidzania is FUN (our previous experience), I will be honest and admit that I secretly yearned to join the kids in their fire engine or ambulance rides too.

Kids only. This is the normal operating SOP at Kidzania, but B.KidZanian CitiZens night is different.
Kidzania with parents

I had an opportunity to prepare KFC burgers with the kids, theirs is “kosong” (ie without lettuce and mayonnaise!). From the moment I don the apron (it fits too!) to helping the kid wrap their burger, I had so much Fun!

You might noticed that we interned at a lot of food establishments. We were hungry, and it was real FUN to prepare your own dinner! If time permit, we might have tried the popular Soup Spoon outlet too.
Granted, we have to pay for the activity( instead of earning kidzos), but the experience was very satisfying and the food taste nice too.

The girls would not mind if Paddle Pop pays them with ice cream yes :p

Kids can apply to be Kidzania citizens, $18 one time fee applies, and wait for the next B.Kidzanian event.

Many parents at Kidzania Singapore’s first B.Kidzanians (ie Kidzania Citizens) were beaming throughout the night πŸ™‚

Other non-F&B careers for the kids, all look so cute. Doctors junior tending to the babies at Mount Elizabeth’s nursery.

Confident (and so adorable) security guards with their stash of gold, I wonder whether they are equipped with taser too.

Have you seen such a happy Convenience store (7-11) cashier before?

We noticed the queue at Candy Store was never ending too.

Ever popular pilot and aircrew recruitments, we needed to reserve sessions 1 hour in advance.

As B.Kidzanian event is organised in the evening (6pm to 10pm), we got more opportunities with more games, otherwise no way we could fly with Qatar. We heard 12,000 kids from Singapore and overseas have signed up as B.KidZanian CitiZens for KidZania Singapore.

Some of the Kidzania cities which support B.Kidzanian (in Asia) are Manila, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, and Delhi NCR.

As a Kidzania citizen, you are treated as VIP wherever you go, more benefits listed here.

The best experience at Kidzania is at the Department store, where kids learn their hard earned money might not be enough (reality check) ! It is ok, they can save their money in their account and wait earn more Kidzos at the next visit.

Kids are complaining that parents had it better, just go in take photos and do not “work”, but still can collect money (kidzos!)

Kidzania B.Kidzanian was organised on a weekday. Met a few other parents at Kidzania, and we all agree that working “OVERTIME” for the kids at Kidzania is tiring. However, we will not hesitate if there is an opportunity to bring smiles to our kids again.

More details about Kidzania on their website and Fanpage.
Thank you for the engagement, Kidzania πŸ™‚