Sengkang Avengers

Primary school exams are approaching, and Wei cannot concentrate when his siblings are creating so much din at home. So Daddy brought them to Compass Point.

We walk to the library, aircon and story telling sounds interesting,
and should keep kids entertained for hours.

Well done, we forgot librarians need to rest on public holiday,
so we hop onto something more interesting.

It is so easy to keep us occupied, as we marauded the poor Koala and kangaroo !

But we had more fun cosplaying as Avengers at Kiddy Palace.
Daddy thought the mini Heroes look cute.

Mummy had imposed a curfew until 4pm, and she does not care whether you are HULK or Captain America :p

On the way home, we watch mynah quench their thirst.

Boon Kang the Hulk wants to know how you spend your afternoon πŸ™‚