MacRitchie Reservoir running is FUN

MacRitchie Reservoir running is SCENIC! I had always wanted to try trail running around MacRitchie Reservoir. When Nick jio (invited) a few Dads, I jump on the opportunity.

Beforehand, I had came across many wonderful photos of the waterway, boardwalks and the views from Jelutong Tower. Love the cloud’s reflection off the waterbody! 


The first question. Run clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If you are new to trail running, do an anti-clockwise, starting from the carpark..

Take note water/toilet point is only at Carpark and Ranger station (TreeTop)


Follow the markers in the direction of Tree Top Walk,  Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Jelutong Tower.

There are many slopes and rocks to slow you down within the first 4 km.
The pebbles are slippery, run carefully or you might fall.

The last 3 km are on scenic boardwalk.

MacRitchie Reservoir running
MacRitchie Reservoir running

Look bamboos! We were busy exploring our surroundings too.

We detoured and climb up Jelutong tower, the climb is tiring after our 6 km route. But the view from the top is worth it 🙂

At the 7 or 8 km mark (estimated), you will “exit” the woods and come to this waterbody!  VERY NICE!

This area is adjacent to Singapore Island Country Club. Can we wade inside the pool?


The whole MacRitchie Reservoir running route is about 11 to 12 Km. I was flat from 8 or 9 km mark onwards, and had to walk back all the way.

Mental note : My fitness has a lot of catch-up!

If you had started clockwise, the last few kilometers will be super tough!

Anyway, we soon reach the performing stage near the carpark. Many student would be familiar with the zig-zag bridge as they run in their school’s cross-country run.


We saw more tourist families (and monkeys) than Singaporean families. Hope more will go out and enjoy the beautiful scenic views at MacRitchie Reservoir! The boardwalk is stroller and wheelchair friendly too.

The best thing about running is exploring new corners and connectors. To run with a buddy is a bonus 🙂


MacRitchie Reservoir running will start from the multi-storey carpark, hourly rate applies. More details are available on Nparks website.

Check out Nick’s cool Strava mapping here. You may wish to explore Tree Top Walk too, refer our previous experience here.

Macritchie Tree Top walk 01.01.2016

We started 2016 with a trail to Macritchie Tree Top Walk.
This is Boon Yee(9) and Boon Xin(7) first attempt (Read our 2011 experience)

The climb in numbers.
7am start.
3 hours, 7 km trail.
38 floors (FitBit) and 12000 steps.

Trip can be challenging but great company encouraged the kids to soldier on. Proud of them!

Directional signs and maps to guide visitors. Keep to the boardwalk and track and you should not get lost.

New paths are being mapped across the terrain, more exploration for kids. Stop to enjoy nature, the ants, spiders, and squirrels.
tree top walk for kids
20160101 tree top walk3
20160101 tree top walk7
20160101 tree top walk1

I remembered the path was more rugged, with exposed roots last time. I would prefer mud over boardwalks anytime, for a more authentic nature experience.
20160101 tree top walk6

Parents need to control kids from dashing down slope, as they might find it hard to “brake”.
Some surfaces are rocky, exposed rocks can be sharp.
tree top walk muddt

We reached the suspension bridge after 1 hour.
Macritchie tree top walk with family

A wefie with Tan family to shout “Happy 2016!

We are supposed to enjoy the moment, the serenity and the tree top expanse, but kids dashed across the bridge!
20160101 tree top walk4

Video : Tree Top walk highlight!

For first timers, there are two challenging points.
1) The steep incline after ranger station, with gradient of 40 degrees!
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2) … the endless steps after suspension bridge.
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Some fishes and pond skaters populate this pond and natural stream.
20160101 tree top walk9

* Take note of incremental weather notice.
– We had a close shave when a tree crashed 2 minutes after we walked past.
– After rain, kids might slip on wet boardwalk’s fallen leaves

Fitbit report, not shabby at all. We managed to finish the 7km Tree Top trail in under 3 hours.
20160101 tree top walk

Additional tips for families :
– Target 3 hours with 3 to 4 breaks for trail. Slow and Easy.
– Hydrate, rest every 20 to 30 minutes for water break
– Tree Top walk can be accomplished by families, recommended for kids 5 or 6 and above.
– The numerous steps are manageable, but I might recommend more stairs/steps to condition your calves and hamstrings
– Trail is not stroller friendly
– No U-turn on suspension bridge
– Ranger station (after 50 minutes) can be your first pit stop. Refill, toilet break.
– Bring Mosquito repellent
– Bring rain coat or cap, there are few shelters from rain
– No feeding of monkies. They will snatch any exposed plastic bag, which they have associate with food.
– Suspension bridge only open at 9am, but ranger allow guests to enter at 8.30am 🙂
– Wear proper shoes, not sandals

Map of our trail.
1)Start from Venus carpark, 2)Reach Ranger (after 50 minutes), 3)Suspension bridge, 4) Heading back to Venus Carpark
Macritchie Tree Top walk map

More photos have been uploaded on our Fanpage album.
If Boon Xin can do it, your kids can do it too 🙂