Ocbc Cycle with Family

[ Media Invite ]

We participated in OCBC Cycle with family last weekend. It was another fun opportunity for families to bond and encourage kids to be sporty πŸ™‚

We first participated in OCBC Cycle in 2016, read our experience here.

Ocbc Cycle with Family
Ocbc Cycle with Family

OCBC Cycle was a two days event at Singapore Sports Hub. Saturday for young families and Sunday for individuals (23 and 42Km).

There were carnival activities at event venue, some fun stuffs are related to bikes, and smaller kids are fascinated with bubbles.

At the appointed time, we got into our race lane and get ready to roll off. Boon Yee and Boon Xin were supposed to be in two different age category, but I managed to combine them into the one session (save on logistics, and it would be more fun to cycle together).

We have Xander and Winston from BlogFather to join us in this section.

Image credit Winston, BlogFather


Overall, the event is very well organised. No rush, and everyone file to the front in an orderly manner. Parents were smiling and chit chatting with the kids as we cycled slowly, some would inevitably be in race-mode.


The road was wide enough for everyone, but some of the road marshals were standing too close to the lanes.




Fortunately, the dark skies did not pour, we were very lucky as the weekend had a thunderstorm forecast! It might be a different ending if we are all soakedΒ  πŸ™‚


It was a fun and easy 20 min loops for us.

Well done kids, time to upgrade your bikes for 2018. Boon Yee was complaining that our pace was too slow and he confidently ride infront and overtook us once.

As the kids were warming up in the carpark before we start (maybe too much rounds(, Boon Xin struggled to compete the last 2 laps.


But she persisted to cross the final line, and earn her finisher medal πŸ™‚

Love this photo from David, look a bit like OCBC Cycle poster :p

Image credit David, Life’s Tiny Miracles

We would like to thanks OCBC for the Fun invite. Many families enjoyed the riding opportunity. You may read more about OCBC Cycle Family category (Mighty Savers) on their Website and Facebook.

Do pop by our 2016 OCBC Cycling here and more stories on our blog tag “Cycling” and Instagram hashtag #skbCycles


We will share more about Day 2 OCBC Cycle Family (with my No1 in 23km) soon.Β Meanwhile, you may wish to read up how Dana (Life’s Tiny Miracles) did in her sole category πŸ™‚


Fun OCBC Cycle 2016 for family and friend

[ Media Invite, videos will be uploaded later ]

Fun OCBC Cycle 2016, I loved this photo.

A stranger stopping to admire the Flyer, Gardens By The Bay or Marina Bay Sands (MBS), every one an icon. In our busy lives, as we drive around Singapore, we seldom have the opportunity to stop and admire our surroundings.

On normal days, expressways are off-limits to bikes, stopping to take photo would invite horns, stares and traffic police. Not today, the beautiful stretches of roads were exclusive for bikes, not cars nor motorbikes. We rode without worries, just enjoy πŸ™‚

Last Sat and Sun, SengkangBabies got to participate at OCBC Cycle 2016.

# Day 1 – Mighty Saver kids Ride

Ready to start, one last warmup in car park rally.

“Mighty Saver Kids Ride” category, we had dispatched No3 and No4 to race πŸ™‚

20 minutes plus and minus, we loop Stadium Drive (parallel to Nicoll Highway). We got riders of all capabilities, some fast some slow, and some reckless.

Kept encouraging kids to go round and round and it was soon over. Some near-misses and road-rage do happen in kids cycling too haha. The smaller the bikes, the faster they can zig-zag!

A good opportunity to teach my kids about road-safety.

Yeah! We got a medal after cycling round and round for 20 minutes. Adults only accompany the kids, no medals (tough luck for me and Winston).

(Background musicWe Are The Champions!)

The cycling carnival was fun for kids and families alike.

Kids pairing, it gets harder if you cannot decide to turn left or right wahaha!
(A few concerned parents have asked why Ah Xin is Bigger than Ah Yee, it is camera angle)

Some of the Fun rides from #Bikes4Fun , adults can have a go too. No worry as the bikes are more sturdy and well-oiled (pun intended) then they look.

Trampolines and arts πŸ™‚

The medal does not distinguish between children or adults, we are all champions πŸ™‚

# Day 2 – Straits Times Ride 23km

Good Morning SportsHub! Our Fun OCBC Cycle 2016 continues into Day 2. We arrived around 5.30am and a lot of cyclists were already in full gear.

At 7am sharp, we headed off into the Central Business District (CBD).

Total freedom on the roads, no carbon exhaust πŸ™‚

Love the patches of clouds as sunshine seems to cast different shades.

Tunnel ride (MCE) was cool, but we got a blast of hot air instead.

As we cycled towards the Flyer, the dreaded slopes await. Most will struggle, be it lack of gears or fitness, we could walk or cycle to reach the “summit” for selfies πŸ™‚

The Uncles, fellow Dads (L to R), me, Nick, Winston and David πŸ™‚

Benjamin Sheares Bridge is definitely the highlight (or meeting point) for most cyclists, catch our Fun boomerang! (link)

It was nice to enjoy a little bit of freedom with fellow Dads (buddies) without having to worry about my kids (for once). Zooming down the slopes for myself, pure bliss to just enjoy the breeze!

Fortunately, I had a few cycling warmups (blog link) before OCBC Cycle 2016, otherwise I might struggle to complete 23 km (+ slopes).

Road signs and speed markers up close, your usual expressway acronyms (MCE, ECP, ERP etc). No “TP Volvos” to catch us when we cycled in opposite directions.

The Dads are all smiling and recharged after finding the “elusive” water point and servicing (Shimano). We need 100 plus after conquering the slopes of Benjamin Sheares Bridge.

A big shoutout to the organiser and volunteers! The route was scenic and orderly. Loudspeakers reminded us about “Safety first”. Medics were very prompt to attend to those who fell (Thumbs Up!)

Beautiful City landscapes

On Benjamin Sheares Bridge, the Sun is up early too πŸ™‚

The whole ECP is ours!
Fun OCBC Cycle 2016

Love the feeling of FREEDOM! The roads belong to cyclists!

And we do not get to lay down on a busy expressway everyday.

More Landscapes and blue skies, love the greens and shades lining ECP, we soon realised that we had to mount Benjamin Sheares Bridge twice.

The sky threaten to drizzle as we cycled towards the last 5km. Workers were already preparing to let cars roam Nicoll Highway again.

Yes, we made it, now to wait for the team πŸ™‚
Our only objective was to complete 23 km and have some Fun and photos along the way.

23km ride, pratas and kopi, we celebrated our sporty morning in style πŸ™‚

Thank you OCBC Cycle for the FUN invite. It was a wonderful opportunity to hang out with friends and fellow cyclists!
Checkout OCBC Cycle updates on their Website, Instagram and Facebook.

Some of the Fun OCBC Cycle 2016 Instagrams from this morning, the ride would be less fun without these fellow Dads πŸ™‚

– Nick’s OCBC Cycle review (link)
– Winston’s blog
– David’ blog review

We are all from #DaddyMatters πŸ™‚