OCBC Cycling Traditions – 2017

A few Dads will be joining OCBC Cycle 2018 next week.
Let me share a few OCBC Cycling Traditions from the Dads :p

1.Most of us will be attempting 23km again (Two Dads will upgrade to 42km 加油!)

..but we will catchup again at the end point.

Image credit OCBC Cycle


2.Wacky Dads performance, never mind about Dad Bods

Age is just a number, #DaddyMatters GO GO GO! (Facebook link)

2017 Coincidance

2016 (Boomerang link)

We can be quite creative and fun loving. We have Hashtag #OcbcUncle and we have a private chat #KahChiaMen (maybe use for OCBC Cycle 2018 )

We were toying with Ah-Pek singlets and even Good Morning towels too!

3.OCBC Race queens 🙂

We must take photos with them right. F1 got Singapore Girls, and OCBC Cycle got Race queens. Maybe they will be trying to avoid the bunch of Uncles this round haha.

We can count on David to lead the way :p

We promise the bananas will be placed in less strategic zones.

4.The only complain we have year after year is the JERSEY!

Iron man (2017) and Captain America (2016).  I suspect the designers are Marvel Avenger Fans! (and Infinity War is premiering 2018).

Unlike running tshirts, there is no reuse value for the bike jerseys, a bit too outlandish haha.

We love everything else about OCBC Cycle.

5.This is the second year I will be cycling with my boy. Hope to make it a tradition in 2019 too.


OCBC cycling
OCBC cycling

6.I need to plank or sleep on Benjamin Sheares Bridge.

For REAL, how often can we cycle or snooze on ECP!

What are your OCBC Cycle memories? Do share them with us too, or perhaps you wish to dedicate some cool dance moves for us? Do take note we are not young and tender like those Kpop hunks liao.

If we can motivate one more Dad, encourage one more parent to lead an active lifestyle, that would be an accomplishment for us.

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I am sharing part 2 (belated) post for OCBC Cycle 2017 below. Part 1 was cycling with No3 and No4 under the Kids and Families category (Blog post).

11 of us participated in the 23Km Sportive category.

Day breaks, final wefie and off we go.

Image credit : Dads


OCBC Cycle always let us enjoy Singapore’s icons from another angle, the ROADS!

Tunnels, Bridges, Expressways YEAH!

Return trip to Benjamin Sheares Bridge.

OCBC Cycle Route will have a few photo points, for cyclists to enjoy some selfies. It is a good opportunity to catch our breaths too :p 

If you are not a regular cyclist, Benjamin Sheares Bridge will make you SWEAT and cramp.

Soak in the scenic panoramic view too. Marina Barrage, Gardens by the Bay, Flyer, Marina Bay and MBS.

Both sides of the bridge, one smiling and the other grimacing 🙂
Just wheel down at top speed and enjoy the breeze.
Water point and bike servicing is at the base of Benjamin Sheares Bridge (direction of Changi Airport). Recharge, repair and carry on.

Whole ECP is ours!

Does not matter your bike type, brand or wheel size. No bike can use Mobike haha 🙂

Golden Mile, going to be demolished soon…

OCBC Cycling Traditions
OCBC Cycling Traditions

Everyone will end at National Stadium. We feel like winners already.

Thank you for the memories OCBC Cycle!

We Dads hope to cycle more and add more memories to OCBC Cycling Traditions. We are still looking forward to nicer Jerseys :p

Credit to these Fun loving Dads (Instagram handlers) :
-Winston @blgfthr
-Nick @nickpan
-David @Doting_Dad
-Steven @thePerfectFather
-Randy Lim (Akido)
-Randy Lim (non Akido)
-Me and no1 @SengkangBabies


Father and Son, not Ironmen.

7.Finally, we always celebrate our sore bums and balls (cough) with Roti Prata Blk 8 🙂


Additional points:

a)OCBC Cycling 2017  with Yee and Xin (Blog)

Ocbc Cycle with Family

b)OCBC Cycling 2016 (Blog)

Fun OCBC Cycle 2016 for family and friend

c)Follow SengkangBabies cycling adventures :
Blog – https://sengkangbabies.com/tag/cycling
Instagram #SkbCycles

d)We heard about Nike Breaking 2 feat, those elite Marathoners must clock a speed of 21 kmh to run under 2 hours! I would be able to clock 50 or 60 kmh during my youth “daredevil mode”, but I mostly clock 15 to 20 kmh on PCN now.

Eliud Kipchoge clocked 2 HR 25 Sec for his Marathon, MAN HE IS SUPER FAST!

Fun OCBC Cycle 2016 for family and friend

[ Media Invite, videos will be uploaded later ]

Fun OCBC Cycle 2016, I loved this photo.

A stranger stopping to admire the Flyer, Gardens By The Bay or Marina Bay Sands (MBS), every one an icon. In our busy lives, as we drive around Singapore, we seldom have the opportunity to stop and admire our surroundings.

On normal days, expressways are off-limits to bikes, stopping to take photo would invite horns, stares and traffic police. Not today, the beautiful stretches of roads were exclusive for bikes, not cars nor motorbikes. We rode without worries, just enjoy 🙂

Last Sat and Sun, SengkangBabies got to participate at OCBC Cycle 2016.

# Day 1 – Mighty Saver kids Ride

Ready to start, one last warmup in car park rally.

“Mighty Saver Kids Ride” category, we had dispatched No3 and No4 to race 🙂

20 minutes plus and minus, we loop Stadium Drive (parallel to Nicoll Highway). We got riders of all capabilities, some fast some slow, and some reckless.

Kept encouraging kids to go round and round and it was soon over. Some near-misses and road-rage do happen in kids cycling too haha. The smaller the bikes, the faster they can zig-zag!

A good opportunity to teach my kids about road-safety.

Yeah! We got a medal after cycling round and round for 20 minutes. Adults only accompany the kids, no medals (tough luck for me and Winston).

(Background musicWe Are The Champions!)

The cycling carnival was fun for kids and families alike.

Kids pairing, it gets harder if you cannot decide to turn left or right wahaha!
(A few concerned parents have asked why Ah Xin is Bigger than Ah Yee, it is camera angle)

Some of the Fun rides from #Bikes4Fun , adults can have a go too. No worry as the bikes are more sturdy and well-oiled (pun intended) then they look.

Trampolines and arts 🙂

The medal does not distinguish between children or adults, we are all champions 🙂

# Day 2 – Straits Times Ride 23km

Good Morning SportsHub! Our Fun OCBC Cycle 2016 continues into Day 2. We arrived around 5.30am and a lot of cyclists were already in full gear.

At 7am sharp, we headed off into the Central Business District (CBD).

Total freedom on the roads, no carbon exhaust 🙂

Love the patches of clouds as sunshine seems to cast different shades.

Tunnel ride (MCE) was cool, but we got a blast of hot air instead.

As we cycled towards the Flyer, the dreaded slopes await. Most will struggle, be it lack of gears or fitness, we could walk or cycle to reach the “summit” for selfies 🙂

The Uncles, fellow Dads (L to R), me, Nick, Winston and David 🙂

Benjamin Sheares Bridge is definitely the highlight (or meeting point) for most cyclists, catch our Fun boomerang! (link)

It was nice to enjoy a little bit of freedom with fellow Dads (buddies) without having to worry about my kids (for once). Zooming down the slopes for myself, pure bliss to just enjoy the breeze!

Fortunately, I had a few cycling warmups (blog link) before OCBC Cycle 2016, otherwise I might struggle to complete 23 km (+ slopes).

Road signs and speed markers up close, your usual expressway acronyms (MCE, ECP, ERP etc). No “TP Volvos” to catch us when we cycled in opposite directions.

The Dads are all smiling and recharged after finding the “elusive” water point and servicing (Shimano). We need 100 plus after conquering the slopes of Benjamin Sheares Bridge.

A big shoutout to the organiser and volunteers! The route was scenic and orderly. Loudspeakers reminded us about “Safety first”. Medics were very prompt to attend to those who fell (Thumbs Up!)

Beautiful City landscapes

On Benjamin Sheares Bridge, the Sun is up early too 🙂

The whole ECP is ours!
Fun OCBC Cycle 2016

Love the feeling of FREEDOM! The roads belong to cyclists!

And we do not get to lay down on a busy expressway everyday.

More Landscapes and blue skies, love the greens and shades lining ECP, we soon realised that we had to mount Benjamin Sheares Bridge twice.

The sky threaten to drizzle as we cycled towards the last 5km. Workers were already preparing to let cars roam Nicoll Highway again.

Yes, we made it, now to wait for the team 🙂
Our only objective was to complete 23 km and have some Fun and photos along the way.

23km ride, pratas and kopi, we celebrated our sporty morning in style 🙂

Thank you OCBC Cycle for the FUN invite. It was a wonderful opportunity to hang out with friends and fellow cyclists!
Checkout OCBC Cycle updates on their Website, Instagram and Facebook.

Some of the Fun OCBC Cycle 2016 Instagrams from this morning, the ride would be less fun without these fellow Dads 🙂

– Nick’s OCBC Cycle review (link)
– Winston’s blog
– David’ blog review

We are all from #DaddyMatters 🙂