SengkangBabies is top ten under Best Family category.
Click for the other selected bloggers or read our Omy story.
If you are visiting us for the first time, warm hug and Welcome,
you may wish to read our bio first.
Omy’s Singapore Blog Awards (新加坡部落格大奖) is one of the biggest blogging events in Singapore. And it is really humbling for us to be selected as a finalist.
Daddy is Ecstatic !
.. kids look at Daddy blankly, they know they are the stars in SengkangBabies, but they do not understand what the hooha is about. Daddy tell them the feeling is better than strike 4D 🙂
(ooops kids are not supposed to know about gambling yet)
To cut a long story short, there is only one winner (per category ) who will fly to Macau. Your votes will help to decide the ultimate winner. If you love our kids, our adventures, our blog and our style, we will appreciate every support from you 🙂
*** You can “Vote” for one blog per category per day. ***
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#01– Go to “Best Family”, look for us and click on “Vote for me”
#02– You will need to login before you can vote. First time user will need to Register first
( go to Step #03 )
#03– For first time users, please fill in your particulars.
#04– Login with your userName and password
#05 – You might need to repeat click on “Vote for me” again. We recommend you to click “YES” 🙂
Please drop by again, and recommend our blog to more families. We hope more parents will be encouraged to bring their kids for more outdoor activities. We bring you “FUN”.
You might wish to pop by our fanpage for more photos of our adventures.
With your support, we already feel like a Avenger Winner! We appreciate every comment and encouragement from our readers. Thank you for loving Sengkang Babies 🙂