Images of Singapore Live review

[ Media Invite ]

Images of Singapore brochure states “Experience 200 years of Singapore’s History”. We were taken on a tour of Singapore’s discovery and growth from Fishing village to Third world then First world.

Images of Singapore(revamped) is the latest attraction on the Sentosa island.

Live actors and special effects vividly portray Singapore’s history from fishing village to thriving port. The actors make us run and scream (optional) through World War Two and 1965 Independence. As the actors tell a story, it is as if history has pop up infront of you.

Our short history from 1819 to 2015 is presented in 15 themes.

We listen to the early migrants, where our early forefathers sailed from China, India and South East Asia.

Forming their own ethnic and dialect enclaves, vices like opium, gambling and prostitution plagued the coolies (labourers). Most were illiterate, no Internet nor Gmail, a letter-writer helps workers to pen their messages to family back in their home province.

Remember the 红头巾 Samsui woman? These tough women work as hard as the guys at construction sites. Many chose not to marry so that they can have more savings.

Five Foot Way 五腳基, these are the small corridors outside the shop houses. In olden days, kids of all races will gather together to play. Some hawkers will be touting their food or selling their wares. Nostalgic settings.

Alas, good time did not last. Separation from Melaya throws Singapore’s future into the drain. How can a country without hinterland and natural resources survive?

I will not be a spoilsport and cover every section of Images of Singapore.
Ex-Presidents of Singapore Yusho bin Ishak (left) and Benjamin Sheares(Sheares Bridge got it?)

More old school images of Singapore.

Before Shaw GV multiplexes, this mobile cinema kept everyone entertained 🙂

I thought Images of Singapore might be more suitable for Primary school going kids. The younger ones might not understand the story flow. The 15 Immersive zones will take about 40 minutes to cover, allocate more time if you are a history buff.

Images of Singapore is located next to Madame Tussaud. Refer image below, combo pricing for both Images of Singapore and Madame Tussaud are available.
Images of Singapore pricing-001

More details about Images of Singapore can be found on their website.
Click to read our Fun Madame Tussaud review.

Trip to Emergency Preparedness Centre

When I am eating fish balls, I make sure my boys are around. In case fishball gets lodged in my airway, kids know how to perform abdominal thrust on me.

At Emergency Preparedness Centre, kids had fun clearing the airway from a mannequin. However, I need to emphasize that kids should not anyhow practice on each other!
Abdominal Thrusts

If a fire should break out in the kitchen, our kids know how to use the fire extinguisher. Remember P.A.S.S (Pull.Aim.Squeeze.Sweep)

You have no worries when Boon Xin is around. She knows how to spray the watermist gun too.
Todal Defence Day

Smoke inhalation can knock one unconscious, so keep low. Follow the kids as they crawl their way to the exit.

They know CPR too, but are not certified. I would prefer them to call 995 in the event that they discover someone unconscious and not breathing. From my first responder training, we can only try our best to assist, it is tiring to administer CPR, and even a trained paramedic might not resuscitate a person.

1&2&3&4&5 1&2&3&4&10 and so on. Reminder for kids, do not practice on your slumbering siblings!

We visited Emergency Preparedness Centre last Sun 15th Feb. It happened to be Singapore’s Total Defence Day too. The little ones might not understand that Singapore surrenders to Japan on the same day during World War 2.

EPC aims to showcase life saving tricks and skills to more people. We need to reinforce to our kids that protecting Singapore is everyone’s responsibility, not only the military.

The three students who survived Typhoon Haiyan shared their experience.

Situated on the 2nd floor of Central Firestation Heritage Gallery, book your next edutainment session at this link.

Besides the life savings mentioned above, EPC has a lot of interactive panels for kids. They will showcase the Do’s and Don’ts during Lighting, Tsunami or an Earthquake.

Video : Emergency Preparedness Centre (EPC) provides interactive Fun all around, and kids learn new skills

You can even experience natural disasters in a simulation, the 3D setup got a bit of USS feel 🙂 Pretty realistic!

Fire incidences can be easily ignited all around our home vicinity. Faulty plugs or daisy chaining all the plugs at one socket! The number 1 fire spot is the common rubbish chute, why would anyone flick their cigarette butt down?

Fire needs three components to ignite, identify them (Oxygen, Fuel and Heat) and you can then proceed to stop (starve) the flame. Always Safety first, and if we need to evacuate, SHOUT loudly and ensure everyone wakes up.

Hopefully, we know how to respond when Singapore encounters threats of Bombs and Terrorist attacks. In worst case, we are supposed to coop ourselves in bomb shelter, but do remember to clear the packed storeroom first :p

Other tips which might prove useful in day to day incidents

We stayed on at the Civil Defence Heritage Gallery after our EPC orientation. Our valiant SCDF folks had volunteer themselves for many oversea missions too.

We have some tips for house hold. Leave a torch light (with batteries) next to your circuit breaker. Do family members know how to use it? Do label the rooms too.

Know your escape route. In the event that lift is not usable, we have to walk down the stairs. Does everyone know where are the hidden stairs?

Fireman or paramedic, kids can choose their own HomeTeam assignment.

Everyone plays a part in defending Singapore. We highly recommend EPC for school going kids.

In case you are not aware, most firestations will have open house every Sat from 0900 to 1100. We will recommend you make it a two in one event when you visit EPC.

Salute to our Civic Defence Heroes!

More details here :
– remember Fireman and Ambulance is 995, Police 999 (991 is Hollywood)
SCDF Fanpage
– register for your Emergency Preparedness Centre session (1 hour duration)
– Do pop by our Central Firestation open house in 2009, and how SengkangBabies hope to stay prepared during an emergency.

– download a First Aid app, it has a comprehensive list of life-saving tips

*updated 2016 April – With SG Secure, we believe EPC will be a good venue for all to pickup life skills and knowledge.