DRSABC CPR for everyone

First aid skills for familiy
First aid skills for familiy

DRSABC CPR, Boon Yee simulating a CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) on me. We were attending a two hour First Aid familiarisation course designed for family.

DRSABC stands for :
Danger (look out for danger before rendering help to victim)
Response (tap victim on shoulder hard to ensure he is conscious/unconscious
Shout (Shout for HELP, “call 995!”, “Grab AED or First Aid Box”. (AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator)
Airway (ensure airway no choke, thus blocking breathing)
Breathing (check for signs of breathing, breath and chest rising)
CPR (perform CPR only on unconscious victim, who is not breathing)


We cannot emphasize enough the importance of CPR. The first few minutes after a victim collapse are crucial to sustain blood flow through the body, especially the brain.

If blood is not flowing to the brain, it will lead to brain-dead (comatose). Even if heart should be resuscitated, the victim will become a vegetable, or suffers from other side effect.

I am a First Aider, but what happens when I am not around. I hope the kids would have picked up some awareness about rendering First Aid. Even if you do not know CPR, 995 call-centre can guide you over the phone.

Some of the tips which kids pick up along the session.
– Counting 1&2&3&4&5 during CPR (elbow always straight and fingers interlock)
– Following AED’s instructions to monitor heart rythem and administering shock
– Gloves for hygiene, you do not wish to be contaminated by victim’s blood or fluid.
– Apply pressure till blood flow is controlled and stopped
– Using tap water to run off hot water or chemical spill and scalds
– Applying Crepe bandage and triangle sling


This 2 hours Basic CPR course is part of PA (People’s Association) School Holiday series. It offers an overview of First Aid, and raise awareness for the kids. The real First Aid course will be covered over three days.


As a First Aider, I know the importance of having first aid skills for my family. I hope the kids will be able to help in an emergency.

Shoutout for SCDF app myRESPONDER.
This app will buzz you to respond to nearby incidence, or detect nearest AED. It hopes to render assistance to victims faster.

Remember DRSABC CPR, every minute counts.

More details about PA courses can be found on their website.

Our previous emergency preparations and activities :

Visit to Harmony In Diversity Gallery

[ Media Invite ]

What does SG Secure means to you?
The kids were not even born when 911 terrorism striked World Trade Centers. 15 years later, I still cannot fathom why anyone would want to drive Boeing 747s into buildings!

2016 National Day Rally, PM Lee mentioned that terrorism is getting nearer to our shores. Not a matter of IF but WHEN.

Chilling thought, but this is the World which our kids will inherit.

Protecting Singapore is not just the job of our security agencies or armed forces. It requires every citizen to be vigilant and if the unthinkable should happen, we must carry on with our way of life.

Go to school or work place, do your grocery shopping and commute as per normal.
If we allowed terrorists to disrupt our lifestyles, to allow fanatics to tear our communities apart, we would have been defeated, Singapore would cease to exist.

In that context, I thought it was timely to orientate the kids with Singapore’s multi-ethnic society at Harmony In Diversity Gallery (HDG).

There are four sections within Harmony In Diversity Gallery.
– Gallery One: Journey of Faith
– Gallery Two: Seeking what is Common
– Gallery Three: Many Faiths, One People

Ten religions from Singapore are featured in the gallery, I admit I only know the main religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christians etc) from the main races makeup in Singapore.

Q&A, no right or wrong answer, follow your heart. We are tested on our understanding of inter-faith relationships in Singapore.
Sample question “Are all Indians Hindus?

Viewing a running commentary of how the Maria Hertogh riots happened in Singapore. There are plenty of interactions within the different sections.
Harmony In Diversity Gallery

Fortunately for us, we do not have to read about terrorists attacks on our soil yet. But these newspaper clippings proved our forefathers’ lived through the turmoils in the 50s and 60s.

Two generations have grown up in stable Singapore, it is always a challenge to remind my kids to treasure Singapore’s peace and not take our religious harmony for granted.

Singapore’s policies aim to be secular, so that everyone can practice their faiths with freedom. However, there are laws to protect Singapore’s state of religious harmony (just in case some fanatics, not necessary Muslim, decide to preach hate rhetorics which pits races and religions against each other).

In my own view, people who claim “freedom of speech” to blemish other faiths is all bullshit. I hope my kids will be accountable and responsible (sensitive too!) for words coming from their own mouth.

Looking for common grounds among the inter-faiths. It is always easier and more effective to work together based on our common strengths.

I truly believe that all Religions teach us to do good, it is only humans who distort teachings to suit their own agenda.

Meditation and Fasting across religions, and I thought only Muslims Fast during Ramadan πŸ™‚

We learned that beads are used by many Faiths.

Golden Rules among the religions in Singapore, common traits like charities and giving back to societies, helping the weak.

Contributing and improving the standard of Health, Education and Charities.

Different areas of worship and their significance. Example of Chinese and Indian temples (Waterloo’s Sri Krishnan and Kwan Im ) devotees visiting both temples to seek blessings.

Shared experiences and memories among Singapore’s different ethnic and religious makeup. Interactions along common areas like coffeeshops, void decks and letter boxes.

We have seen so many weddings and funerals in nearby vicinity, which is unique in Singapore. What is remarkable is everyone is accommodating and understanding.

Coffee shops where everyone mingles regardless of our faiths and believes.

Kids will have some clue books and tasks to complete during their tour. This might help them to understand Singapore’s unique diversity and better appreciate our differences.

In the last gallery, we each pledge to make Singapore better. I wish to expose my kids to more of Singapore’s various cultures.

To quote from HDG “Will we let our differences divide us or our commonalities unite us?“. Embrace each other’s differences πŸ™‚

More info about Harmony in Diversity Gallery :
– Website – https://www.harmonyindiversitygallery.sg
– Ministry of National Development (MND) Building Annexe B, 7 Maxwell Road, #04-05/06, Singapore 069111
– Entrance is free and open to public, Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm
– Nearest MRT is Tanjong Pagar (5 min walk)

* Singapore SG Secure initiative (link)
** Harmony in Diversity Gallery should not be confused with The Harmony Centre (An-Nahdhah Mosque) in Bishan

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