Are you on Instagram (IG)?
If yes, you might have play with Instagram Video before (not yet?)
Have you ever wonder how to convert that funny Instagram video format (mkv) to another format? Or maybe you wish to share IG video on YouTube or Facebook.
We are using Download Helper to save our Instagram videos into MP4. Just google for “Download Helper” and your browser-friendly version will pop up.
We are on Firefox Mozilla.
We can now convert IG video to another format in three simple steps !
Video : The Instagram video is now on YouTube. If you have other tools (free) to recommend, please share.
In case you are interested in the ice slide, do pop by our Ice Art experience.
Follow us on Instagram and Youtube too.
Download Helper has a useful video conversion tips too.
ps.. Do take note that it might not be legal to download movies\music which does not belong to you
Thanks for sharing these steps. Instagram is extremely popular and allows users to do so many creative things.