Heart Studio Chipmunks and Zombie

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You are not seeing double, both kids drew Alvin Chipmunk at Heart Studio πŸ™‚
heart studio Singapore

From a whiteboard, kids choose their desired cartoon, and teachers will draw out the outline. Teacher Erma and Jay (not in photo) are passionate, and kids really enjoy their sessions.
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Alvin for him and Alvin for her.
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It is not easy to paint Alvin, especially his face. Kids find it tough to apply tones to different part of Chipmunk’s face. Proud of the kids’ achievement, they finished their masterpiece with a lot of encouragement from teachers.
heart studio review

The older kids’ classes stretches over three hours (school holiday specials), giving me a lot of time to browse Heart Studio’s gallery. Stormtrooper looks pretty cool!
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Love the drawing of Singapore’s skyline. Never mind if Merlion is at wrong location, Arts is all about expression and creativity.

Round 2 for Boon Kang, “Plants and Zombie”. He wanted Starwars’ Bobafett initially, but my schedule crashed. We slot him into Plant and Zombie workshop πŸ™‚
heart studio Plant and Zombie

Boon Kang’s Zombie has fused with a pirate. His Zombie is not scary at all, and he told me his Zombie is one of the higher-ranked Walking Dead (in the game).

I thought the parrot looks very abstract and has a 3D feel.

Of all our kids, Boon Kang is the most creative and patient. The other boys are restless and more into sports. He always look forward to more Heart Studio workshops πŸ™‚

Thank you for the Fun invite, Heart Studio!
Our previous workshops are tag under “heART Studio“.
zombie drawing

heART Studio – Teaching Art from the Heart
Do pop by their website and fanpage for the latest activities.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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