Water bombs with kids!

Remember these water filled plastic bags?
We call them water bombs. $0.80 gets you 50 packs.

Daddy told the kids his childhood neighbours used to carpet-bomb unsuspecting passer-bys from the 6th storey!

One moment Dry, the next Wet! We conducted our war at Sengkang Riverside Park.

It was Fun (and wet) relieving Daddy and Mummy’s childhood memories. Passing “Fun traditions” over to the next generation.

Pail and Plastic bag checked.
Spare Underwear and tower checked :p
Teams members checked.
We even have our own team tactics.

Preparing our water ammunition.

Video : No aiming of water bombs at groin or face, kids started chasing each other πŸ™‚

Although Daddy and Mummy might not outrun the kids, we can certainly outwit them :p

We got 100 more packets left, let us GO get Wet again!

The afternoon water bombs session was also a great opportunity for the boys to destress from their exams.

Da:ns Festival invited us for a Bhangra dance!

[ Media Invite ]

Boy did we Bhangra boogie and dance this morning πŸ™‚

Bollywood, Salsa, Cha Cha, Waltz, Tango and Flamenco!
These are some of the dance moves you can attempt at da:ns Festival.

Always wanted to try a new Dance move but shy?
Always wish to dance with your child?
Or perhaps Bellydance? (which we heard is one of the more popular ones)
“Grandparents & Kids Line Dance” workshop is planned for Sep too, Steady!

DA:NS Festival has some cool slick workshops designed for passionate novice like you and us. The organisers wish to encourage more to enjoy dancing.
Esplanade Parent child Dance

During our Bhangra dance (Parents and Kids) workshop, Daddy got the impression that all Punjabis are so gifted when it comes to dance and entertainment πŸ™‚

Wow! Never thought we would actually attempt Punjabi Folk Dance haha. It did not took us long to learn some nifty Bhangra moves, and the parent and child groups in our workshop enjoy their bonding sessions too.

To quote from da:ns
“Bhangra is an exciting high energy Punjabi folk dance that boys and girls would enjoy. In general, there’s always a good mix of boys and girls participating in Bhangra, and these days, the modern Bhangra dance form is often fused with Western dance influences and often used as fitness cardio routines.”

(image credit da:ns Festival)

Video : Not ready to appear on Vasatham yet, but Boy oh Boy , did we had Fun!

Back to the first paragraph, Singapore can enjoy so many dance classes because we got so many cultures in our society. Boon Kang told Daddy he even had Bhangra exercises in his PE lessons before πŸ™‚

Thank you teachers for the coaching and Esplanade for the invite, Daddy had so much Fun dancing with the boys!

More Da:ns Festival’s schedules and promotions can be found on its Website, Fanpage or Instagram. Click for 2013’s Parent-child workshops youtube link.

When you see a Bhangra dance in motion, it is so infectious that you just need to jiggle and smile. Checkout America got Talent’s Cornell Bhangra πŸ™‚