Baking Fun at Creative Culinaire

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Everyone loves a cake, except my no2 Boon Yee :p
(he does not fancy ice cream too hee hee)

What is even better than tasting the cake, is baking it yourself.
We jump at the opportunity when Creative Culinaire invited us down for a baking class.

Looking back at the photos, the kitchen at Creative Culinaire offers families fantastic bonding moments.
Creative Culinaire

The smiling Chef Judy, is a big ingredient for our cheerful workshop 🙂
She is so motherly and passionate about her craft and Judy always has this smile.

Truly, a HAPPY baker will prepare the best pastries as everything comes from her heart.

After her Rainbow Cake demonstration, it was our turn to hands-on. And kids were super eager to stir their baking powder, break the eggs, and mold the dough.

I am sure all the kids at the baking workshop agree the best segment is getting involved in the baking process (making a mess of your table is optional). Before we start, Chef Judy reminded us the importance of being neat and organised so that we can find our ingredients and utensils easily.

Chef Judy jokingly mentioned if we make mistakes in our baking steps, we had to eat our own cake. She drew a parallel in life parenting.

Kids sometimes had to learn about mistakes the hard way, despite parent’s repeat reminders (不听老人言).

Layering one by one, love the vibrant colours.

Kids were amazed at how we can mix and match to get a different colour. Baking class was a good opportunity to refresh our science (Chemistry) understanding.

It was up to us to decide the tone of the colour (dark or light), hey who say Rainbow cake must follow a certain order? Freedom and creativity for families to explore.

Yellow + Red = Orange
Blue + Yellow = Green
Red + Blue = Magenta

Kids’ eyes brighten as we create one more layer for our Rainbow cake.

Step by step, workflow in procession.

Video (link) : Fun baking session at the kitchen of Creative Culinaire

Our Rainbow cake forming up.

While adults do the piping and decoration, I caught the kids gleefully picking up all the cake crumbs. The bowl of stars (decorations) was depleting too fast :p

Enjoying a slice of their effort.

Thank you Chef Judy for the fun and interesting baking session. Thank you Alvin and Rosalind for all the help too.

We had a fun family baking session at Creative Culinaire.

I forgot to mention this, kids always look adorable in their Chef’s hat and apron 🙂

For more details and workshops, do follow Creative Culinaire on their Website and Facebook. Contact them at 6324 1663.

Olive Backed Sunbirds in Singapore

Olive Backed Sunbirds in Singapore are quite common. They are used to human activities and habitats and often setup nests near to us. Season 1 brought us a lot of joy (and loud singing from Daddy Olive Backed bird haha), read our previous Olive Backed Sunbird story.

Handsome Dad. We know the birds have at least 2 nests in the vicinity. He is always on the look out for dangers, and will always call out to Mommy Sunbird.

#skb小鸟 (Instagram hashtag to track the Sunbirds) to track “Season 2”, nest started shortly after Chinese New Year. As usual, we noticed the parents inspecting our “plant”. And very soon after, we noticed threads, and debris on the floor.
Olive Backed Sunbirds in Sinapore

Just like episode 1 (no eggs in Season 1 when nest fell), the nest fell and two eggs ROLL out!
Despite the initial worry, we are glad both chicks are healthy, and always fighting for food.
Sunbirds in Singapore

Poor Mum, so 伟大 (self sacrifice). She had to stay overnight to incubate the eggs until hatch, and take care of the chicks all the way. As the chicks grow bigger, lesser space for her to sleep comfortably :p

In Season 1, one of the chicks died (due to malnutrition) and was removed by the parent Sunbirds (more room in nest)

Video (link) : Checkout our Olive Backed Sunbirds in Singapore. The Daddy Sunbird is very active in Season 2.

It only took Mommy Sunbird 1 week plus to construct a nest (bigger than herself!). One Month 23 days from nest to takeoff, that’s how fast our “tenants” graduated 🙂

01Feb – First thread spotted
16Feb – Mum sleep over
25 Feb – Egg spotted
03 Mar – Nest drop!
09/11 Mar – Chicks hatch!
24 Mar – Smaller chick nearly fell off!
24 Mar – Bigger chick flew off

During the last week, another funny episode happened. As the chicks are fledgling, perhaps nest is too small, one chick fell and got entangled! Mommy Meng Choo and Boon Xin did not dare to place the distressed bird into a temporary box. Luckily Boon Yee(no3) came home and help the chick settle back into nest.

Video (link) : Baby chick stuck!

Sunbirds, thank you for the beautiful memories 🙂 as we speak, the smaller Sunbird is still left in nest, older chick has already flown off 2 days ago with parents. The Parents are still bringing food to leftover chick and encouraging him to take off.
..Update 28Mar – 2nd chick flew off with parents hooray!

Read our Season 1 story here.