Penang Day 1 – Hard Rock hotel and Adventure Zone

Can you imagine Fun is only 2 hour away from Singapore? We are talking about flying and transport from Singapore to Penang, Batu Feringhi. Do pop by our Penang itinerary to discover why we chose HardRock Penang in the first place?

We chose the pool as our first photo, because we had the most fun when we are
wet ! How can Hard Rock Hotel rock you today? The guitars, robes, and red carpet, not to mention the snazzy entrance, makes guests feel like pop icons. Friendly staff always make us feel welcomed πŸ™‚

Lunch at Hard Rock Cafe, with Madonna’s bustier. Xin love the artistic guitar.

If in doubt, Fried rice always work for the kids. For adults, HRC’s burgers never disappoint, love the bacon !

Since our checkin time is 3pm, we got two hours to spare. We pop by Golden Sand Resort to visit Adventure Zone. We have heard about AZ’s slides, but nothing prepares you for the drop !

Look at Wei’s face. He is TENSE !

Three type of slides are available for the kids. (Adults can be kids at Adventure zone too)

1) Families can try the gentler slope with rucksack. Even toddlers can join their parents.
2) bigger kids can try the blue slide, crashing into balls.
3) the tallest Red slides are reserved for daredevils, aka bungee-jump kids version !

There are other less Risky games and obstacles, for the smaller kids πŸ™‚

Look at how we train our hamsters haha :p

Smaller slides for Mummy :p

After a while, Wei need to get his andrenalin kick again. He even found a buddy, since Kang refuse to go up anymore. Kang had bumped his head when he went down the blue slide lying down, he failed to heed attendant’s instruction.


See that little gal in pic below? She maybe only a few years older than Wei, but we lost count how many times she and her sister went to the highest summit ! Crazy but Awesome!

Then, the whole family went up with rucksack haha. Yes, we even hide Boon Xin in the rucksack for some sliding thrills. Kudos to her, Xin keep requesting for encores !

We can even challenge each other haha, so proud of Yi who went solo πŸ™‚

Let Wei show you how to play Mother-of-all-slides ! Not for the faint hearted. Kids must listen to instruction, as any slip could prove disastrous !

Adventure Zone’s obstacles will keep our kids perspiring non stop and fit. Parents will be glad to know that Adventure Zone is very clean and well maintained. The only problem will be pulling your kids away at the end of two hours. RM30 for two hours, you must visit Adventure Zone for kids to explore their inner fears :p

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Maybe you thought we had enough slides for one day already? We went back to checkin our room, and kids went crazy over the slide at the porch. We chose Lil’ Rock Suite because Mummy and Daddy both agree this room will be Awesome !

While the kids swing, Daddy and Mummy checkout what is behind our Lil’Rock Suite. Memorabilia icons and posters adorn every wall. Kids quickly pull out all the soft toys and storeybooks from their own bookshelf ! They got their own room and bed too πŸ™‚

The only weird thing is the sliding door-frame between toilet and room. Daddy can understand when spouses want to see each other shower (blush), but what happens when we do our business? Daddy would not want to smell yesterday’s dinner (poo) floats over.

#Rule no1 – this sliding door must be kept shut at all times :p

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Dinner at Long Beach, we hail a cab to our dinner. Long Beach is an all-in-one hawker center, with a wide spread of Penang “delights”.

BBQ chicken wings above, juicy and not unlike Singapore’s version. Daddy would prefer his wings more charred πŸ™‚

We ordered a pancake for the smaller two as we were worried they might not be used to Penang’s dishes. Love the crunchy almond, and kids did not mind the banana and ice cream.

Do take note that most Penangites love spicy food, and we recommend that you exercise restrain and let hawker uncle know “θΎ£ζ€’δΈ€ι»žι»ž” (literally little bit of chili).

Fried Oyster omelette. Nothing to should about, but Mummy comment maybe clams too big. Disclaimer : Do not expect Oyster for RM6 !

Wanton noodle is different from Singapore’s. The noddles are tangy and softer, giving a QQ texture. Our Wen Wei loves Penang’s Wanton noodle.

Mummy and Daddy both agree the Hokkien Prawn noodle wins this round ! The gravy is thick with prawn stork, yet we love the assam flavouring. Sweet and sour at the same time.

Food Rating at Long Beach :
8 Chicken wing
8 Hokien prawn noodle (soup)
7.5 Wanton mee
7.5 Pancake
7.0 Oyster Omelette
6.5 Fried rice

After a full dinner, we took a slow walk back to our hotel, cutting through the night market.
Slow = 20min walk πŸ™‚

End of day 1. The kids will remember the slides at Adventure zone for a l.o.n.g time !
Please visit out Itinerary post to see how Daddy and Mummy piggy Boon Xin down the slides !

– Taxi from Hotel Hard Rock to most places (within 10min) in Batu Ferringhi should cost RM10.
– Taxi from Hotel to Gurney and further (Georgetown) will cost RM 30 to RM40.
Penang taxis do not run on meter, you have to agree on the price before the taxi moves.

** Our 4D3N Itinerary
Day 1 – Adventure Zone at Golden Sand Resort, dinner at Long Beach
Day 2 – Swimming and Club house (Lil Rock venture)
Day 3 – Butterfly Farm and Toy Museum
Day 4 – Sight seeing (Second bridge and Penang Sakura)

Do click our Fanpage album for more adventure photos !


Primary One Registration Phases

#Repost from our old Blog ( Click for original link )

MOE has announced Singaporean kids will have priority over PR (Permanent Citizens). Only when all Singaporean child is allocated (even when distance is more than 1km), will PR kids be considered. Read ChannelNewsAsia report.

Daddy know a lot of parents will be very happy, as Primary 1 allocation in our preferred school is something close to our heart. Since citizens have more opportunities now, hopefully we will have less stress in the months leading to balloting. Having gone through the registration phases, it is like riding roller-coaster, as you can see the number of places dwindling after each phase. Our first child only manage to squeeze in with two vacancies to go !

Daddy has nothing against our PR, but he thought this gesture from MOE is long overdue.
Imagine, you are living next to a primary school, but your child could not get in.

Someone will say this decision is beyond us, bla bla that’s life and accept it. But disappointment will still linger, especially when you know another PR’s kid from further away manage to squeeze in.

Parents with kids in K1 and K2 would greet new MOE’s announcement with delight.
Oh, if you are thinking of packing your kids to the most Popular school an hour away,Β  it is not necessary! The poor child will have to wake up at 5am and take the first bus at 5:30am

=== === Read our old post from last year === ===
Every year around Jun and Jul, you will see a lot of anxious parents. Their kids are going to Primary school, and selecting their choice-school is a big deal to a lot of parents. Well, some believe the first step in society starts in Primary school, so only the “best” Primary school will do πŸ™‚

Wow, our Primary One kiddos are only seven years old, do we really need to pressure-cooker them at such tender age? (Daddy would be lying when he say he is not anxious haha, but we are not paranoid :p )

*** Click to read our anxiety when Wen Wei was enrolling for Primary one.

For our No2 boy, he got into his Brother’s Primary school in Phase 1.
Daddy and Mummy are so glad we do not have to go competing for “places” again..phew.

This week is Phase 2C, when Parents go balloting for their kids. Parents have to gather in a hall, while other parents randomly pick up the “lucky” few to be allocated a placing.

*** Our Wen Wei was lucky 71 out of 73 slots !

Above pic shows Kang at two months old giggling. Is he really going to Primary 1 in 5 months?
We hope he will quickly adapt to school life, make new friends and learn new things in school πŸ™‚

More information about MOE school enrollment phase at this link –>
