Emicakes Strawberry mooncake

Emicakes Strawberry mooncakes are out to titillate your tastebud this Mid-Autumn Festival. Underneath the alluring pink snowskin, generous chunks of Strawberry and chocolate chips fill the mooncake!
Emicakes Strawberry

Emicakes Strawberry Choc Chic mooncake does not taste like mooncake in the “traditional” sense. After all, so many bakers have come out with all variants of mooncakes nowadays πŸ™‚

Initially, Boon Xin thought it was Strawberry ice cream, with delicious chocolate chips haha! Once the kids tasted the familiar Strawberry sweetness, they could not stop.

If you are a strawberry lover, Emicakes’ latest creation will bring you immense satisfaction.

Mooncake Grandeur, from Singapore’s No1 Durian Cake maker.
We have fallen in love with Emicakes Strawberry mooncake πŸ™‚

Each box of Strawberry Choc Chip (4 pieces) costs $48.90, and you get to enjoy 15% discount for orders before 04Sep. (Strawberry Choc Chip is also available in single packs for only $10.90 and 2 pieces for only $16.80. While stocks last. Visit any of our outlets now. T&Cs apply.)

Thank you Emicakes for the lovely Mid Autumn surprise !
Do pop by Emicakes Website and Fanpage for the latest promotions.

Celebrating Mother’s Day with Emicakes

[ Sponsored Review and Giveaway ]

Mother’s Day falls on 11th May, but we are celebrating in advance with Emicakes’ new design Fabulous Mum.

Thanks to Emicakes, we got three cakes to giveaway, details are at the end of blog post. (This is not a April’s Fool joke)

Look, Boon Xin has pony tails to match the cake πŸ™‚
Actually, Daddy had bribed encouraged her to tie the braids in order to earn the biggest slice of chocolate.

We really love the cartoon face, as it brings a smile to everyone.
Mother's Day cakes

Fabulous Mum is also available in D24 Durian, but we chose chocolate for the filling.

Refer image below, beside the Fabulous Mum design, Emicakes is also rolling out “Flowers for Mum (yellow)” and “Especially for Mum (pink)”.

We are confident Mums will be happy with any design, as long as we are sincere πŸ™‚

(image credit Emicakes)

In addition, there are a few limited edition cakes like Mao Shan Wang, Pure Edition and Premium D24. Click to read our previous review of the spiky Mao Shan Wan ηŒ«ε±±ηŽ‹.

Come 11th May, if you wish to surprise Mum, get her a Fabulous Mum cake πŸ™‚

More information :
– Mother’s Day special cakes will only be available for order from 11th April onwards
– Cake pricing will be $48.20 onwards depending on size, flavour and filling

For the latest promotion and designs, do pop by Emicakes Website and Fanpage. If you have Instagram, do follow them at @emicakessg for more tasty treats.

**drums roll** We got three Fabulous Mum cakes to giveaway !

1. Contest is on our Fanpage
2. Fans must first LIKE SengkangBabies and Emicakes Fanpage
3. On our Fanpage, tell us how Emicakes can help you celebrate Mother’s Day
4. Leave your name and email on our Fanpage (or you can message email address to us)

5. Share this page (refer step 4) on your Facebook Wall and tag @SengkangBabiesBlog
(so that we know you are participating)

6. Contest ends 11Apr 11pm, and the best three answers will be picked as winners