Enemy of enemy is a Friend.
No friends and enemy are permanent.
Alliances are worthless when there are conflicts of interest.
Be it Strategy, Treachery or pure luck.
Everyone had fun with Hasbro’s Board Game Risk.
Thanks to Hasbro, we need not buy extra Christmas gifts for year end. Guys got the guns and robots, while girl had more choices! (MyLittlePony, Playdoh and such).
Boon Xin is a very happy girl.
I was looking forward to my childhood game, Risk! Used to spend so much wonderful hours challenging and beating my old neighbours.
We can see the kids’ characters when they play the board game Risk.
Some hate to lose, some always boasts :p
They are upset when someone betray them, or deny them a continent haha!
Some life skills can be imparted during the game too.
– Think one step ahead. What if Neighbour change card and Attack?
– Have a Plan B, in case things (dice throw) do not go your way
– Attack the strongest, eliminate the weakest, then no2 and no3 can contest each other
I got interested in Geography through Risk. Where are you, Siam, Mongolia, and Siberia etc etc?
Go on, take a Risk with the little ones, I am sure there will be some tense moments but kids should enjoy the game 🙂
Do you have more tips to share?
More toys and events can be found on Hasbro website.