Katapult Trampoline Park, You jump I jump!

The signboard at the entrance of Katapult Trampoline Park offers a glimpse of what lies indoor (or rather, upstairs!). Very soon, your child will be asking you to WATCH him or her JUMP from a 4m platform!

When you are registering for Katapult Trampoline Park, you will see kids jumping infront of you! I got to admit, jumping from 4m might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

The kids at Katapult Trampoline Park today are game to push their adrenaline limit!
Just curious, Katapult means “Catapult” or the Malay rice from Satay “Ketupat?”
Either way, Fun is guaranteed for everyone, and parents are most welcomed to join too.

In case you are asking us what is available at Katapult, the highlights are definitely jumping and bouncing.
If you see huge airbags, leap and land πŸ™‚
Katapult Trampoline park review

You can try balancing too (not easy!)

Ample space for everyone to run around and perspire, or run and hide from Dodge ball.
Yishun Katapult Trampoline park

Hamtam-balla (aka dodge ball) anyone?
(image credit Cheekiemonkie)

Dare each other to JUMP together, the view from the top is quite intimidating for first timers, but just follow your friends!
20150807 Katapult

Video : Look at the Fun Jumps! Kids can never STOP at Katapult Trampoline Park!

We were invited by Cheekiemonkie to celebrate Ayden’s 9th Birthday. I was telling the kids my own childhood birthdays were never so happening πŸ™‚

I am sure your family will have as much fun at Katapult Trampoline Park, but do exercise caution on landing. Boon Xin was careless and sprained her ankle, fortunately no torn ligament or fracture. She was down for one week :p
Xin sprain ankle

Don’t let gravity hold you down! That is Katapult’s tagline, and these kids sure had a Fun day Jumping!
(image credit Cheekiemonkie)

Katapult Trampoline Park opening Hours :
Mon: 12pm – 9pm
Tue-Sun: 9am – 9pm
School Holidays & Public Holidays: 9am – 9pm

– 1 hour of jump time (Mon to Fri up to 5pm)- $15
– 1 hour of jump time (Mon to Fri from 5pm onwards, and weekends, PH)- $19

Free socks for first 50 jumpers every day, other $2 a pair.
Ticketing details for 2hours booking are available on website, if you have additional stamina :p

Contact :
Address: 81 Lorong Chencharu, #01-11 ORTO Singapore 769198
Phone: 6754 5188

Do pre-book online to avoid disappointment. More details about Katapult Trampoline Park can be found on their website and Fanpage. Parking space might be limited during weekends, you can try their valet or park at Yishun Stadium and walk across Yishun Avenue 2. The nearest MRT is Khatib.

After jumping, there is another way to cool down, Long Kang fishing (read our Bishan Park experience).

Read our previous Trampoline experience at Zoom Park Asia. Click to read our Orto Long Kang fish experience.

Zoom Park Asia review

[ Media Invite ]

Please do not ask the kids whether they like to run or jump. More often than not, parents got more challenges trying to ask kids to settle down!

When Zoom Park Asia invited us to jump to our hearts’ content (actually it is one hour), I knew the kids would be thrilled.

Located at 200 Pandan Gardens, Zoo Park Asia is Singapore’s largest Trampoline park.
Eager kids have to watch a safety clip, and non-slip socks are a must (available for $2 per pair).
Trampoline Park Singapore

Zoom Park Asia jumping Rates.

After keeping our shoes and bags, we have to listen to instructor’s orientation and demo.

Vast space for kids to run, jump or hop around, about 4 basketball court size.

Love the open concept for kids to experiment. Instructors will be on hand to show kids the correct posture and landing. Adults can try too πŸ™‚

Everyone can jump and have fun, no prior Parkour experience needed
(unless you are doing some somersaults or backflips)

To quote from Zoom Park Asia:
“Zoom Park is an indoor trampoline park that brings American trampoline sports to Asia. Our park in Singapore includes 2 dodgeball courts, a 4-lane foam pit, a 5-lane airbag, 3 basketball slam dunk lanes, 3 long tumble tracks and a spacious main court. For those looking for more adventure and challenge, we offer a fidget ladder, a slackline, a 17-metre lateral rock wall and high performance mats as well.”

It shouts FUN!

Dodgeball needs rule? Just avoid getting whacked, aka our childhood game “Hamtam Ball-la”
The bouncing trampoline allows 1.2m boy to dunk too :p

Checkout our video below.
Zoom Park Asia review

If the kids still have spare energy, ask them to climb up the wall before jumping into the foam pit below!
Just make sure no one is lying below.

Or you can simply follow Daddy, run down the pavement and fly superman-style into the foam pit πŸ™‚
Zoom Park Asia photos

Instructor told us we are burning 1000 calories for very 10 minutes!

Jumping is Fun but super exhausting! I was sweating buckets after 5 minutes.
But the kids were super charged and kept dashing left right, and bouncing up down!

There is a sense of freedom and liberation whenever we propel ourselves off the trampoline.
As kids grew more confident, they try to pickup additional stunts.

Video : Zoom Park Asia – Dodge ball, Bouncing, sommersaults etc

Kids could not bear to bid Zoom Park Asia farewell.

During our visit, we notice both function rooms were booked for Birthday parties.
Checkout Zoom Park Asia’s Birthday package here.

Additional tips to enjoy Zoom Park Asia:
– If you are just watching, no need to pay
– Zoom Park will be closed from 12pm to 4pm everyday from Tuesday to Sunday for maintenance and cleaning of the park.
– Contact number – 6334 4615 (do call before going down)
– Address : 200 Pandan Gardens, #01-14, Singapore 609336
– Jump with Zoom Park on their Website, Instagram and Fanpage

We only got one advice for parents, do not tell the kids “You jump, I jump!

** do take note that Zoom Park Asia is now undergoing renovation. Follow their social media channels for latest updates