Young Scientists comics brings kids knowledge and joy

[ Sponsored Review and Giveaway ]

We have always love Young Scientists comics. The magazine format and comics presentation bring Science across in a Fun way. Thanks to OpenSchoolbag, we were gifted three sets of Young Scientists.

Although formal Science education starts in Primary 3, everyone can enjoy learning about Science and general knowledge earlier. Look at our P5 Brother coaching P1 Science πŸ™‚

At their young formative years, Science might be too abstract.
But Young Scientists comics make learning Fun (no stress).

It is just like reading a comic book. One can get addicted (adults inclusive).

Young Scientists Level 2 (for P3 and P4)
Young Scientist subscription price

Everything you need to know about Fungi (yes mushrooms) and Ghost sightings?
Crocodile need toothpicks, are you kidding? And some fun quizzes, PSLE format :p

Daddy ask Boon Kang what is the difference between his School’s science books and Young Scientists?
Bong Kang : Young Scientists has a game in the magazine and there are sometimes funny jokes (Discovery) at the back. I enjoy reading the book as the comics are interesting.

We have seen fighter jets zoom across the sky (RSAF Airshow), and Boon Kang gets to learn about sky trails.

Young Scientists Level 1 (for P1 and P2)
The contents can be about everyday things. The comics are designed to trigger young kids’ curiosity. Daddy find the pictorial articles easy to digest and visually attractive.

Boon Yee : I learn about sharks and a new animal call the stingray. I have seen it in Sea Aquarium and restaurant(!). Boon Yee loves discovering about new Sea creatures.

Besides Science topics like Blood types and Newton’s Gravity, Boon Yee learns about Kindness too. The more questions he ask, the more curious he gets.

You will also notice Youtube links for kids to get a better understanding.

Young Scientists Level 3 (for P5 and P6)
The older kids will learn more about the environment, like what causes Haze and Greenhouse effect.

Seldom see them so engrossed. Anything else beside TV programmes and Ipad is definitely a better option. (read our earlier review about Young Scientists)

Boon Wee : I love the colourful cartoon characters and the short stories. Young Scientist helps me to enjoy Science and gain knowledge in a fun relaxing way. The simple words used in the magazine helps me to understand better.

Thanks to Young Scientists, our kids are fascinated with Science, they are asking more questions and we sometimes see them spending more time devouring Science facts.

More details about Young Scientists magazines can be found on OpenSchoolbag website and Fanpage.

Giveaway Alert
If you love Young Scientists and giveaways, OpenSchoolbag is sponsoring one reader free one-year subscription (10 magazines worth $53, choose any Level) and ten $5 vouchers (for subscribers).

Contest Mechanics :
1. Like OpenSchoolbag and SengkangBabies Fanpage
2. Leave your name and email on our Fanpage entry (or you can message us)
Young Scientist contest

3. Share our Fanpage post on your Facebook Wall and tag @SengkangBabiesBlog, so that we know

4. Contest ends 28May at 11pm, and eleven winners will be randomly picked (the first one will win one year subscription)

Young Scientists keep our kids curious

If we are stuck at home, read Young Scientists lor.
Pardon the Singlish, but Boon Kang is happy both at home or outdoors.
Young scientists magazine

True is, SengkangBabies’ March school holidays are quite happening.

We started with Dinosnores (pop by our cool photos) last Fri, Cookies and Candy buffet at Candy Empire, just look at the huge Chupa Chups lollipop!

Wait, we still have Disney On Ice, a Staycation before school reopens.
And maybe, just maybe, one trip to iFly πŸ™‚

Daddy’s own school holidays was definitely more mundane and in touch with nature, like grasshoppers.

What happen if the Rain or Haze had persisted and kept us indoors?
Thanks to Young Scientists (sponsors OpenSchoolbag), Science magazines will keep them preoccupied with knowledge and theories.
Daddy is expecting tons of questions later!

We are happy than Boon Yee is following his brother’s foosteps to learn more about Science.

Stay tune as we will share more about Young Scientist, and we might even be able to do a give away πŸ™‚