Hair For Hope 2012 – Daddy to be botak head

For every guys, the defining moment is when we drop our hairs during NS time.
Yes, we dread looking at ourselves in the mirror, and Yes, we do not need shampoo, but given a choice, how many would opt to go bald?

For some sick children, who need to undergo chemo, they do not have a say. Their hair will drop off due to their cancer treatment.

So, on 28.29July (Vivocity), thousands will queue up to shave.
Through this symbolic hair-shaving event, organiser and participants hope to :

1. Create awareness of childhood cancer in Singapore
2. Show children with cancer and their families that they are not alone in their fight against cancer
3. Tell children with cancer that it is OK to be bald
4. Raise funds to help children with cancer and their families
5. Build a community of support for children with cancer and their families

More updates and details can be found at HFH website and fanpage.

Daddy’s inspiration and models come from two other lady friends :
1) Ruiting – If a gal can do it, I can definitely survive the botak days again
2) Irene and two kids ! – Kudos to family spirit. I could not convince my two boys to join me keke.

Oh, in case you need to compare Daddy before/after photo, click this link –> Gardens By The East. Anybody keen to join Daddy?

## Updated 2012Jul30 – the hair has fallen

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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