Star War’s Death Star at Legoland Malaysia

When did Death Star landed in China?

Last week, in a Galaxy far far away…..
We witnessed a new episode in Lego Star Wars (星球大战), and light sabres dueling too!

Mention Star Wars and a few characters come into mind. Yoda, Luke, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Obi Wan, Emperor and how can we forget the enigmatic Darth Vader?

Death Star weighs almost 800Kg, and is made of 750 000 Lego pieces and has a diameter of 2.3m.

We follow the Star Wars cast towards the Death Star at Miniland (miniland review here). Wow, Legoland’s management is dressed in Jedi robe.

Can you spot the dogfight between x-Wing and Empire’s Tie fighters?

Darth Vader and his Storm troopers

Remember how Luke drove his X-wing in the Trench tunnel !

.. no wonder Darth is so breathless with rage.

Video : See the fighters rotate around the Death Star

Death Star is the star attraction, even the “rebel forces” are in awe !

Daddy could not resist the lure of the “Dark side”.

For those with deep pocket or hardcore Yoda fans, BigShop has more temptations 🙂

If you happen to drop by Legoland, pop by the Death Star !

At Night, the lasers will be beamed from the cannon !

(image credit)

Video :May the Force be with You, we leave you with a timelapse Death Star !

There will be a series Star Wars activities to interest little Jedis in August. We overheard that if kids visit Legoland on 16th Aug in Star Wars costume, they will enjoy free entry !

More details about Legoland events :
Legoland Malaysia Fanpage for latest updates
– all the Star War photos in our Fanpage
Water Park opening in 2013 October
– 7 worlds review here and CNY snake

On a side note, Legoland Hotel (2014) is visible from all over Asia.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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