My Golf Kaki academy

[Sponsored event]

A few Saturdays ago, Wei and Kang were invited to putt at My Golf Kaki Academy. Daddy thought this was a good experience, after all, he only know a little bit about “birdie”, and we met Tiger Woods in Hong Kong.

Daddy is a greenhorn when it comes to the gentleman’s game.

While waiting for everyone to arrive, Boon Kang mimic driving the buggy.

Our pro (coach) Gabriel and Jay show us the correct grip and posture for the swing. We need to build a solid foundation before we can tee off effectively.

We told our Pro that the nearest we got to a golf course was on Nintendo Wii’s PGA tour. The online version did not have so many rules and regulations πŸ™‚

With Practice comes perfection. Although we are not hitting the bull’s eye yet, slowly but surely, we pick up momentum and technique.

Brothers learn that Golf can impart positive traits like Discipline, Determination, Focus, and Perseverance. Tiger Woods started his golf career from 3 years old !

Daddy joined in for some fun too.

For the next stage, we pop by a mini field to learn about putting and chipping.

Kids must remember to use less force (no longer Full Swing), just aim for the hole and lightly tap.

It looks easy when we see the pros in action, effortless chip, roll, and goal. Somehow, the slope and gravity are against us. Despite the warm humid atmosphere, we rally each other on.

Our first time stepping on Tanglin Public Golf Course. The first hole is 96m away, kids are tired already ooops.

Thank you My Golf Kaki Academy for the invite, we had a fun afternoon with our fellow kakis. More fun photos are available from SengkangBabies and MyGolfKakiAcademy Fanpage.

Do pop by Daddy M (Wacky Duo) and Edmund (EdUnloaded)’s experience too.

To quote from My Golf Kaki Academy’s PR contact :
“Golf is not only a physical but also a mental game. At my golf kaki Academy, we hope to develop and nurture an interest for golf through the teaching of golf skills as well as the introduction to golf etiquette and core values. Honesty, respect and courtesy are some of the core values which we want to impart to students with the aim of building their character and shaping their learning experience in positive and meaningful ways.”

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Interested to know more?

Golf Kaki Academy’s beginner course (6 weeks) starts from $22.50, which is heavily subsidised. The course details are available here.

The bloggers’ two hours session was actually a special golf-clinic, which is available for private booking (minimum 10 students).
1. Safety Briefing and Warm Up (10min)
2. Grip, Posture, Alignment and Aim (10min)
3. Half Swing Basics (25min)
4. Full Swing (25min)
5. Putting and Chipping (25min)
6. Mini Chipping and Putting Game (25min)

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Address : 130E Minden Road, Singapore 248819
Operating Hours: 7am to 7pm daily. (last tee off at 5.45pm)

Contact Number: 6479 6670
Fanpage :

Tulips in Tropical Singapore !

[Media Invite]

Thanks to KLM, 20 000 Tulip Bulbs (郁金香) have been air-flown all the way from Holland. Tulips, Windmill and clogs remind us of Holland.

You do not need to fly 12 hours to visit your favourite blooms. From 29th April to 20th May, Gardens By The Bay (GBTB)’s colourful TulipMania will amaze you.

We were invited to do some gardening, and Boon Yee still does not know his hands will get dirty.

Before we start, we need to attend Tulips 101 crash course.

Hundreds of boxes, the content does not look anything like Tulips yet, but we know something magical awaits in a few days.

We had students from Temasek JC to cultivate the field with us.

In case we forget the colours, there is actually a Tulips masterplan.

We heard there is a time-lapse camera capturing the budding Tulips. Daddy cannot wait to see the Tulips explode into colours.

Once the Tulips start blooming, we might see something like this? You can expect Windmills and clogs in the Gardens !

Flower Dome was closed to accommodate the makeover. We saw professional gardeners spruce and prune, skillfully decorating Tall Vases in under 30 mins !

Boon Yee must be the youngest Gardener on that day πŸ™‚

YES, we need to get our hands dirty, but no one is complaining πŸ™‚

It was a new experience for us, how many will get a chance to do gardening in the Flower Dome? Thank you Ferne for the father son photos πŸ™‚

While we are taking a break, we admire the eggs and bunny from Easter.

After today, we appreciate the efforts and hardwork needed to change FlowerBed every season. It still feels weird to talk about four seasons in humid Singapore.

Video : Hardworking Volunteers planting Tulips

Now, we just have to wait. Make a date, 29th April.

We would like to thanks Gardens by the Bay (GBTB) for the invite, both Daddy and Yi had a memorable outing. Check out the photos of us perspiring on the Flower field πŸ™‚

As May12 is Mother’s day, a series of events are cater with Mums in mind.

More about GBTB and Tulips here :

Win tickets to GBTB (ends 28th Apr)
Gardens Fanpage
– more about Flower Dome
Satay by the Bay (F&B)
– Gardens by the Bay official opening (includes link to Cloud Forest)