How to convert Instagram video

Are you on Instagram (IG)?
If yes, you might have play with Instagram Video before (not yet?)

Have you ever wonder how to convert that funny Instagram video format (mkv) to another format? Or maybe you wish to share IG video on YouTube or Facebook.
how to convert Instagram video, how to download Instagram video

We are using Download Helper to save our Instagram videos into MP4. Just google for “Download Helper” and your browser-friendly version will pop up.
We are on Firefox Mozilla.

We can now convert IG video to another format in three simple steps !
Instagram video format, free tool to download Instagram video

Video : The Instagram video is now on YouTube. If you have other tools (free) to recommend, please share.

In case you are interested in the ice slide, do pop by our Ice Art experience.
Follow us on Instagram and Youtube too.
Instagram video format, free tool to download Instagram video

Download Helper has a useful video conversion tips too.

ps.. Do take note that it might not be legal to download movies\music which does not belong to you

Fun for Free

You know SengkangBabies’ motto is “We bring you Fun!“, and we also tag ourselves “Ambassadors of Fun”.

There are a lot of attractions and playgrounds in Singapore but some tickets are on the high side. We share Singapore’s Top 3 attractions in an earlier post, and lament that a family of four will need to spend $80++ just for entry.

Water play at Fountains, Bugis Junction Fountain

We are fortunate that our Blog has been engaged for some media previews, saving a bundle. And we keep trying to highlight to whoever would listen, that our River Safari, Sea Aquarium and other world-class attractions can be made more affordable.

We were happy when Mummy Adora (GingerBreadMum) started Instagram #FunforfreeSG. She is asking for everyone to contribute “Fun and Free” activities, read her story here.

SengkangBabies IG, #FunforFreeSG, Free playgrounds Singapore

This is one of our FUN contributions πŸ™‚

Video : To adults, lifts bring you up or down a building. To kids, every lift ride is an adventure. And it is never a SIMPLE lift ride at NLB’s bubble lift.

Video : Talking about Play, we have been interviewed about our opinion on “Unstructured Play” (no rules, aka Children own-time-own-target). Daddy highlighted that kids nowadays are so helpless without their mobile devices, they come back to parents for playtime-ideas.

Hello, we used to design our own games in the 70s and 80s. Pop by more more kids friendly activities at

Do pop by IG #FunForFreeSG and view the Fun places in Singapore.
Fun need not be expensive, and although Singapore is small, there is no lack of playgrounds (just ask the kids).

We hope you will contribute and share your own Fun corners too πŸ™‚
Follow us on Instagram and Fanpage.

ps.. the first pic is Boon Yee and Boon Xin dashing at Bugis Junction’s Fountain.
Everyone was jealous of the Fun they had haha.